Kloß, Georg Franz Burkhard
Owner Id00013021
Biographical dates - Period of existence1787-1854
Other InformationWas born in Frankfurt am Main (see ADB XVI 227-8), physician, collector of manuscripts and incunables. His collection was put on sale at Sotheby's in 1835. For the catalogue of his auction in 1835, see: (The Hague, KB, verz. cat. 15524).
Georg Kloss was a specialist of freemasonry and masonic bibliography.
Reference: Sack, V., Die Inkunabeln der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, deel 3, 1985, p. 1598.
Bookplate : "Georgius Kloß, M.D. Francfurti ad Moenum."
See :
- William James Hughan, Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Articles, Engravings, Aprons, and Other Curios Relating to Freemasonry, and Now Forming the Worcestershire Masonic Library & Museum, G. Kenning, 1891, p.14.
- Georg Franz Burkhard Kloss, Bibliographie der freimaurerei und der mit ihr in verbindung gesetzten geheimen gesellschaften, Frankfurt am Main, J.D. Sauerländer, 1844.
on the manuscripts of Kloss, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
The main attraction of the collection, according to Sotheby, were autographs of Philipp Melanchton, as it was written in the catalogue: Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a. M., professor, including printed books with manuscript annotations by Philipp Melanchton. London, Sotheby & son, 1835. Sotheby claimed that hundreds of the books in the sale had Melanchthon’s notes, they in fact did not, and Kloss himself vigorously disputed Sotheby’s claims. Those claims kept being misleading for a long time, as shown in an article published on 9 February 1910 in the "Boston Evening Transcript" and signed by 'The Bibliographer' [most likely George Henry Sargent (1867-1931)]: "… the recurrence from time to time of books from Dr. Kloss’s library (sold originally from this catalogued compiled by Sotheby) described by booksellers and others as being “Melanchton’s copy from the Kloss Library” and priced at figure beyond the ordinary market value show that some buyers may yet be unacquainted with the facts of the case." (a digitized copy of the newspaper is available here: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=sArNgO4T4MoC&dat=19100209&printsec=frontpage&hl=en); see also: https://library.leeds.ac.uk/special-collections/view/1159/georg_franz_burkhard_kloss; https://library.leeds.ac.uk/special-collections/view/1164/samuel_leigh_sotheby; According to Lilian Clark (BL Clark's slips) after 1835 Kloß started a collection of books on Masonry [J. Lancaster-A. Panzanelli].
Variant NamesKloss, Georg Franz Burkhard
Kloss, Georg
Kloss, Johann G.
Kloss, Johann Georg Burkhard Franz
Kloß, Georg Franz Burghard
Klosz, Georgius
Other Identifierhttps://lccn.loc.gov/n93038985
Start (year)1787
End (year)1835
MARC Area Codee-gx
PlaceFrankfurt am Main (Geonames Id: 2925533)
Profession / Type of InstitutionPhysician
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Start (year)1835
End (year)1841
MARC Area Codee-gx
PlaceFrankfurt am Main (Geonames Id: 2925533)
Profession / Type of InstitutionPhysician
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2021-06-10 16:21:07