Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (FR)
: Rés. Yd. 179
ISTC No.id00029000
AutoreDante Alighieri
TitoloLa Commedia (Comm: Christophorus Landinus). Add: Marsilius Ficinus: Ad Dantem gratulatio [Latin & Italian]
Note tipograficheFlorence : Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug. 1481
Parole chiavepoetry; commentary; collection
Descrizione dell'esemplare
ID dell'esemplare02140632
BibliotecaParis, Bibliothèque nationale de France (FR)
Segnatura di collocazioneRés. Yd. 179
NotaCreated by Camilla Marangoni for the Polonsky project "Dante 1481", with data provided by Nathalie Coilly (Bibliothèque nationale de France).
Aspetti materialiContaining 19 engravings, of which the first two are printed directly on the page and the following 17 are printed on plates and pasted in (Category D of Hind's classification system). Engraving of canto 13 and 14 inverted ; engraving of canto 8, 9 and 19, unnumbered, of the 1 st state, others of the 2 nd state.
Misura delle carte402 × 275 mm
Nota sulle peculiarità dell’esemplareFrom M. Pellechet, "Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France", p. 101: "14 dessins à la plume, d'une facture analogue, remplissant les blancs réservés pour les gravures, dans les chants XV à XXIV et XXX à XXXIII du Paradis."
From “Commento sopra la «Commedia»”, edited by Paolo Procaccioli, p. 136: "19 ill. (=Hind D); già di proprietà del card. di Brienne, che lo aveva acquistato a Roma; l'esemplare presenta alcune tavole disegnate a penna; capilettera colorati; iniziale miniata a aa2r."
Materiale di supporto (libro)Carta
FonteT. F. Dibdin, "Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century and of many valuable first editions in the library of George John Earl Spencer, K. G.", W. Bulmer and co., London 1815, IV, p. 113.
“Commento sopra la «Commedia»”, edited by Paolo Procaccioli, Salerno, Rome 2014, p. 136.
Paul de Colomb de Batines, "Bibliografia dantesca : ossia: Catalogo delle edizioni, traduzioni, codici manoscritti e comenti della Divina Commedia e delle opere minori di Dante, seguito dalla serie de' biografi di lui", Salerno Editrice, Roma 2008, I, p. 40.
A. M. Hind, "Early Italian Engraving. A critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described", Kraus Reprint, Nendeln 1970, p. 107.
Van Praet, "Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la Bibliothèque du roi", Burt Franklin, New York 1965, IV, pp. 121-122
M. Pellechet, "Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France", III, A. Picard et fils, Paris 1897, pp. 100-101 no. 4114.
1500 -
Epoca1500 -
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaDecorazione
Nota sulla decorazioneOn 13v a 16th-century full page pen-drawing in brown ink of a classical motif, possibly an altar; 13 further pen-drawings in the empty spaces of Paradiso (originally meant for the engravings serie), Cantos 15-24 and 30-33, on 316v, 319v, 323v, 326r, 329r, 332r, 334r (possibly later), 337r (possibly later), 339r, 341r, 359v, 362r, 364v. On on 169r the initial 'P' is supplied in gold on a burgundy ground edged in gold, with a green banner along the margin, also edged in gold with the some grotesque decoration; on 275r initial 'L' is supplied in gold on a green square ground edged in gold, with a burgundy banner along the margin, also eged in gold with some grotesque decoration; A few other large initial are supplied in blue; smaller initials are supplied in red or blue; the initials are also probably 16th century
Lettere ornamentaliSi
FonteCatalogo della biblioteca
1733 -
Epoca1733 - 1783
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaFonte documentaria
NotaGiovanni Battista Audiffredi, "Specimen historico-criticum editionum Italicarum saeculi XV", ex typographio Paleariniano, Rome 1783, p. 288: "Romae in bibliopolio Mich. Ang. Barbiellini: quod exemplum superioribus annis a Laerio comparatum fuisse pro Bibliotheca Brienniana audivi."
Many sources state that the copy was previously owned by de Marchis, but this is a mistake due to an incorrect interpretation of Audiffredi's "Specimen".
Nota sulla decorazioneFrom A. M. Hind, "Early Italian Engraving", p. 107: "Some impressions brown, others grey. No. 1 cut. Nos. 3-19 in second state. This copy has added interest from the addition of pen and ink drawings in fourteen of the empty spaces in the Paradiso (Cantos XV-XXIV, and XXX-XXXIII) as well as a decorative design on the blank page opposite the beginning of Canto I of the Inferno. The designs to the Paradiso are quite independent of Botticelli, and somewhat in the style of Piero di Cosimo."
Coloured initials, illuminated initial on l. aa2r.
Lettere ornamentaliSi
FonteBibliografia / repertori
1788 -
Epoca1788 - 1792
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaFonte documentaria
NotaBought for Brienne by François-Xavier Laire (1738-1801).
Modalità di acquisizioneAcquisto
FonteBibliografia / repertori
1792 -
Epoca1792 -
Tipologia del segno di provenienzaTimbro
Nota bibliografica
NotaThe copy was sold in 1792 to the Bibliothèque National among the rest of Brienne's collection.
Cf. Index librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500,… Hunc disposuit Franc.-Xav. Laire,... - Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque de M*** [le cardinal Loménie de Brienne], 1791-1792 : vol. 2, n°11 p. 42.
On the Proemio leaf: retrospective stamp, n°24 (1833-1848).
Modalità di acquisizioneAcquisto
FonteBibliografia / repertori
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CompletezzaLa rilevazione di questo esemplare è incompleta
Ultima modifica2021-06-29 08:29:17