Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02149628 Otori 606 [02149628]

Taipei, National Taiwan UL (TW) : Otori 606

N° ISTCip00791000
AuteurPlinius Secundus, Gaius
TitreHistoria naturalis. Ed: Philippus Beroaldus
Adresse bibliographiqueTreviso : Michael Manzolus, [not before 13 Oct.] 1479
SujetSciences naturelles

Description de l’exemplaire

ID de l’exemplaire02149628
Institution de conservationTaipei, National Taiwan UL (TW)
CoteOtori 606
Histoire de l’exemplaireCreated by Catherine Yu and Cristina Dondi, with data from the National Taiwan UL of Taipei
Reproduction électroniqueFull digital reproduction

Provenance 1488 - 1488

LieuStavoren, Deinum (Geonames ID: 2746816)
Aire géographiquee-ne
Période1488 - 1488
PossesseurBeyntsma, Pieter, 1488 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Ecclésiastique, Ecclésiastique/Religieux) Floruit
Type de provenanceInscription
Annotations manuscrites
Reproduction de la marque de provenanceBlog by Adrie van der Laan
NoteAt the end of the printed text: 'Liber Petri Statoris poetini Beyntsma de Stauria Fresie'; similar inscription in the Juvenal today in Groningen UL, for which see the blog by Adrie van der Laan, Venice in Frisia
Description de la reliureLeather binding, difficult to date
Note sur le décorMain initials are supplied in blue or red with reserved-white decoration and elaborate red and green, or pink penwork extending into the margin; Dutch style
Lettres ornementalesOui
Notes manuscritesExtensive marginal notes by the humanist Petrus Beyntsma. At the end of the printed text, various other texts are added in manuscript, 'Prophetia Santi Thome Cantuariensis episcopi De arboribus Bulxcamp', 'Ex Ptolomei Cosmographia' followed by a long list.
In the upper margin of the first page of printed text, on a2r, 'Joannis Pascasii G(?)' in a light brown in, 16th-century?
Before the printed text, in a later, 18th-century hand, a manuscript title page and colophon, brown ink.
Fréquence des annotationsAbondantes
Emplacement dans le livreDans l'ensemble du livre
Extraction de mots-clésOui

Provenance 1734 -

LieuGöttingen (Geonames ID: 2918632)
Aire géographiquee-gx
Période1734 - (not clear when the book left Goettingen)
noteOn a2r horizontal oval black stamp 'Ex bibliotheca Regia Acad. Georgiae Aug'., black ink.

provenance 1832 - 1911

timeperiod1832 - 1911

provenance 1929 -

placenameTaipei (Geonames ID: 1668341)
timeperiod1929 -

Informations supplémentaires

Dernière modification2023-08-12 04:30:51

Tous les exemplaires


Taipei, National Taiwan UL (TW) : Otori 606

N° ISTCip00791000
AuteurPlinius Secundus, Gaius
TitreHistoria naturalis. Ed: Philippus Beroaldus
Adresse bibliographiqueTreviso : Michael Manzolus, [not before 13 Oct.] 1479
SujetSciences naturelles

Description de l’exemplaire

ID de l’exemplaire02149628
Institution de conservationTaipei, National Taiwan UL (TW)
CoteOtori 606
Histoire de l’exemplaireCreated by Catherine Yu and Cristina Dondi, with data from the National Taiwan UL of Taipei
Reproduction électroniqueFull digital reproduction

Provenance 1488 - 1488

LieuStavoren, Deinum (Geonames ID: 2746816)
Aire géographiquee-ne
Période1488 - 1488
PossesseurBeyntsma, Pieter, 1488 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Ecclésiastique, Ecclésiastique/Religieux) Floruit
Type de provenanceInscription
Annotations manuscrites
Reproduction de la marque de provenanceBlog by Adrie van der Laan
NoteAt the end of the printed text: 'Liber Petri Statoris poetini Beyntsma de Stauria Fresie'; similar inscription in the Juvenal today in Groningen UL, for which see the blog by Adrie van der Laan, Venice in Frisia
Description de la reliureLeather binding, difficult to date
Note sur le décorMain initials are supplied in blue or red with reserved-white decoration and elaborate red and green, or pink penwork extending into the margin; Dutch style
Lettres ornementalesOui
Notes manuscritesExtensive marginal notes by the humanist Petrus Beyntsma. At the end of the printed text, various other texts are added in manuscript, 'Prophetia Santi Thome Cantuariensis episcopi De arboribus Bulxcamp', 'Ex Ptolomei Cosmographia' followed by a long list.
In the upper margin of the first page of printed text, on a2r, 'Joannis Pascasii G(?)' in a light brown in, 16th-century?
Before the printed text, in a later, 18th-century hand, a manuscript title page and colophon, brown ink.
Fréquence des annotationsAbondantes
Emplacement dans le livreDans l'ensemble du livre
Extraction de mots-clésOui

Provenance 1734 -

LieuGöttingen (Geonames ID: 2918632)
Aire géographiquee-gx
Période1734 - (not clear when the book left Goettingen)
PossesseurGöttingen, Universitätsbibliothek , 1734 - [Collectivité; Ancien possesseur] (Bibliothèque, Laïc)
Type de provenanceCachet/Estampille
NoteOn a2r horizontal oval black stamp 'Ex bibliotheca Regia Acad. Georgiae Aug'., black ink.

Provenance 1832 - 1911

Aire géographiquea-ja
Période1832 - 1911
PossesseurOtori, Keisuke, 1832-1911 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Fonctionnaire)

Provenance 1929 -

LieuTaipei (Geonames ID: 1668341)
Aire géographiquea-ch
Période1929 -
PossesseurTaipei, National Taiwan UL, 1928- [Collectivité] (Bibliothèque, Laïc)
Type de provenanceCachet/Estampille

Informations supplémentaires

Dernière modification2023-08-12 04:30:51