Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02144840 Sp Coll Bo1-d.4 [02144840]

Glasgow, University Library (GB) : Sp Coll Bo1-d.4

ISTC Nr.ib00614000
TitelBiblia latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymi et additionibus Pauli Burgensis replicisque Matthiae Doering). Add: Nicolaus de Lyra: Contra perfidiam Judaeorum
ErscheinungsvermerkNuremberg : Anton Koberger, [1486-]87
Stichwörtertranslation; commentary; education; hebraica; polemical works; collection

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02144840
Besitzende BibliothekGlasgow, University Library (GB)
SignaturSp Coll Bo1-d.4
Format des Druckbogens293 × 197 mm
Besonderheiten des ExemplarsImperfections of Bo1-d.4 copy: Part IV only; wanting the blank leaf ²a1 (leaf [1]).
Digitalisierte AusgabeGlasgow Incunabula Project See the description of this item and digitised pages on the Glasgow Incunabula Project's Website
Weitere IdentifierB59/2 (Glasgow Incunabula Project)

Provenienz 17th century

ProvenienznameS. D., 17th century [Person] Initials stamped on binding of Bo1-d.4 copy.
AnmerkungS.D. (17th century): initials "S D" stamped in gilt on both covers - the same initials are stamped as a set on parts I and III of the Library's copy of 'Biblia latina' Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1485 (shelfmarks Bo1-d.1 and Bo1-d.3)

Provenienz 17th century

ProvenienznameA.B., 17th century [Person] Initials written in Bo1-d.4 copy.
AnmerkungA .B. (17th century): initials "A.B." in ink on ²a2r


OrtGlasgow (Geonames ID: 2648579)
ProvenienznameUniversity of Glasgow [Körperschaft] Current Owner
AnmerkungUniversity of Glasgow: source unknown; mid 18th-century University Library shelfmark "BX. f2. n4" (scored through) on ²a2r; shelfmark "CE.2.9" on University Library bookplate matching entry in A. Arthur 'Catalogus impressorum librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Glasguensis' (Glasgow: 1791).
Beschreibung des EinbandsBinding of Bo1-d.4 copy: 17th-century calf; covers decorated with a triple fillet border in blind; initials "S D" in gilt on both covers; evidence of two clasps (both bow lost); sprinkled red-edged leaves; rebacked in 19th/20th century with oval stamp of Glasgow College Library added in gilt to spine and given new free endpapers (originals not preserved); pencil number "710/9" on ²2r6v is probably the binder's job number. Size: 298 x 210 mm.
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungDecoration in Bo1-d.4 copy: ten-line initial "Q" on ²a2r supplied in blue with reserved white and set on a square ground of brown pen-work decoration, which extends into the inner margin; initials throughout supplied in dull red.
Handschr. EintragungenAnnotations in Bo1-d.4 copy: occasional marginal annotations and "nota" marks in a 16th-century hand; unread (17th-century?) code on ²2r6v.

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist wahrscheinlich vollständig
Letzte Änderung2021-06-03 12:00:00

Alle Exemplare


Glasgow, University Library (GB) : Sp Coll Bo1-d.4

ISTC Nr.ib00614000
TitelBiblia latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymi et additionibus Pauli Burgensis replicisque Matthiae Doering). Add: Nicolaus de Lyra: Contra perfidiam Judaeorum
ErscheinungsvermerkNuremberg : Anton Koberger, [1486-]87
Stichwörtertranslation; commentary; education; hebraica; polemical works; collection

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02144840
Besitzende BibliothekGlasgow, University Library (GB)
SignaturSp Coll Bo1-d.4
Format des Druckbogens293 × 197 mm
Besonderheiten des ExemplarsImperfections of Bo1-d.4 copy: Part IV only; wanting the blank leaf ²a1 (leaf [1]).
Digitalisierte AusgabeGlasgow Incunabula Project See the description of this item and digitised pages on the Glasgow Incunabula Project's Website
Weitere IdentifierB59/2 (Glasgow Incunabula Project)


ProvenienznameS. D., 17th century [Person] Initials stamped on binding of Bo1-d.4 copy.
AnmerkungS.D. (17th century): initials "S D" stamped in gilt on both covers - the same initials are stamped as a set on parts I and III of the Library's copy of 'Biblia latina' Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1485 (shelfmarks Bo1-d.1 and Bo1-d.3)


ProvenienznameA.B., 17th century [Person] Initials written in Bo1-d.4 copy.
AnmerkungA .B. (17th century): initials "A.B." in ink on ²a2r


OrtGlasgow (Geonames ID: 2648579)
ProvenienznameUniversity of Glasgow [Körperschaft] Current Owner
AnmerkungUniversity of Glasgow: source unknown; mid 18th-century University Library shelfmark "BX. f2. n4" (scored through) on ²a2r; shelfmark "CE.2.9" on University Library bookplate matching entry in A. Arthur 'Catalogus impressorum librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Glasguensis' (Glasgow: 1791).
Beschreibung des EinbandsBinding of Bo1-d.4 copy: 17th-century calf; covers decorated with a triple fillet border in blind; initials "S D" in gilt on both covers; evidence of two clasps (both bow lost); sprinkled red-edged leaves; rebacked in 19th/20th century with oval stamp of Glasgow College Library added in gilt to spine and given new free endpapers (originals not preserved); pencil number "710/9" on ²2r6v is probably the binder's job number. Size: 298 x 210 mm.
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungDecoration in Bo1-d.4 copy: ten-line initial "Q" on ²a2r supplied in blue with reserved white and set on a square ground of brown pen-work decoration, which extends into the inner margin; initials throughout supplied in dull red.
Handschr. EintragungenAnnotations in Bo1-d.4 copy: occasional marginal annotations and "nota" marks in a 16th-century hand; unread (17th-century?) code on ²2r6v.

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist wahrscheinlich vollständig
Letzte Änderung2021-06-03 12:00:00