Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02141241 [Please see library staff] [02141241]

Salisbury, Cathedral Library (GB) : [Please see library staff]

ISTC No.ij00150000
AutoreJacobus de Voragine
TitoloLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [English] The Golden Legend. Tr.: William Caxton
Note tipografiche[Westminster : Wynkyn de Worde], 20 May 1493
Parole chiaveliterature devotional; liturgy; translation

Descrizione dell'esemplare

ID dell'esemplare02141241
BibliotecaSalisbury, Cathedral Library (GB)
Segnatura di collocazione[Please see library staff]
NotaCreated by Anne Dutton
Aspetti materialiImperfect: wanting leaves pi1-pi4, a1, g3-g6, ff3-ff6, gg1, gg3-gg4. The extant leaves following gathering dd are bound in the following order: ff5, ee1-4, ee7, ff1, ee8, ff2, ee5-6, gg2. These leaves are damaged, with loss of text. Damage to gutter margin of leaves V7-cc2.
Misura delle carte273 × 185 mm
Peculiarità dell’esemplareIncompleta
Materiale di supporto (libro)Carta

Provenienza 1500 - 1800

LuogoEngland (Geonames ID: 6269131)
Epoca1500 - 1800
PossessoreAnonymous annotator, England [Persona; Postillatore] (Sconosciuto, Sconosciuta, Sconosciuto)
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaPostille
Modalità di acquisizioneSconosciuto
Note manoscritteOccasional reading marks (vertical lines, dots) and some underlining are found throughout the text. There are occasional marginal annotations in ink in different English hands, dating between the 16th and the 19th centuries, on leaves b2r-b2v, F1v (the first gathering signed F), s1r, A7v, B6v, N1v, O1r, T6r. Some of the marks are very faint; most are very brief and hard to date.
Note manoscritte (frequenza)Radissime
Posizione nel libroIn tutto il libro
estrazione di parole chiaveSi
Segni di lettura (sottolineature e maniculae)Si
Note personaliSi
Attendibilità dei datiLa registrazione di questa provenienza è verificata
FonteLibro in mano

Provenienza 1091 -

LuogoSalisbury, England (Geonames ID: 2638664)
Epoca1091 -
PossessoreSalisbury Cathedral. Library, 1091- [Istituto/ente; Possessore attuale] (Istituzione religiosa, Ecclesiastico)
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaExlibris
Fonte documentaria
NotaOwned by Salisbury Cathedral Library by 1817. Contains two bookplates from Salisbury Cathedral Library: the first is the early 19th-century bookplate with the inscription “This book belongs to the library of the Cathedral Church of New Sarum. James Evans, D. D. Librarian. 1817.”; over this is pasted the later 19th-century bookplate with the image of the 13th-century Dean and Chapter seal, and the inscription “Sarum Cathedral Library.”
Loose inside: a letter from S.C. Cockerell to unnamed recipient at Salisbury Cathedral, dated Jan. 31, 1899, with information relating to this edition.
Data del segno di provenienza1817
Modalità di acquisizioneSconosciuto
Nota sulla legatura19th-century brown calf over paper boards; blind tooling on boards; spine with four flat raised bands and blind tooling; blind tooling around board edges; blind tooling on turn-ins; text block edges stained red (faded); green endleaves.
Datazione della legatura19 secolo
Tipologia della legaturaRigida
Materiale degli assiCarta
Materiale di coperturaCuoio
Elementi accessoriNon presenti
Condizione della legaturaLegatura non originale
Binding Dimensions287 × 207 × 81 mm
Indicazione del titoloImpresso
Impressioni con ferriA secco
TagliNon colorati
Scripta sui tagliNessuna
Tagli goffratiNo
Note manoscritteThere are some brief pencil annotations in English in 19th- or 20th-century hands. A list of contents is written in ink on the upper endleaf. Attempts have been made to correct some of the errors in foliation. Notes (20th-century) on the text and the edition are written on the endleaves in pencil.
Note manoscritte (frequenza)Radissime
Posizione nel libroIn tutto il libro
Precedente segnatura di collocazioneA shelfmark is written in ink at head of leaf a2r (the first extant leaf). It is not clear whether this is a previous Salisbury Cathedral shelfmark. (Tipo di segnatura No.: 19)
Attendibilità dei datiLa registrazione di questa provenienza è verificata
FonteLibro in mano

Altre informazioni

CompletezzaLa rilevazione di questo esemplare è completa
Ultima modifica2021-04-28 08:44:09

Tutti gli esemplari


Salisbury, Cathedral Library (GB) : [Please see library staff]

ISTC No.ij00150000
AutoreJacobus de Voragine
TitoloLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [English] The Golden Legend. Tr.: William Caxton
Note tipografiche[Westminster : Wynkyn de Worde], 20 May 1493
Parole chiaveliterature devotional; liturgy; translation

Descrizione dell'esemplare

ID dell'esemplare02141241
BibliotecaSalisbury, Cathedral Library (GB)
shelfmark[Please see library staff]
noteCreated by Anne Dutton
physicalDescriptionNoteImperfect: wanting leaves pi1-pi4, a1, g3-g6, ff3-ff6, gg1, gg3-gg4. The extant leaves following gathering dd are bound in the following order: ff5, ee1-4, ee7, ff1, ee8, ff2, ee5-6, gg2. These leaves are damaged, with loss of text. Damage to gutter margin of leaves V7-cc2.
paperSize273 × 185 mm

provenance 1500 - 1800

placenameEngland (Geonames ID: 6269131)
timeperiod1500 - 1800
msNoteOccasional reading marks (vertical lines, dots) and some underlining are found throughout the text. There are occasional marginal annotations in ink in different English hands, dating between the 16th and the 19th centuries, on leaves b2r-b2v, F1v (the first gathering signed F), s1r, A7v, B6v, N1v, O1r, T6r. Some of the marks are very faint; most are very brief and hard to date.

provenance 1091 -

placenameSalisbury, England (Geonames ID: 2638664)
timeperiod1091 -
noteOwned by Salisbury Cathedral Library by 1817. Contains two bookplates from Salisbury Cathedral Library: the first is the early 19th-century bookplate with the inscription “This book belongs to the library of the Cathedral Church of New Sarum. James Evans, D. D. Librarian. 1817.”; over this is pasted the later 19th-century bookplate with the image of the 13th-century Dean and Chapter seal, and the inscription “Sarum Cathedral Library.”
Loose inside: a letter from S.C. Cockerell to unnamed recipient at Salisbury Cathedral, dated Jan. 31, 1899, with information relating to this edition.
bindingNote19th-century brown calf over paper boards; blind tooling on boards; spine with four flat raised bands and blind tooling; blind tooling around board edges; blind tooling on turn-ins; text block edges stained red (faded); green endleaves.
bindingdimensions287 × 207 × 81 mm
msNoteThere are some brief pencil annotations in English in 19th- or 20th-century hands. A list of contents is written in ink on the upper endleaf. Attempts have been made to correct some of the errors in foliation. Notes (20th-century) on the text and the edition are written on the endleaves in pencil.
histShelfmarkA shelfmark is written in ink at head of leaf a2r (the first extant leaf). It is not clear whether this is a previous Salisbury Cathedral shelfmark. (shelfmarkPattern: 19)


Ultima modifica2021-04-28 08:44:09