Biographical dates - Period of existence1843 - 1925
Other Informationengineer; see Hommes et destins: dictionnaire biographique d'outre-mer, 1- (Paris, 1977- ), IV 45-9; Clark, Collectors, 7; sales in Paris, 1926-8.
Other Identifier*[@id="243"])
Start (year)1801
End (year)2000
All Copies
Backer, Hector Marie A. de (1843-1925)
Owner Id00011296
Biographical dates - Period of existence1843 - 1925
Other Informationengineer; see Hommes et destins: dictionnaire biographique d'outre-mer, 1- (Paris, 1977- ), IV 45-9; Clark, Collectors, 7; sales in Paris, 1926-8.
Other Identifier*[@id="243"])
Start (year)1801
End (year)2000
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