Washington DC, Folger Shakespeare Library (US)
: INC C124
N° ISTCic00137000
AuteurCaracciolus, Robertus
TitreSermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae. Add: Dominicus Bollanus: De conceptione B.V.M.
Adresse bibliographique[Venice : Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, about 1474]
SujetThéologie morale
Description de l’exemplaire
ID de l’exemplaire02142391
Institution de conservationWashington DC, Folger Shakespeare Library (US)
CoteINC C124
Autre identifiant89908 (Folger Shakespeare Library)
PossesseurConvento di S. Francesco a Folloni (Montella, Italy)
LieuWashington D.C. (Geonames ID: 4140963)
Aire géographiquen-us-dc
NoteLacks all leaves after gathering k, including 2nd work: Dominicus Bollanus' De conceptione Beatae Virginis Mariae (description provided by GW). Initials and paragraph marks provided in red paint throughout the book. A few manuscript notes, manicules, underlining and brackets in brown ink; also some finding marks in margins. Top edge of leaf a1, cut out, has been repaired; later printed fragments, probably continental, used as pastedowns in vellum binding; spine inscriptions "Predictiõnes Roberti de Litio ord. Miõr." and shelfmarks partially illegible "B.7 L.2 p. 25", "B.VIII LIII [N.8?]"; another shelfmark on paper label on spine, illegible; repaired. Ownership inscription at foot of leaf a2r "Con[uen]tus Sti Fran[ci]sci Aquarum (identification of Conventus Sancti Francisci Aquarum with Convento di S. Francesco a Folloni (Montella, Italy) based on Cambridge University Library Inc.5.B.23.8[2184]); no. 470 in Sotheby auction catalog, 2 Aug., 1911; bookplate of W.T. Smedley; purchased in 1924.
Informations supplémentaires
Dernière modification2021-07-19 16:57:51