Other Informationsee Christoph Theophil von Murr, Memorabilia Bibliothecarum Publicarum Norimbergensium et Universitatis Altdorfinae, 3vols (Nuremberg, 1786-9); Karlheinz Goldmann, Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg (Nuremberg, 1957).
Other Identifierhttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2639"])
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Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek
Owner Id00013614
Other Informationsee Christoph Theophil von Murr, Memorabilia Bibliothecarum Publicarum Norimbergensium et Universitatis Altdorfinae, 3vols (Nuremberg, 1786-9); Karlheinz Goldmann, Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg (Nuremberg, 1957).
Other Identifierhttps://aeolus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/collections/incunables/provenances_for_mei.xml#xpointer(//*[@id="2639"])
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