Other InformationJurist from the Southern part of The Netherlands. At University of Leuven, 1507 (?) See also records Johannes Roelands sr. (died 1512, in Brussels) or his son Johannes Roelands jr.
Variant NamesJo(h)anni Roelandi
Other Identifierhttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="3091"])
Start (year)1501
End (year)1600
Last Edit2023-09-20 14:16:08
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Roelands, Johannes (sixteenth century, Brussels).
Owner Id00014056
Other InformationJurist from the Southern part of The Netherlands. At University of Leuven, 1507 (?) See also records Johannes Roelands sr. (died 1512, in Brussels) or his son Johannes Roelands jr.
Variant NamesJo(h)anni Roelandi
Other Identifierhttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="3091"])
Start (year)1501
End (year)1600
Last Edit2023-09-20 14:16:08
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