Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02148359 Inc. 105/ Inc. U. 105 [02148359]

Cluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române (RM) : Inc. 105/ Inc. U. 105

ISTC No.ia01221000
AuthorAugustinus, Aurelius
ImprintStrassburg : Martin Flach (printer of Strassburg), 11 Aug. 1491

Description of Copy

Copy Id02148359
Holding InstitutionCluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române (RM)
ShelfmarkInc. 105/ Inc. U. 105
NotePlace and date of print from colophon on f. Q7 verso, which reads: “Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi […] impensis et opera Martini Flach Argentinae accuratissime impressorum. Finis Anno a nativitate salvatorus nostrus. M. cccc. xci. Die xi. Mensis Augusti.”
Former shelfmarks:
F. a1r: "Inc. 18" (in red pencil), "Inc. III/8" (blue pen).; "20 (093)" (pencil);
F. a1v: "M. VII. 10" (in pencil), "238" (note on the lower part of the spine)
Size of leaves280 × 200 mm
Copy FeaturesComplete
Support material (book)Paper

Provenance 1491 - 1520

Time period1491 - 1520
Provenance nameAnonymous, Germany, 1491-1550 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteA series of four annotations dated between 1498-1520 appear on the rear and front pastedown. None of them can be associated to a particular owner. They are listed below in chronological order:

Rear pastedown:
Lower margin in brown ink: "Anno d[omi]ni MCCCCXCVIII super festo sancte Allexandre promisi ei velle dari sedecim grosshorum pro libro. Dedi ei xvi grosshorum quinta feria…"
This note registers the selling of the present volume for sixteen Groschen, which indicates its presence in a German territory.

Upper margin: "Genitor meus dominica cantate de nocte infra undecimam et duodecimam horas et sequenti secunda feria videlicet ante Urbani qui fuit et quinta feria post cantate sepultus, cuius anima requiescat in pace. Anno d[omi]ni xvi octavo (?)"
The annotation from the top informs about the death of the anonymous writer’s father, who passed away on a Sunday between 11 P. M. and midnight, the day before Saint Urban, celebrated on May 23. The year noted as “xvi octavo” should be read as 1508 rather than 1608.

Front pastedown, in order of appearance:
1. Notes on a trial between Petrus Pfortingk and Ursula Küenen from around 1510/12: "Item causa se vertente inter Petrum Pfortingk ex una et Orsulam Kuenen ex altera totaliter concordata est et composita quinta feria post nativitatem Marie. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo xo."
The contents of this passage were crossed out with multiple lines using the same brown ink.

2. Note on a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux: "Melior est brevior penitencia hilariter pacta quam longa in auguria et reiecta malignis maior reverentia exhibe(n)tur humeris … beatus Bernhardus inquit tria sunt que in festivitatibus sanctorum vigilanter considerare debemus…"

3. A note on a decision of Albert, Archbishop of Mainz and Brandenburg reached in 1520: “Anno Domini 1520 Reuerendissimus Albertus Maguntinensis Brandeburgensis Archiepiscopus …”
Method of acquisitionPurchase
Binding note16th-century full Renaissance leather binding. Blind-stamped untanned skin.
The volume is in perfect condition, with the exception of occasional stains and minor damages on the margins. However, the model on the covers is worn out. Spine with four raised bands and no damages. Two notes on the spine (ink on leather): one at the top, which contains the title of the book and another towards the tail (“238”).
Two fully functioning metal clasps; decorated clasps and catch plates. The straps are not decorated.
Title on the upper part of the cover: "Opera augustina", stamped in Gothic characters.
The same model was used both for the front and the back cover. The frame displays a vegetal motif with four rose stamps marking each corner (15 mm each) and a central panel with floral stamps (35 mm) within a crocheted ogive. The spine is not decorated.

Binding date16th cent.
Binding typeBoards
Board materialWood
Cover materialLeather
Binding statusOriginal binding (not significantly altered)
Decoration NoteRed and blue lombards are used throughout the book together with larger parted initials.
Ornamental lettersYes
Rubrication noteRubrics, paraphs and highlighted initials (red and blue)
Manuscript notesOccasional marginal annotations referencing passages from the same book (e.g., f. v5r: super folio 132); extracting keywords (e.g., f. l6r: demonum natura); “NB”. Important segments are highlighted using black, brown, and green ink.

Bookmarks preferred over handwritten annotations. Twenty-seven small paper bookmarks were used in total throughout the volume; cut from a piece of paper that used to contain 15th/16th century handwritten notes in German (brown ink). Used from f. d1r and continue up to f. p2r; indicating an interest especially in Augustine’s Soliloquia, while the handwritten annotations are mostly concerned with his Confessiones. One strip of leather also used as bookmark.
Ms. notes (frequency)Occasional
Location in BookThroughout
Extraction of keywordsYes
Reading marks (underlining and pointing hands)Yes
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1561 - 1617

PlaceHalle, Saale (Geonames ID: 2911522)
Time period1561 - 1617
Provenance nameAndreas, Elias, 1561-1617 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Scholar, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteInscription on f. a1r: "Sum ex libris Eliae Andree Halensis. A[nn]o 85 Hale emptus"
Date of evidence1585
Method of acquisitionPurchase
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1730 - 1744

PlaceBistrița (Geonames ID: 684657)
Time period1730 - 1744
Provenance name Kemény, Sámuel, ?-1744 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Municipality, Aristocracy)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteNote on the front pastedown: "Ex libris Samuelis Kemény cui Deus I. O. M. providebit. Emptus Bistricii cum den. 68q. Anno 1730. Mensis July"
Date of evidence1730
Method of acquisitionPurchase
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1786 - 1860

PlaceHunedoara (Geonames ID: 675917)
Note on provenance place(Hu. Hunyad)
Time period1786 - 1860
Provenance nameZeyk János , 1786-1860 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Municipality, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteSignature on front pastedown.
Date of evidenceunknown

Provenance 1860 - 1948

PlaceCluj-Napoca (Geonames ID: 681290)
Time period1860 - 1948
Provenance nameUnitarian College Library , 1610-1948 [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Unknown, Library, Religious)
Provenance TypeStamp
NoteStamp: "Kolozsvár Unitárius Kollégium Könyvtár"
Date of evidenceunknown
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1950 -

PlaceCluj-Napoca (Geonames ID: 681290)
Time period1950 -
Provenance nameAcademy Library, Cluj, 1950- [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Unknown, Library, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeStamp
NoteStamp: "Academia R.P.R./ Filiala Cluj/ Biblioteca/ Nr. 105/ 1965"
Date of evidence1965
Method of acquisitionRequisition
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Other Information

CompletenessThe enumeration of provenance evidence is considered complete
Last Edit2023-02-18 11:29:48

All Copies


Cluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române (RM) : Inc. 105/ Inc. U. 105

ISTC No.ia01221000
AuthorAugustinus, Aurelius
ImprintStrassburg : Martin Flach (printer of Strassburg), 11 Aug. 1491

Description of Copy

Copy Id02148359
Holding InstitutionCluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române (RM)
ShelfmarkInc. 105/ Inc. U. 105
NotePlace and date of print from colophon on f. Q7 verso, which reads: “Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi […] impensis et opera Martini Flach Argentinae accuratissime impressorum. Finis Anno a nativitate salvatorus nostrus. M. cccc. xci. Die xi. Mensis Augusti.”
Former shelfmarks:
F. a1r: "Inc. 18" (in red pencil), "Inc. III/8" (blue pen).; "20 (093)" (pencil);
F. a1v: "M. VII. 10" (in pencil), "238" (note on the lower part of the spine)
Size of leaves280 × 200 mm
Copy FeaturesComplete
Support material (book)Paper

Provenance 1491 - 1520

Time period1491 - 1520
Provenance nameAnonymous, Germany, 1491-1550 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteA series of four annotations dated between 1498-1520 appear on the rear and front pastedown. None of them can be associated to a particular owner. They are listed below in chronological order:

Rear pastedown:
Lower margin in brown ink: "Anno d[omi]ni MCCCCXCVIII super festo sancte Allexandre promisi ei velle dari sedecim grosshorum pro libro. Dedi ei xvi grosshorum quinta feria…"
This note registers the selling of the present volume for sixteen Groschen, which indicates its presence in a German territory.

Upper margin: "Genitor meus dominica cantate de nocte infra undecimam et duodecimam horas et sequenti secunda feria videlicet ante Urbani qui fuit et quinta feria post cantate sepultus, cuius anima requiescat in pace. Anno d[omi]ni xvi octavo (?)"
The annotation from the top informs about the death of the anonymous writer’s father, who passed away on a Sunday between 11 P. M. and midnight, the day before Saint Urban, celebrated on May 23. The year noted as “xvi octavo” should be read as 1508 rather than 1608.

Front pastedown, in order of appearance:
1. Notes on a trial between Petrus Pfortingk and Ursula Küenen from around 1510/12: "Item causa se vertente inter Petrum Pfortingk ex una et Orsulam Kuenen ex altera totaliter concordata est et composita quinta feria post nativitatem Marie. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo xo."
The contents of this passage were crossed out with multiple lines using the same brown ink.

2. Note on a sermon by St. Bernard of Clairvaux: "Melior est brevior penitencia hilariter pacta quam longa in auguria et reiecta malignis maior reverentia exhibe(n)tur humeris … beatus Bernhardus inquit tria sunt que in festivitatibus sanctorum vigilanter considerare debemus…"

3. A note on a decision of Albert, Archbishop of Mainz and Brandenburg reached in 1520: “Anno Domini 1520 Reuerendissimus Albertus Maguntinensis Brandeburgensis Archiepiscopus …”
Method of acquisitionPurchase
Binding note16th-century full Renaissance leather binding. Blind-stamped untanned skin.
The volume is in perfect condition, with the exception of occasional stains and minor damages on the margins. However, the model on the covers is worn out. Spine with four raised bands and no damages. Two notes on the spine (ink on leather): one at the top, which contains the title of the book and another towards the tail (“238”).
Two fully functioning metal clasps; decorated clasps and catch plates. The straps are not decorated.
Title on the upper part of the cover: "Opera augustina", stamped in Gothic characters.
The same model was used both for the front and the back cover. The frame displays a vegetal motif with four rose stamps marking each corner (15 mm each) and a central panel with floral stamps (35 mm) within a crocheted ogive. The spine is not decorated.

Binding date16th cent.
Binding typeBoards
Board materialWood
Cover materialLeather
Binding statusOriginal binding (not significantly altered)
Decoration NoteRed and blue lombards are used throughout the book together with larger parted initials.
Ornamental lettersYes
Rubrication noteRubrics, paraphs and highlighted initials (red and blue)
Manuscript notesOccasional marginal annotations referencing passages from the same book (e.g., f. v5r: super folio 132); extracting keywords (e.g., f. l6r: demonum natura); “NB”. Important segments are highlighted using black, brown, and green ink.

Bookmarks preferred over handwritten annotations. Twenty-seven small paper bookmarks were used in total throughout the volume; cut from a piece of paper that used to contain 15th/16th century handwritten notes in German (brown ink). Used from f. d1r and continue up to f. p2r; indicating an interest especially in Augustine’s Soliloquia, while the handwritten annotations are mostly concerned with his Confessiones. One strip of leather also used as bookmark.
Ms. notes (frequency)Occasional
Location in BookThroughout
Extraction of keywordsYes
Reading marks (underlining and pointing hands)Yes
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1561 - 1617

PlaceHalle, Saale (Geonames ID: 2911522)
Time period1561 - 1617
Provenance nameAndreas, Elias, 1561-1617 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Scholar, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteInscription on f. a1r: "Sum ex libris Eliae Andree Halensis. A[nn]o 85 Hale emptus"
Date of evidence1585
Method of acquisitionPurchase
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1730 - 1744

PlaceBistrița (Geonames ID: 684657)
Time period1730 - 1744
Provenance name Kemény, Sámuel, ?-1744 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Municipality, Aristocracy)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteNote on the front pastedown: "Ex libris Samuelis Kemény cui Deus I. O. M. providebit. Emptus Bistricii cum den. 68q. Anno 1730. Mensis July"
Date of evidence1730
Method of acquisitionPurchase
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1786 - 1860

PlaceHunedoara (Geonames ID: 675917)
Note on provenance place(Hu. Hunyad)
Time period1786 - 1860
Provenance nameZeyk János , 1786-1860 [Person; Former Owner] (Male, Municipality, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeInscription
NoteSignature on front pastedown.
Date of evidenceunknown

Provenance 1860 - 1948

PlaceCluj-Napoca (Geonames ID: 681290)
Time period1860 - 1948
Provenance nameUnitarian College Library , 1610-1948 [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Unknown, Library, Religious)
Provenance TypeStamp
NoteStamp: "Kolozsvár Unitárius Kollégium Könyvtár"
Date of evidenceunknown
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Provenance 1950 -

PlaceCluj-Napoca (Geonames ID: 681290)
Time period1950 -
Provenance nameAcademy Library, Cluj, 1950- [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Unknown, Library, No characterisation/lay)
Provenance TypeStamp
NoteStamp: "Academia R.P.R./ Filiala Cluj/ Biblioteca/ Nr. 105/ 1965"
Date of evidence1965
Method of acquisitionRequisition
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain
SourceBook in hand

Other Information

CompletenessThe enumeration of provenance evidence is considered complete
Last Edit2023-02-18 11:29:48