Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02122902 99967 [02122902]

San Marino CA, Huntington Library (US) : 99967

ISTC Nr.ia00125000
TitelAesopus moralisatus [Latin]
Erscheinungsvermerk[Florence : Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, before 24 Oct. 1483]

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02122902
Besitzende BibliothekSan Marino CA, Huntington Library (US)
Signatur 99967
AnmerkungRecord created by Matilde Malaspina.
Format des Druckbogens240 × 150 mm
Trägermaterial (Buch)Papier
Weitere Identifier387 (GW (Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke))

Provenienz 1483 - 1550

Zeitraum1483 - 1550
ProvenienznameAnonymous, Italy, 1475 - 1525 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Unbekannt, Student, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzAusstattung
Handschriftliche Anmerkungen
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungSeries of pen and watercolour drawings representing the first eleven fables, from ‘De gallo et iaspide’ to ‘De apro et asino’). The figurative representations are extremely vivid although rather elementary from a technical and stylistic point of view, and are accompanied by captions which express the meaning of the story in the form of dialogues. On a1r the wolf addresses the lamb, accusing him: "tu m’intorbidi l’acqua", which translates line 5 of the fable: 'rupisti potumque michi rivoque decorem'. Both illustrations and captions were made by a late 15th- or early 16th-century Italian hand. The same hand is also responsible for other sketches which remained uncoloured throughout the book, and the insertion of interlinear and marginal notes mainly concerning the meaning or synonyms of some words (see below).
Handschr. EintragungenA series of marginal manuscript captions for the drawings, in a late 15th- or early 16th-century Northern Italian hand (possibly that of a young student learning Latin) on a1r-a3r. The same hand is responsible for a series of interlinear corrections and marginal notes on a4r and b4r-v. See for instance on b4r, 'cessi' corrected to 'gessi' (line 18); 'abest' translated as 'non est presens' (line 16); 'penam' translated as 'tormentum' (line 17), etc.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)einige
Position im Buchin der ersten Hälfte

Provenienz 1850 - 1888

OrtKeele Hall
Zeitraum1850 - 1888
ProvenienznameWalter Sneyd, 1809-1888 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich, Kleriker, Religiös)
Art der ProvienienzExlibirs
AnmerkungOn the front paste-down, Sneyd's round paper armorial bookplate: 'Ex libris Walteri Sneyd'.
Art der Erwerbungunbekannt
Beschreibung des EinbandsBrown calf over pasteboard. Two double fillet concentric rectangular frames on the front and rear covers; small leaves in the four corners, repeated five times on the spine. Oval centrepiece on the front and rear covers, embossed with a flower motifs. On the spine, red label with the title 'Aesopi fabulae' tooled in gold. Marbled endpapers.
Bindedatum19. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckePapier
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden
Abmessungen des Einbands248 × 170 × 7 mm
Schrift auf den SeitenKeins

Provenienz 1900 - 1936

OrtLondon (Geonames ID: 2643743)
Zeitraum1900 - 1936
ProvenienznameEllis, Messrs., 1900-1936 [Körperschaft; Buchhändler] (Buchhandel/Buchhändler, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzBuchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungThis copy is lot 8 in the catalogue of the Sotheby's sale of Sneyd's library (London, 16-19 Dec. 1903); the annotated copy of the catalogue at the Huntington Library (Z997.S67) records that the book was acquired by [Frederick Startridge] Ellis for £17 5s. (see "Catalogue of a selected portion of the library of valuable and choice illuminated and other manuscripts and rare early printed books, the property of the late Rev. Walter Sneyd. Sold at auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 16 Dec. & 3 following days", 1903, p. 2, lot 8.)
Datum der Provenienzevidenz1903
Art der ErwerbungKauf
msNoteOn the front pastedown, inscription in pencil, possibly from the shop of Ellis: “This is probably the Esop of which the only notice is that 24 copies were sold in 1483 to Gio di Nato. Bologna”. "Bologna" refers to Pietro Bologna, "La stamperia Fiorentina del Monastero di S. Jacopo di Ripoli e le sue edizioni", Torino, 1893. (Inscription kindly read by John Lancaster.)
price17,5 £ From the Huntington annotated copy of the 1903 auction catalogue (see above).

provenance 1903 - 1925

placenameSan Francisco (Geonames ID: 5391959)
timeperiod1903 - 1925
note'Vollbehr 10754' in pencil on the second front flyleaf, top right corner. On the verso of the first front flyleaf, in pencil: 'Ex Bibl. Vollbehr'. Recorded as acquired by Henry E. Huntington from Vollbehr in 1925.

provenance 1925 - 1927

placenameSan Marino (Geonames ID: 5392400)
Zeitraum1925 - 1927
ProvenienznameHuntington, Henry Edwards , 1850-1927 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich, Gewerbebetrieb, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzBuchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungRecorded as acquired by Henry E. Huntington from Vollbehr in 1925 (part of a lot of 2000 incunables). See J.A. Dane, 'Abstractions of evidence in the study of manuscripts and early printed books', p. 160, with further bibliography.
Art der ErwerbungKauf
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1927 -

OrtSan Marino (Geonames ID: 5392400)
Zeitraum1927 -
ProvenienznameThe Huntington, 1927- [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzSchriftliche Eintragung
Buchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungHenry Huntington founded the library to house his collection.
Art der ErwerbungErbschaft
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist unvollständig
Letzte Änderung2020-12-29 09:53:40

Alle Exemplare


San Marino CA, Huntington Library (US) : 99967

ISTC Nr.ia00125000
TitelAesopus moralisatus [Latin]
Erscheinungsvermerk[Florence : Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, before 24 Oct. 1483]

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02122902
Besitzende BibliothekSan Marino CA, Huntington Library (US)
Signatur 99967
AnmerkungRecord created by Matilde Malaspina.
Format des Druckbogens240 × 150 mm
Trägermaterial (Buch)Papier
Weitere Identifier387 (GW (Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke))

Provenienz 1483 - 1550

Zeitraum1483 - 1550
ProvenienznameAnonymous, Italy, 1475 - 1525 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Unbekannt, Student, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzAusstattung
Handschriftliche Anmerkungen
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungSeries of pen and watercolour drawings representing the first eleven fables, from ‘De gallo et iaspide’ to ‘De apro et asino’). The figurative representations are extremely vivid although rather elementary from a technical and stylistic point of view, and are accompanied by captions which express the meaning of the story in the form of dialogues. On a1r the wolf addresses the lamb, accusing him: "tu m’intorbidi l’acqua", which translates line 5 of the fable: 'rupisti potumque michi rivoque decorem'. Both illustrations and captions were made by a late 15th- or early 16th-century Italian hand. The same hand is also responsible for other sketches which remained uncoloured throughout the book, and the insertion of interlinear and marginal notes mainly concerning the meaning or synonyms of some words (see below).
Handschr. EintragungenA series of marginal manuscript captions for the drawings, in a late 15th- or early 16th-century Northern Italian hand (possibly that of a young student learning Latin) on a1r-a3r. The same hand is responsible for a series of interlinear corrections and marginal notes on a4r and b4r-v. See for instance on b4r, 'cessi' corrected to 'gessi' (line 18); 'abest' translated as 'non est presens' (line 16); 'penam' translated as 'tormentum' (line 17), etc.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)einige
Position im Buchin der ersten Hälfte

Provenienz 1850 - 1888

OrtKeele Hall
Zeitraum1850 - 1888
ProvenienznameWalter Sneyd, 1809-1888 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich, Kleriker, Religiös)
Art der ProvienienzExlibirs
AnmerkungOn the front paste-down, Sneyd's round paper armorial bookplate: 'Ex libris Walteri Sneyd'.
Art der Erwerbungunbekannt
Beschreibung des EinbandsBrown calf over pasteboard. Two double fillet concentric rectangular frames on the front and rear covers; small leaves in the four corners, repeated five times on the spine. Oval centrepiece on the front and rear covers, embossed with a flower motifs. On the spine, red label with the title 'Aesopi fabulae' tooled in gold. Marbled endpapers.
Bindedatum19. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckePapier
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden
Abmessungen des Einbands248 × 170 × 7 mm
Schrift auf den SeitenKeins

Provenienz 1900 - 1936

OrtLondon (Geonames ID: 2643743)
Zeitraum1900 - 1936
ProvenienznameEllis, Messrs., 1900-1936 [Körperschaft; Buchhändler] (Buchhandel/Buchhändler, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzBuchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungThis copy is lot 8 in the catalogue of the Sotheby's sale of Sneyd's library (London, 16-19 Dec. 1903); the annotated copy of the catalogue at the Huntington Library (Z997.S67) records that the book was acquired by [Frederick Startridge] Ellis for £17 5s. (see "Catalogue of a selected portion of the library of valuable and choice illuminated and other manuscripts and rare early printed books, the property of the late Rev. Walter Sneyd. Sold at auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 16 Dec. & 3 following days", 1903, p. 2, lot 8.)
Datum der Provenienzevidenz1903
Handschr. EintragungenOn the front pastedown, inscription in pencil, possibly from the shop of Ellis: “This is probably the Esop of which the only notice is that 24 copies were sold in 1483 to Gio di Nato. Bologna”. "Bologna" refers to Pietro Bologna, "La stamperia Fiorentina del Monastero di S. Jacopo di Ripoli e le sue edizioni", Torino, 1893. (Inscription kindly read by John Lancaster.)
Preis17,5 £ From the Huntington annotated copy of the 1903 auction catalogue (see above).
QuelleAuktionskatalog / Buchhandelskatalog

Provenienz 1903 - 1925

OrtSan Francisco (Geonames ID: 5391959)
Zeitraum1903 - 1925
ProvenienznameVollbehr, Otto H. F. (Heinrich Friedrich), 1869-1946 [Person; Buchhändler] (Männlich, Buchhandel/Buchhändler, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzSchriftliche Eintragung
sonstige schriftliche Quellen
Anmerkung'Vollbehr 10754' in pencil on the second front flyleaf, top right corner. On the verso of the first front flyleaf, in pencil: 'Ex Bibl. Vollbehr'. Recorded as acquired by Henry E. Huntington from Vollbehr in 1925.
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1925 - 1927

OrtSan Marino (Geonames ID: 5392400)
Zeitraum1925 - 1927
ProvenienznameHuntington, Henry Edwards , 1850-1927 [Person; Vorbesitzer] (Männlich, Gewerbebetrieb, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzBuchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungRecorded as acquired by Henry E. Huntington from Vollbehr in 1925 (part of a lot of 2000 incunables). See J.A. Dane, 'Abstractions of evidence in the study of manuscripts and early printed books', p. 160, with further bibliography.
Art der ErwerbungKauf
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

Provenienz 1927 -

OrtSan Marino (Geonames ID: 5392400)
Zeitraum1927 -
ProvenienznameThe Huntington, 1927- [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzSchriftliche Eintragung
Buchhistorische Evidenz
AnmerkungHenry Huntington founded the library to house his collection.
Art der ErwerbungErbschaft
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist unvollständig
Letzte Änderung2020-12-29 09:53:40