Owners of Incunabula

owners/00011518 00011518

Bolongaro Crevenna, Pietro Antonio

Owner Id00011518
Biographical dates - Period of existence1735 - 1792
Other InformationBorn in Milan, snuff merchant in Amsterdam; he took a second surname Bolongaro of inheritance from his wife’s wealthy family (IPI). Book collector, trader in tobacco and snuff; see DBI, XXX 752-4; Parenti I 299-300; D. M. Rogers, `Note no. 35. Crevenna and La Vallière', Book Collector, 3 (1954), 148-9; Jos van Heel, `Bolongaro Crevenna: een Italiaans koopman en bibliofiel in Amsterdam', Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 5 (1998), 73-94: books bought by him from La Vallière were marked on the last or the penultimate flyleaf with a curly `V'. See Catalogue des livres de M. Pierre-Antoine Bolongaro-Crevenna (Amsterdam: Changuion and P. den Hengst, 1789); books from Crevenna's sale contain a small white ticket inside the front cover with a lot number in arabic figures. It would appear that the Bodleian Library bought at the sale through Thomas Payne, who nearly consistently converted prices in Florins at the rate of fl. 10 = £0. 17. 6; some items were bought in by P. den Hengst and were sold to the Bodleian at a much higher price (e.g. B-241(1)); other items (D-010, D-011, D-014(2), H-086(1); N-082) were possibly acquired through van den Bergh, also at prices not relating directly to the hammer prices. See also U. Baurmeister 'The Recording of Marks of Provenance in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and other French Libraries', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 91 (1997), 527-9, with illustrations of the Crevenna sale ticket and the curly 'V'.
Other Identifierhttp://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp00387349


Start (year)1735
End (year)1792
NoteYears of activity based on Jos van Heel, 'Bolongaro Crevenna: een Italiaans koopman en bibliofiel in Amsterdam', Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 5 (1998), 73-94.
MARC Area Codee-ne
Note on the geographic regionBMC IV:
p. 30: IB.17371;

p. 168: IA.19627; p. 474: IB.23527;

p. 618: IA.27017; p. 627: IB.27079a; p. 670: IA.27604; p. 778: IA.26646; p. 838: IA.29007; p. 883: IA.28310;

BMC VII: p. 1032: IA.31723b; p. 1113: IA.35526.
PlaceAmsterdam (Geonames Id: 2759794)
Profession / Type of InstitutionBusiness
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2017-11-17 11:11:28

All Copies

Bolongaro Crevenna, Pietro Antonio

Owner Id00011518
Biographical dates - Period of existence1735 - 1792
Other InformationBorn in Milan, snuff merchant in Amsterdam; he took a second surname Bolongaro of inheritance from his wife’s wealthy family (IPI). Book collector, trader in tobacco and snuff; see DBI, XXX 752-4; Parenti I 299-300; D. M. Rogers, `Note no. 35. Crevenna and La Vallière', Book Collector, 3 (1954), 148-9; Jos van Heel, `Bolongaro Crevenna: een Italiaans koopman en bibliofiel in Amsterdam', Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 5 (1998), 73-94: books bought by him from La Vallière were marked on the last or the penultimate flyleaf with a curly `V'. See Catalogue des livres de M. Pierre-Antoine Bolongaro-Crevenna (Amsterdam: Changuion and P. den Hengst, 1789); books from Crevenna's sale contain a small white ticket inside the front cover with a lot number in arabic figures. It would appear that the Bodleian Library bought at the sale through Thomas Payne, who nearly consistently converted prices in Florins at the rate of fl. 10 = £0. 17. 6; some items were bought in by P. den Hengst and were sold to the Bodleian at a much higher price (e.g. B-241(1)); other items (D-010, D-011, D-014(2), H-086(1); N-082) were possibly acquired through van den Bergh, also at prices not relating directly to the hammer prices. See also U. Baurmeister 'The Recording of Marks of Provenance in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and other French Libraries', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 91 (1997), 527-9, with illustrations of the Crevenna sale ticket and the curly 'V'.
Other Identifierhttp://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp00387349


Start (year)1735
End (year)1792
NoteYears of activity based on Jos van Heel, 'Bolongaro Crevenna: een Italiaans koopman en bibliofiel in Amsterdam', Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 5 (1998), 73-94.
MARC Area Codee-ne
Note on the geographic regionBMC IV:
p. 30: IB.17371;

p. 168: IA.19627; p. 474: IB.23527;

p. 618: IA.27017; p. 627: IB.27079a; p. 670: IA.27604; p. 778: IA.26646; p. 838: IA.29007; p. 883: IA.28310;

BMC VII: p. 1032: IA.31723b; p. 1113: IA.35526.
PlaceAmsterdam (Geonames Id: 2759794)
Profession / Type of InstitutionBusiness
CharacterisationNo characterisation/lay
Last Edit2017-11-17 11:11:28