Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02117472 Ink 7.B.3 [02117472]

Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (AT) : Ink 7.B.3

ISTC Nr.id00029000
VerfasserDante Alighieri
TitelLa Commedia (Comm: Christophorus Landinus). Add: Marsilius Ficinus: Ad Dantem gratulatio [Latin & Italian]
ErscheinungsvermerkFlorence : Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug. 1481
Stichwörterpoetry; commentary; collection

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02117472
Besitzende BibliothekWien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (AT)
SignaturInk 7.B.3
Physische BeschreibungContaining 20 engravings, of which the first two are printed directly on the page and the following 18 are printed on plates and pasted in. Engraving no. 6 is repeated. The engravings are not coloured, but no. 8 is retouched with brown ink in a few damaged spots.
Format des Druckbogens417 × 258 mm
Besonderheiten des ExemplarsFrom Batines, "Bibliografia dantesca", p. 41: "lo cita il Dibdin nel suo Bibliogr. Tour (III 322)."
Trägermaterial (Buch)Papier
QuelleThomas Frognall Dibdin, "A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany", W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, London 1821, p. 518.
G. Mambelli, "Gli annali delle edizioni dantesche", Zanichelli, Bologna 1931, p. 21.
A. M. Hind, "Early Italian Engraving. A critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described", Kraus Reprint, Nendeln 1970, p. 107.
Paul de Colomb de Batines, "Bibliografia dantesca: Catalogo delle edizioni, traduzioni, codici manoscritti e comenti della Divina Commedia e delle opere minori di Dante, seguito dalla serie de' biografi di lui", Salerno Editrice, Roma 2008, I, p. 41.
“Commento sopra la «Commedia»”, edited by Paolo Procaccioli, Salerno, Rome 2014, p. 144.

Provenienz 1481 - 1600

Zeitraum1481 - 1600
ProvenienznameAnonymous, Italy, 1481-1500 [Person; Annotator] (Unbekannt, Unbekannt, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzHandschriftliche Anmerkungen
Abbildung des Provenienzmerkmals (URL)Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Washed away note
Handschr. EintragungenText omissions supplied in manuscript on leaves q5v (Inf. XXVIII, 34-36), r3v (Inf. XXX, 126-129) and hh1r (Purg. XXI, 47-48). Reading mark and note in light brown ink partly washed away, including a manicula, on leaf <i>r.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)gelegentlich
Markierungen des LesersJa

Provenienz 1807 -

OrtWien (Geonames ID: 2761367)
Zeitraum1807 -
ProvenienznameWien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 1368 - [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzStempel
Buchhistorische Evidenz
Abbildung des Provenienzmerkmals (URL)Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Binding, cover
Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Drawing, variation of engraving no. 3
AnmerkungLabel with shelfmark on the front pastedown. Round stamps of the "Kaiserliche Koenigliche Hofbibliothek".
On the first front endleaf there is a folded envelope that contains a drawing of the variation of engravings no. 3, executed in 1807. On the envelope paper a note written in French by a librarian of the Hofbibliothek states that in 1807 the variation was discovered in a copy belonging to count Karl Friedrich Albrecht Finck von Finckenstein. A later note states that that copy was at the British Library in 1845.
Beschreibung des EinbandsHalf leather strap: bare faceted wooden cover, leather spine with gilt title and date, green edges on three sides. Undated (around 1800?). 430x270mm.
Bindedatum19. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckeHolz
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist unvollständig
Letzte Änderung2021-05-19 14:26:07

Alle Exemplare


Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (AT) : Ink 7.B.3

ISTC Nr.id00029000
VerfasserDante Alighieri
TitelLa Commedia (Comm: Christophorus Landinus). Add: Marsilius Ficinus: Ad Dantem gratulatio [Latin & Italian]
ErscheinungsvermerkFlorence : Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug. 1481
Stichwörterpoetry; commentary; collection

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.02117472
Besitzende BibliothekWien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (AT)
SignaturInk 7.B.3
Physische BeschreibungContaining 20 engravings, of which the first two are printed directly on the page and the following 18 are printed on plates and pasted in. Engraving no. 6 is repeated. The engravings are not coloured, but no. 8 is retouched with brown ink in a few damaged spots.
Format des Druckbogens417 × 258 mm
Besonderheiten des ExemplarsFrom Batines, "Bibliografia dantesca", p. 41: "lo cita il Dibdin nel suo Bibliogr. Tour (III 322)."
Trägermaterial (Buch)Papier
QuelleThomas Frognall Dibdin, "A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany", W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, London 1821, p. 518.
G. Mambelli, "Gli annali delle edizioni dantesche", Zanichelli, Bologna 1931, p. 21.
A. M. Hind, "Early Italian Engraving. A critical catalogue with complete reproduction of all the prints described", Kraus Reprint, Nendeln 1970, p. 107.
Paul de Colomb de Batines, "Bibliografia dantesca: Catalogo delle edizioni, traduzioni, codici manoscritti e comenti della Divina Commedia e delle opere minori di Dante, seguito dalla serie de' biografi di lui", Salerno Editrice, Roma 2008, I, p. 41.
“Commento sopra la «Commedia»”, edited by Paolo Procaccioli, Salerno, Rome 2014, p. 144.

Provenienz 1481 - 1600

Zeitraum1481 - 1600
ProvenienznameAnonymous, Italy, 1481-1500 [Person; Annotator] (Unbekannt, Unbekannt, Unbekannt)
Art der ProvienienzHandschriftliche Anmerkungen
Abbildung des Provenienzmerkmals (URL)Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Washed away note
Handschr. EintragungenText omissions supplied in manuscript on leaves q5v (Inf. XXVIII, 34-36), r3v (Inf. XXX, 126-129) and hh1r (Purg. XXI, 47-48). Reading mark and note in light brown ink partly washed away, including a manicula, on leaf <i>r.
Hs. Eintragungen (Häufigkeit)gelegentlich
Markierungen des LesersJa

Provenienz 1807 -

OrtWien (Geonames ID: 2761367)
Zeitraum1807 -
ProvenienznameWien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 1368 - [Körperschaft; Besitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
Art der ProvienienzStempel
Buchhistorische Evidenz
Abbildung des Provenienzmerkmals (URL)Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Binding, cover
Image in CERL Provenance Digital Archive Drawing, variation of engraving no. 3
AnmerkungLabel with shelfmark on the front pastedown. Round stamps of the "Kaiserliche Koenigliche Hofbibliothek".
On the first front endleaf there is a folded envelope that contains a drawing of the variation of engravings no. 3, executed in 1807. On the envelope paper a note written in French by a librarian of the Hofbibliothek states that in 1807 the variation was discovered in a copy belonging to count Karl Friedrich Albrecht Finck von Finckenstein. A later note states that that copy was at the British Library in 1845.
Beschreibung des EinbandsHalf leather strap: bare faceted wooden cover, leather spine with gilt title and date, green edges on three sides. Undated (around 1800?). 430x270mm.
Bindedatum19. Jh.
Art des EinbandsHolzbuchdecke
Material der BuchdeckeHolz
Status des EinbandsNeu gebunden

weitere Information

VollständigkeitDie Aufzählung der Provenienzevidenzen ist unvollständig
Letzte Änderung2021-05-19 14:26:07