Owners of Incunabula

owners/00013648 . –  []

Oppenheimer, David (1664-1736)

Possessore Id00013648
Estremi biografici1664 - 1736
Altre informazionirabbi; see Macray 319-20, 469; Craster 17, 20-1, 23, 105-6; A. Marx, `Some Notes on the History of David Oppenheimer's Library', <i>Revue des études juives</i>, 82 (1926) [Israel Lévi Festschrift], 451-60; `Materialien zur Geschichte der Bibliothek David Oppenheims', <i>Soncino-Blätter</i>, 2 (1927), 59-80; E. O. W[instedt], `Oppenheimer Exhibition', <i>BQR</i> 8 (1936), 212; S. Brisman, <i>A History and Guide to Judaic Bibliography</i>, Bibliographia Judaica, 7 (Cincinnati and New York, 1977); I. G. Philip, `The Bodleian Library', in <i>Nineteenth-Century Oxford</i>, Part I, ed. M. G. Brock and M. C. Curthoys, The History of the University of Oxford, 6 (Oxford, 1997), 585-97, at 590; <i>ex informatione</i> Silke Schaeper; information on earlier catalogues of the Oppenheimer collection is held by the Oriental Manuscripts and Books section, Department of Special Collections, Bodleian Library. Heb 2(2); Heb 3; Heb 9(4); Heb 10(2); Heb 11(4); Heb 13(4); Heb 29; Heb 32; Heb 33(1); Heb 34; Heb 35; Heb 37(2); Heb 38; Heb 43(2); Heb 44; Heb 45; Heb 46; Heb 47; Heb 48; Heb 51(2); Heb 52(2); Heb 53(2); Heb 54; Heb 55(1); Heb 56(2); Heb 57(2); Heb 58; Heb 61; Heb 62; Heb 63(2); Heb 64; Heb 65; Heb 67; Heb 68(2); Heb 71; Heb 72(2); Heb 74; Heb 76(1); Heb 83; Heb-Frag 3(1); Heb-Frag 19; Heb-Post 1
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id=


Inizio (anno)1664
Fine (anno)1736
MARC Area Codee-xr
LuogoPrague (Geonames Id: 3067696)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico
Ultima modifica2017-12-14 18:34:26

Tutti gli esemplari

Oppenheimer, David (1664-1736)

Possessore Id00013648
Estremi biografici1664 - 1736
Altre informazionirabbi; see Macray 319-20, 469; Craster 17, 20-1, 23, 105-6; A. Marx, `Some Notes on the History of David Oppenheimer's Library', <i>Revue des études juives</i>, 82 (1926) [Israel Lévi Festschrift], 451-60; `Materialien zur Geschichte der Bibliothek David Oppenheims', <i>Soncino-Blätter</i>, 2 (1927), 59-80; E. O. W[instedt], `Oppenheimer Exhibition', <i>BQR</i> 8 (1936), 212; S. Brisman, <i>A History and Guide to Judaic Bibliography</i>, Bibliographia Judaica, 7 (Cincinnati and New York, 1977); I. G. Philip, `The Bodleian Library', in <i>Nineteenth-Century Oxford</i>, Part I, ed. M. G. Brock and M. C. Curthoys, The History of the University of Oxford, 6 (Oxford, 1997), 585-97, at 590; <i>ex informatione</i> Silke Schaeper; information on earlier catalogues of the Oppenheimer collection is held by the Oriental Manuscripts and Books section, Department of Special Collections, Bodleian Library. Heb 2(2); Heb 3; Heb 9(4); Heb 10(2); Heb 11(4); Heb 13(4); Heb 29; Heb 32; Heb 33(1); Heb 34; Heb 35; Heb 37(2); Heb 38; Heb 43(2); Heb 44; Heb 45; Heb 46; Heb 47; Heb 48; Heb 51(2); Heb 52(2); Heb 53(2); Heb 54; Heb 55(1); Heb 56(2); Heb 57(2); Heb 58; Heb 61; Heb 62; Heb 63(2); Heb 64; Heb 65; Heb 67; Heb 68(2); Heb 71; Heb 72(2); Heb 74; Heb 76(1); Heb 83; Heb-Frag 3(1); Heb-Frag 19; Heb-Post 1
Altro identificativohttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id=


Inizio (anno)1664
Fine (anno)1736
MARC Area Codee-xr
LuogoPrague (Geonames Id: 3067696)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteEcclesiastico
Ultima modifica2017-12-14 18:34:26