London, British Library (GB)
: IB.6738
N° ISTCij00603000
TitreLibri feudorum (with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius) [German] Das büch des kaiserlichen Lehenrecht (Tr: Jodocus Pflanzmann)
Adresse bibliographiqueAugsburg : Erhard Ratdolt, 1493
SujetDroit civil
Mots cléseducation; commentary
Description de l’exemplaire
ID de l’exemplaire02018559
Institution de conservationLondon, British Library (GB)
Note sur la coteNot in BMC
NoteCreated by A. Panzanelli
Description matérielleThe book is preserved within a case together with the document which testifies its deposit at the British Museum in permanent loan, signed by Mr and Mrs Ehrman and by the British Museum curators, with two dates (9 Sept 1959 and 6 Feb 1960, Mr Ehrman's birthday); a note typed (likely by the bookseller) and a description taken from a printed catalogue (?).
Particularités d'exemplaire (complétude)Complète
Note sur les particularité(s) d’exemplaireWith woodcut wrappers printed by Ratdolt in 1494; apparently an imitation of the wrappers that Zeissenmair had provided for his edition (1494) of the same text, which was in fact a reprint of Ratdolt (on this: H.M. Nixon, entry no. 6 in: Broxbourne Library).
Support du textePapier
SourceBroxbourne Library. Styles and designs of Bookbindings from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century, selected and described by H.M. Nixon, with an Introduction by. A. Ehrman. London: Maggs for the Broxbourne Library, 1961, pp. 14-17.
1494 -
LieuAugsburg (Geonames ID: 2954172)
Aire géographiquee-gx
Période1494 - 1494
Type de provenanceReliure
Description de la reliure'Thick paper wrappers, formed by pasting together three leaves of paper of normal thickness. Both covers are decorated with woodcuts with a border of white foliage on a black ground. The cut on the upper cover has a centre panel in which has been printed in the type used in the headlines of the book' a title with the date 1494 (M.cccc.lxxxiiii). ' The centre panel of the lower cover has an empty shield' (Nixon in : Broxbourne, p. 14)
Date de reliure15ème siècle
Type de reliureCahiers cousus (non reliés)
Type de platPapier
Materiau de reliurePapier
Statut de la reliure/Etat de la reliureReliure d'origine (sans modifications importantes)
Dimensions du volume relié265 × 187 × 8 mm
Annotations sur les tranchesAucune
Tranches gauffréesNon
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque
1525 -
Aire géographiquee-gx
Période1525 - 1575
Type de provenanceCote
Cote ancienneC.CXXVII.35, written in ink on the upper portion of the spine. (Type de cote ancienne: 9)
C.XXXIII | 32, in ink inside the front wrapper (Type de cote ancienne: 9)
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est à vérifier
SourceLivre en main
LieuLaasphe i.W. (Geonames ID: 2882091)
Aire géographiquee-gx
Période - 1950
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
Note'From the Fürstlich Wittgensteinsche Bibliothek, Shloss Wittgenstein an der Lahn, Laasphe i.W.' (Nixon, Broxbourne Library, p. 14)
Mode d’acquisitionInconnu
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
1950 -
Aire géographiquee-uk
Période1950 - 1952
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
Note'Acquired from H. Eisemann in 1952' (Nixon in Broxbourne Library, p. 14). A slip is preserved with the book with the following text, likely provided by Eisemann: 'Dear Mr Ehrman, I overlooked to tell you regarding the whereabouts of the RATDOLT cartonnage. It comes from the Fuerstlich Wittgenstein'sche Bibliothek auf Schloss Wittgenstein an der Lahn, Laasphe i.W. and was sold on Spet. [sic] 27, 1950.
Mode d’acquisitionInconnu
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est à vérifier
SourceLivre en main
Source documentaire
1952 -
LieuBroxbourne (Geonames ID: 2654481)
Aire géographiquee-uk
Période1952 - 1959
Type de provenanceEx-libris
Source (d'information) bibliographique
Source documentaire
NoteBooklabel of the Broxbourne library (with motto PRO VIRIBUS SUMMIS CONTENDO) pasted on the inside of the front wrapper.
Mode d’acquisitionAchat
Cote ancienneAE R 1102, in ink, on the upper right hand corner on the inside of the lower wrapper.
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque
1960 -
Aire géographiquee-uk
Période1960 -
Type de provenanceCachet/Estampille
Source (d'information) bibliographique
Source documentaire
Mode d’acquisitionDon
EstampillesStamp of the British Musum, in the shape of B[crown]M, in green, on a2v and on the verso of the last printed leaf. Above the latter, there is a date, in pencil: 13 July 1963. Likely it refers to when the stamp has been applied (originally the book was 'not to be stamped' as given in permanent loan).
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Informations supplémentaires
ComplétudeLa description des marques de provenance est considérée comme complète
Dernière modification2020-08-17 09:11:37