Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02123820 VOL INC.61 1 [02123820]

Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (IT) : VOL INC.61 1

ISTC Nr.ip00345000
VerfasserPersius Flaccus, Aulus
TitelSatyrae. Comm: Bartholomaeus Fontius
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Reynaldus de Novimagio, 24 Dec. 1482
StichwörterPoetry; Commentary

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02123820
Besitzende BibliothekRoma, Biblioteca Casanatense (IT)
SignaturVOL INC.61 1
Dieser Band enthält außerdemJuvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae. Comm: Domitius Calderinus. Add: Domitius Calderinus: Defensio adversus Brotheum. - Venice : Baptista de Tortis, 30 Mar. 1485 [ij00650000] (MEI ID: 02123821)
AnmerkungRecord created by Ruben Celani.
Geschichte des ExemplarsThe two parts of the composite volume are probably bound together since the 15th-16th century: as tey share the same decoration and some of the hands writing the marginal annotations.
Physische BeschreibungWanting blank a1.
Besonderheiten des ExemplarsManuscript foliation in pencil from the Biblioteca Casanatense.
Fragment of paper, carrying former shelfmarks and label of the library, pasted against the front pastedown.
Trägermaterial (Buch)Papier
Weitere IdentifierVEAE128786 (SBN(A))

Provenienz 1482 - 1600

Zeitraum1482 - 1600
ProvenienznameAnonymous, 1451-1600 [Person; Annotator] (Unbekannt, Unbekannt, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzAusstattung
Handschriftliche Anmerkungen
Art der Erwerbungunbekannt
Rubrication noteSome pen initials and capital strokes on a2r-a3r: same ink and probably same hand as the manuscript notes.
Handschr. EintragungenSome marginal and interlinear annotations and reading marks in two 15th-16th century handwritings.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)einige
Position im Buchdurchgängig
Markierungen des LesersJa
Persönliche NotizenJa
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1701 - 1800

Zeitraum1701 - 1800
ProvenienznameAnonymous, 1701-1800 [Person; Buchbinder] (Unbekannt, Unbekannt, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzEinband
Art der ErwerbungKonsignation
Beschreibung des EinbandsParchment over cardboards, manuscript decoration (calligraphic pattern) and titling on the spine, edges marbled red. Possibly bound while the book was in the possession of the Biblioteca Casanatense.
Bindedatum18. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckePapier
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden
Schrift auf den SeitenKeins
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1700 -

OrtRome (Geonames ID: 3169070)
Zeitraum1700 -
ProvenienznameRoma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 1700 [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Grottaferrata, Badia di, Laboratorio di Restauro del Libro, 1931 - [Körperschaft; Buchbinder] (Buchhandel/Buchhändler, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzStempel
Buchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungAcquired before 1788: the second part of the composite volume is listed in G. B. Audiffredi, Bibliothecae Casanatensis Catalogus librorum typis impressorum, Roma 1788, vol. 4, p. 413b.

Label pasted against the front pastedown, crossed out. A circle inscribed in a square ; text along the frame of the square: Regia Biblioteca Casanatense Roma ; former shelfmark in the circle.
Label pasted against the front pastedown and on the spine. Cartouche in the top half carrying the text: Bibliotheca Casanatensis Romae ; a tower (Casanate's heraldic figure) in the bottom half.
Inventory number in pencil on d6v: 51548
Datum der Provenienzevidenz1788
Art der Erwerbungunbekannt
Beschreibung des EinbandsRestored, endleaves renewed. Label in the bottom-edge corner of the back pastedown: 'Badia di Grottaferrata, monumento nazionale <Roma>. Laboratorio restauro del libro'.
Bindedatum20. Jh.
StempelOval stamp in black ink on a2r: coat of arms of cardinal Casanate in the bottom half (a tower surmounted by a star) and of the Dominicans in the top half (a dog carrying a torch, surmounted by a star). Text running along the frame, starting at the top: ‘Bibliothe. A Card. H. Casan. D. O. Praed.’.
Historische SignaturP. VI. 4 in CC (front pastedown and on Audiffredi's Catalogue)
G. V. 8 in 4° C (front pastedown)
C. V. 8 in 4° C (front pastedown, with C corrected upon G; see also the manuscript Supplement to Audiffredi's Catalogue, vol. 36, fol. 751v)
H. V. 14 in CC (front pastedown)
Ed. sec. XV 64 (front pastedown, within the label) ; 64 (manuscript on spine and front pastedown)
Inc. 64 (in pencil on front endleaf IIr) ; Inc. 64 I (in pencil on a2r)
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden
Hist. Bibliothekskatalog / Zugangsbuch

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist wahrscheinlich vollständig
Letzte Änderung2020-09-07 11:01:47

Alle Exemplare


Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (IT) : VOL INC.61 1

ISTC Nr.ip00345000
VerfasserPersius Flaccus, Aulus
TitelSatyrae. Comm: Bartholomaeus Fontius
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Reynaldus de Novimagio, 24 Dec. 1482
StichwörterPoetry; Commentary

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02123820
Besitzende BibliothekRoma, Biblioteca Casanatense (IT)
shelfmarkVOL INC.61 1
alsoboundinthisitemJuvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae. Comm: Domitius Calderinus. Add: Domitius Calderinus: Defensio adversus Brotheum. - Venice : Baptista de Tortis, 30 Mar. 1485 [ij00650000] (MEI ID: 02123821)
noteRecord created by Ruben Celani.
copyHistoryThe two parts of the composite volume are probably bound together since the 15th-16th century: as tey share the same decoration and some of the hands writing the marginal annotations.
physicalDescriptionNoteWanting blank a1.
copyFeaturesNoteManuscript foliation in pencil from the Biblioteca Casanatense.
Fragment of paper, carrying former shelfmarks and label of the library, pasted against the front pastedown.
otherIdentifierVEAE128786 ()

provenance 1482 - 1600

timeperiod1482 - 1600
Rubrication noteSome pen initials and capital strokes on a2r-a3r: same ink and probably same hand as the manuscript notes.
Handschr. EintragungenSome marginal and interlinear annotations and reading marks in two 15th-16th century handwritings.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)einige
Position im Buchdurchgängig
Markierungen des LesersJa
Persönliche NotizenJa
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1701 - 1800

Zeitraum1701 - 1800
ProvenienznameAnonymous, 1701-1800 [Person; Buchbinder] (Unbekannt, Unbekannt, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzEinband
Art der ErwerbungKonsignation
Beschreibung des EinbandsParchment over cardboards, manuscript decoration (calligraphic pattern) and titling on the spine, edges marbled red. Possibly bound while the book was in the possession of the Biblioteca Casanatense.
Bindedatum18. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckePapier
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden
Schrift auf den SeitenKeins
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1700 -

OrtRome (Geonames ID: 3169070)
Zeitraum1700 -
ProvenienznameRoma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 1700 [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Grottaferrata, Badia di, Laboratorio di Restauro del Libro, 1931 - [Körperschaft; Buchbinder] (Buchhandel/Buchhändler, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzStempel
Buchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungAcquired before 1788: the second part of the composite volume is listed in G. B. Audiffredi, Bibliothecae Casanatensis Catalogus librorum typis impressorum, Roma 1788, vol. 4, p. 413b.

Label pasted against the front pastedown, crossed out. A circle inscribed in a square ; text along the frame of the square: Regia Biblioteca Casanatense Roma ; former shelfmark in the circle.
Label pasted against the front pastedown and on the spine. Cartouche in the top half carrying the text: Bibliotheca Casanatensis Romae ; a tower (Casanate's heraldic figure) in the bottom half.
Inventory number in pencil on d6v: 51548
Datum der Provenienzevidenz1788
Art der Erwerbungunbekannt
Beschreibung des EinbandsRestored, endleaves renewed. Label in the bottom-edge corner of the back pastedown: 'Badia di Grottaferrata, monumento nazionale <Roma>. Laboratorio restauro del libro'.
Bindedatum20. Jh.
stampsNoteOval stamp in black ink on a2r: coat of arms of cardinal Casanate in the bottom half (a tower surmounted by a star) and of the Dominicans in the top half (a dog carrying a torch, surmounted by a star). Text running along the frame, starting at the top: ‘Bibliothe. A Card. H. Casan. D. O. Praed.’.
histShelfmarkP. VI. 4 in CC (front pastedown and on Audiffredi's Catalogue)
G. V. 8 in 4° C (front pastedown)
C. V. 8 in 4° C (front pastedown, with C corrected upon G; see also the manuscript Supplement to Audiffredi's Catalogue, vol. 36, fol. 751v)
H. V. 14 in CC (front pastedown)
Ed. sec. XV 64 (front pastedown, within the label) ; 64 (manuscript on spine and front pastedown)
Inc. 64 (in pencil on front endleaf IIr) ; Inc. 64 I (in pencil on a2r)


Letzte Änderung2020-09-07 11:01:47