Brem, Bonaventura, OPraem
Owner Id00011574
Biographical dates - Period of existence1755 - 1818
Other InformationLast Abbot of Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus, Weissenau, near Ravensburg, Württemberg. Librarian 1784, Abbot 1794-1803, house dissolved 1803; see Cottineau II 3439-40; Backmund, Praemonstratenses, 88-9, 503; Gustav Hänel, 'Handschriften im Schlosse Liebenau bei Ravensburg', Serapeum, 8 (1847), 43-5. On Brem see J. P. Hautinger, Süddeutsche Klöster vor hundert Jahren, ed. Gabriel Meier (Cologne, 1889), 108 n. 2.
IPI: Brem, Bonaventura (Albanus), 1755-1818, last abbot of Weissenau OPraem (1793-1803); at dissolution he retired to Schloss Liebenau, formerly property of Weingarten OSB, and brought part of the Weissenau library there; in 1849 these books went, with the Schloss, to Graf Georg Ferdinand von Waldburg-Zeil, SJ (Fischer, 132-33; Hermann Link, Die Stiftung Liebenau (Liebenau 1973), 71-72; Brenner, 240-41) [supralibros B A Z W; Warnecke 2409 (mis-assigned to Abb. Benedictus Rheindl); Oates 32]
Other Identifier
Start (year)1755
End (year)1818
MARC Area Codee-gx
PlaceWeissenau (Geonames Id: 2811974)
Profession / Type of InstitutionClergy
Last Edit2020-12-22 04:44:03