Owners of Incunabula

owners/00010698 Lente, Theodor

Tournai, Jesuit College

Possessore Id00010698
Estremi biografici1562-1773
Altre informazioniThe dates 1562-1773 refer to the period of the foundation to the suppression of the first Jesuit College. The second Tournai Jesuit College was founded in 1839, and subsequently entrusted to the diocesan clergy, in 1957.
Varianti del nomeTournai, Collège des Jésuites, SJ


Inizio (anno)1562
Fine (anno)1773
MARC Area Codee-be
LuogoTournai (Geonames Id: 2785341)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteIstituzione religiosa
Ultima modifica2016-05-03 11:17:11

Tutti gli esemplari

Tournai, Jesuit College

Possessore Id00010698
Estremi biografici1562-1773
Altre informazioniThe dates 1562-1773 refer to the period of the foundation to the suppression of the first Jesuit College. The second Tournai Jesuit College was founded in 1839, and subsequently entrusted to the diocesan clergy, in 1957.
Varianti del nomeTournai, Collège des Jésuites, SJ


Inizio (anno)1562
Fine (anno)1773
MARC Area Codee-be
LuogoTournai (Geonames Id: 2785341)
Professione / Tipologia dell’enteIstituzione religiosa
Ultima modifica2016-05-03 11:17:11