Owners of Incunabula

owners/00013808 Sprenger, Elias

Petrus de Manso (Peter Verhoeven) (fifteenth/sixteenth century)

Possessore Id00013808
Altre informazionipriest and father confessor of nuns at Thabor at Mechelen and later of the Béguines of Mechelen; see P. Verheyden, `De paneelstempel Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ten-Troon', De Gulden Passer, 24 (1946), 30; perhaps to be identified with Petrus [Mans de] Westerhoven, Abbot of Tongerlo 1501-4.
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2839"])

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Petrus de Manso (Peter Verhoeven) (fifteenth/sixteenth century)

Possessore Id00013808
Altre informazionipriest and father confessor of nuns at Thabor at Mechelen and later of the Béguines of Mechelen; see P. Verheyden, `De paneelstempel Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ten-Troon', De Gulden Passer, 24 (1946), 30; perhaps to be identified with Petrus [Mans de] Westerhoven, Abbot of Tongerlo 1501-4.
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2839"])