--- _id: 02145896 data: copyHistory: - note: Created by M. Fitzpatrick copyType: - b descriptionLanguage: eng holdingInstitutionId: BMawrCL hostItemId: id00212000 physicalDescriptionNote: Several illuminated initials with gold and color; missing two text leaves (r2 and r5) provenance: - agent: - characterisation: - unk dates: 1481-1500 gender: 1003 name: 'Anonymous binder, Germany' ownerId: 00026869 professionOrType: - bkt role: R110 area: - areaCode: e-gx bindingDate: s bindingDescription: - https://husby.princeton.edu/show_book_by_id.php?book_id=166997 bindingNote: Pigskin over wood bindingType: c boardMaterial: c certainty: a coverMaterial: b edges: d furniture: 1 gauffered: d hasCoatOfArms: 1 hasIlluminations: 1 hasMsComments: 1 hasMsExtractedKeywords: 1 hasRubrication: 1 msFrequency: c msLocation: b place: - geonamesId: 2921044 provenanceImage: - display: CERL Provenance Digital Archive note: 'Contemporary Binding, Front Cover and Spine' url: http://arkyves.org/r/view/cerlpda_42483/him_CERLPDA source: - a timeperiod: end: 1500 start: 1481 titling: - d tooling: a type: - k writingOnEdges: a - acquisitionMethod: x agent: - characterisation: - rel dates: 1534-1607 gender: 1002 name: Johann Kammerer von Dalberg ownerId: 00034266 professionOrType: - cle role: R390 type: person area: - areaCode: e-gx certainty: a note: Liber Johannis Camerarii de | dalburg Episcopi uuormatium place: - geonamesId: 2806142 name: Worms provenanceImage: - display: CERL Provenance Digital Archive note: Illuminated Coat of Arms url: http://arkyves.org/r/view/cerlpda_4ba2b/him_CERLPDA - display: CERL Provenance Digital Archive note: Front Endleaf Ink Inscription url: http://arkyves.org/r/view/cerlpda_702fe/him_CERLPDA source: - a timeperiod: end: 1607 start: 1534 type: - a - b - acquisitionMethod: x agent: - characterisation: - noc dates: 1787-1854 gender: 1002 name: 'Kloß, Georg Franz Burkhard' ownerId: 00013021 professionOrType: - phy role: R390 type: person area: - areaCode: e-gx certainty: a note: 'Georgius Kloss, M.D. Francofurti ad Moenum' place: - geonamesId: 2925533 name: Frankfurt am Main provenanceImage: - display: CERL Provenance Digital Archive note: Inside Front Cover Paper Bookplate url: http://arkyves.org/r/view/cerlpda_8a971/him_CERLPDA source: - a timeperiod: end: 1854 start: 1787 type: - e - acquisitionMethod: a agent: - characterisation: - noc dates: 1884-1994 name: 'Goodhart, Howard Lehman & Gordan, Phyllis Walter' ownerId: 00015285 professionOrType: - bus role: R399 type: person area: - areaCode: n-us-ny certainty: a note: FELICITER INCHOATUMSED FELICIUS CONSUMMATUM | Phyllis Goodhart Gordan place: - geonamesId: 5128581 name: New York priceAmount: 27.10 priceCurrency: Pounds priceNote: Bought at the Mensing Sale from Goldschmidt provenanceImage: - display: CERL Provenance Digital Archive note: Inside Front Cover Leather Bookplate url: http://arkyves.org/r/view/cerlpda_99090/him_CERLPDA source: - a - g timeperiod: end: 1994 start: 1936 type: - e shelfmark: D-212f meta: context: - _bmc history: - date: 2022-05-24T17:21:37 - date: 2022-05-24T17:23:22 - date: 2022-05-24T17:30:22 - date: 2022-05-24T17:50:58 - date: 2022-05-24T17:55:10 - date: 2022-05-24T18:01:11 - date: 2022-05-24T18:05:28 - date: 2022-05-24T18:15:57 - date: 2022-07-18T15:31:56 - date: 2023-12-14T09:46:44 - date: 2023-12-14T09:47:37 - date: 2023-12-14T09:48:32 - date: 2023-12-14T09:49:30