Glasgow, University Library (GB)
: Sp Coll Ferguson An-y.12
Numer w bazie ISTCii00166000
AutorInstitoris, Henricus and Jacobus Sprenger
Tytuł Malleus maleficarum
Adres wydawniczyNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 17 Mar. 1494
Słowa kluczoweinquisition; theology-practical; female; demonology
Opis egzemplarza
Numer rekordu egzemplarza02144228
Instytucja przechowującaGlasgow, University Library (GB)
SygnaturaSp Coll Ferguson An-y.12
UwagiVariant: colophon, lines 5 & 6: where {34}... Nurber-/gen.{34} lacks contraction sign over {34}n{34} as in BM 15th cent., not with contraction sign as in Polain(B) 2124.
Wymiary kart225 × 169 mm
Wersja cyfrowaGlasgow Incunabula Project See the description of this item and digitised pages on the Glasgow Incunabula Project's Website
Inny identyfikator wydaniaI3 (Glasgow Incunabula Project)
UwagiAlbert Cohn (1827-1905), bookseller, Berlin: sold book to John Ferguson
UwagiJohn Ferguson (1837-1916), Professor of Chemistry, University of Glasgow: purchased from Cohn, 4 June 1880; Ferguson's pencil acquisition note on front pastedown "JF 4.VI.80 Cohn"
MiejsceGlasgow (Geonames ID: 2648579)
UwagiUniversity of Glasgow: Ferguson collection purchase, 1921.
UwagiBinding: Germany, 15th/16th-century quarter blind-tooled calf over bevelled wooden boards; leather on front board tooled vertically with two fillets to enclose a row of a repeated lozenge-shaped stamp with a floral motif, and bordered at the right by a row of a repeated fleur-de-lys stamp; leather on rear board is tooled to a similar design but decorated with different stamps - a square stamp containing a quatrefoil and a lozenge-shaped stamp containing a unicorn(?); nails and nail holes are surviving evidence of a single clasp now lost; title in ink on exposed wooden part of front board; blue paper pastedowns (18th century?); rebacked with calf in the 19th century. Size: 235 x 171 mm.
UwagiDecoration: initials, capital strokes, paragraph marks and underlining supplied in red throughout; hyphens frequently supplied in red at line endings.
Noty rękopiśmienneAnnotations: occasional early marginal annotations in red ink; "Laus deo" in red ink at end of colophon; unread 18th-century(?) annotation in German(?) on rear pastedown; on title-page is a partially erased pencil circle bisected horizontally, the upper half containing the number "1114", the lower half "4o", together with other (unread) erasures.
Inne informacje
KompletnośćOpis proweniencyjny ukończony
Ostatnio edytowane2021-06-03 12:00:00