Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/02013334 Hirzel, Hans Caspar


_id: 02013334
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - author: 'Fontius, Bartholomaeus '
      copyId: 02001270
      imprintName: '[s.n.]'
      imprintPlace: '[Florence'
      imprintYear: '1488]'
      istcId: 'if00242000]'
      title: 'Orationes '
    - author: 'Nicolaus, Episcopus Modrusiensis'
      copyId: 02013343
      imprintPlace: Padua
      imprintYear: 30 Aug. 1482
      istcId: in00051000
      title: Oratio in funere Petri Cardinalis S. Sixti
    - author: 'Butigella, Hieronymus'
      copyId: 02013344
      imprintPlace: '[Pavia'
      imprintYear: 'after 13 Dec. 1494]'
      istcId: ib01339000
      title: Oratio pro Joanne Philippo Gambaloita habita
    - author: 'Canis, Johannes Jacobus'
      copyId: 00200300
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: 'not before 26 June 1487]'
      istcId: ic00100000
      title: 'Oratio in adventu Petri Barotii, episcopi Patavini, habita 25 Junii 1487. Add: Antonius Ursatus: Oratio in adventu Petri Barotii, habita 26 Junii 1487'
    - author: 'Bembus, Bonifacius'
      copyId: 00200301
      imprintName: Leonardus Pachel
      imprintPlace: '[Milan'
      imprintYear: 'after 28 Nov. 1490] '
      istcId: ib00303800
      title: In Ludovici Mariae Sfortiae laudes oratio
    - author: 'Patritius, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200303
      imprintName: 'Printer of Lucianus (H 10276), '
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: 'about 1482] '
      istcId: ip00155000
      title: Ecloga de Christi nativitate
    - author: Homerus
      copyId: 00200304
      imprintName: Filippo di Pietro
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 'about 1476] '
      istcId: ih00305000
      title: 'Iliados epitome (the Ilias Latina attributed to Pindarus Thebanus [i.e. Baebius Italicus])'
    - author: Homerus
      copyId: 00200305
      imprintName: "Printer of Datus, 'Elegantiolae' (H 5969*)"
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 'about 1475] '
      istcId: ih00302000
      title: 'Batrachomyomachia [Latin]. Tr: Carolus Marsuppinus Aretinus'
    - author: 'Naso, Johannes'
      copyId: in00005500
      imprintName: 'Nicolaus Jenson, not before 1476] '
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 00200306
      title: De spectaculis a Panormitanis in Aragonaei Regis laudem editis
    - author: 'Niger, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200307
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: '1484] '
      istcId: in00255000
      title: In Sigismundum archiducem pro epithalamio carminum libellus
    - author: 'Philelphus, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200308
      imprintName: 'Antonius de Carcano]'
      imprintPlace: '[Pavia'
      imprintYear: '1480 '
      istcId: ip00603000
      title: Fabulae
    - author: 'Celtis, Conradus'
      copyId: 00200309
      imprintName: Erhard Ratdolt
      imprintPlace: '[Augsburg'
      imprintYear: 'after 31 Aug. 1492] '
      istcId: ic00372000
      title: Panegyris ad duces Bavariae. Add:Henricus Eutycus
    - author: 'Canis, Johannes Jacobus'
      copyId: 00200311
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: Padua
      imprintYear: 24 Mar. 1485
      istcId: ic00100300
      title: Summa Institutionum Justiniani
    - author: Petrus Ravennas (d. 1478)
      copyId: 00200312
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: '1484?] '
      istcId: ip00530300
      title: Carmina
    - author: 'Odaxius, Michael'
      copyId: 00200313
      imprintName: Leonardus Pachel and Uldericus Scinzenzeler
      imprintPlace: '[Milan'
      imprintYear: about 1486-87
      istcId: io00022400
      title: La Macaronea
  completeness: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - Created by A. Panzanelli
  holdingInstitutionId: LondonBL
  holdingsNote: within a tract volume opened with IA.27527
  hostItemId: ip00018100
    point: {}
  paperSizeHeight: 204
  paperSizeWidth: 140
  physicalDescriptionNote: 'The leaves of the first quire are misbound in the following order: 1, 2, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, as a comparison with another copy (G.10011) also shows. '
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: '1470 - 1530'
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Pirckheimer, Willibald'
          ownerId: 4744
          role: R390
          type: person
        - areaCode: e-gx
      note: "Bookplate with his portrait, by Dürer, and the inscription in capital letters: Bilibaldi Pirkeymheri effigies aetatis suae anno LIII, vivitur ingenio caetera mortis erunt. MDXXIV. [Dürer's monogram]."
        - geonamesId: 6556832
          name: Nurnberg
        - b
        - c
        end: 1600
        - e
    - acquisitionMethod: a
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: 1585-1646
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Howard, Thomas <2nd. Earl of Arundel>'
          ownerId: 2736
          role: R390
          type: person
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: '1628 - 1684'
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Norfolk, Henry Howard '
          ownerId: 4743
          role: R320
          type: person
        - areaCode: e-uk
      certainty: a
      note: See also below the stamp of the Royal Society.
        - geonamesId: 2656997
          name: 'Arundel, Sussex'
        end: 1650
        start: 1631
        - h
    - acquisitionMethod: b
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1660-9999
          name: 'London, Royal Society'
          ownerId: 2735
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
      bindingDate: w
      bindingNote: 'Late 19th century binding, half brown leather with comb-marbled paper; the two bookplate of Pirckheimer and of the Royal Society have been attached to the restored pastedown (respectively front and back). A number, possibly 22 is written on the lower edge.'
      bindingStatus: b
      bindingType: c
      boardMaterial: g
      certainty: a
      coverMaterial: k
      edges: d
      furniture: 0
      note: "On a2r, stamp of the Society in Latin and with reference to the donor: 'Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono HENR. HOWARD Norfolciensis'. The bookplate of the Royal Society is applied on the back pastedown."
        - name: London
        end: 1930
        start: 1661
        - b
      tooling: b
        - h
      writingOnEdges: a
    - acquisitionMethod: a
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1753-
          name: 'British Museum, Library '
          ownerId: 3442
          role: R399
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
      certainty: a
      note: 'Red stamp of the British museum on [a2v] and stamp with the date of acquisition: 17 March 1924 on [b7v]. '
        - name: London
        start: 1921
        - h
  shelfmark: IA.36875
  source: BMC VII 1125.
    - _b15
    - timestamp: 2015-09-07T18:08:56Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-07T18:32:07Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:34:15Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:35:07Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:37:05Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:37:30Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:40:35Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:15:05Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:21:41Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:28:27Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:30:33Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:31:32Z
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:33:30
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:34:50
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:36:40
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:37:37
    - date: 2015-12-14T18:51:16
    - date: 2015-12-14T18:52:50
    - date: 2015-12-14T22:56:14
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:14:12
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:15:54
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:27:16
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:37:24
    - date: 2016-03-26T17:35:40
    - timestamp: 2016-10-17T14:00:51
    - timestamp: 2017-02-03T06:17:20



_id: 02013334
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - author: 'Fontius, Bartholomaeus '
      copyId: 02001270
      imprintName: '[s.n.]'
      imprintPlace: '[Florence'
      imprintYear: '1488]'
      istcId: 'if00242000]'
      title: 'Orationes '
    - author: 'Nicolaus, Episcopus Modrusiensis'
      copyId: 02013343
      imprintPlace: Padua
      imprintYear: 30 Aug. 1482
      istcId: in00051000
      title: Oratio in funere Petri Cardinalis S. Sixti
    - author: 'Butigella, Hieronymus'
      copyId: 02013344
      imprintPlace: '[Pavia'
      imprintYear: 'after 13 Dec. 1494]'
      istcId: ib01339000
      title: Oratio pro Joanne Philippo Gambaloita habita
    - author: 'Canis, Johannes Jacobus'
      copyId: 00200300
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: 'not before 26 June 1487]'
      istcId: ic00100000
      title: 'Oratio in adventu Petri Barotii, episcopi Patavini, habita 25 Junii 1487. Add: Antonius Ursatus: Oratio in adventu Petri Barotii, habita 26 Junii 1487'
    - author: 'Bembus, Bonifacius'
      copyId: 00200301
      imprintName: Leonardus Pachel
      imprintPlace: '[Milan'
      imprintYear: 'after 28 Nov. 1490] '
      istcId: ib00303800
      title: In Ludovici Mariae Sfortiae laudes oratio
    - author: 'Patritius, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200303
      imprintName: 'Printer of Lucianus (H 10276), '
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: 'about 1482] '
      istcId: ip00155000
      title: Ecloga de Christi nativitate
    - author: Homerus
      copyId: 00200304
      imprintName: Filippo di Pietro
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 'about 1476] '
      istcId: ih00305000
      title: 'Iliados epitome (the Ilias Latina attributed to Pindarus Thebanus [i.e. Baebius Italicus])'
    - author: Homerus
      copyId: 00200305
      imprintName: "Printer of Datus, 'Elegantiolae' (H 5969*)"
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 'about 1475] '
      istcId: ih00302000
      title: 'Batrachomyomachia [Latin]. Tr: Carolus Marsuppinus Aretinus'
    - author: 'Naso, Johannes'
      copyId: in00005500
      imprintName: 'Nicolaus Jenson, not before 1476] '
      imprintPlace: '[Venice'
      imprintYear: 00200306
      title: De spectaculis a Panormitanis in Aragonaei Regis laudem editis
    - author: 'Niger, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200307
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: '1484] '
      istcId: in00255000
      title: In Sigismundum archiducem pro epithalamio carminum libellus
    - author: 'Philelphus, Franciscus'
      copyId: 00200308
      imprintName: 'Antonius de Carcano]'
      imprintPlace: '[Pavia'
      imprintYear: '1480 '
      istcId: ip00603000
      title: Fabulae
    - author: 'Celtis, Conradus'
      copyId: 00200309
      imprintName: Erhard Ratdolt
      imprintPlace: '[Augsburg'
      imprintYear: 'after 31 Aug. 1492] '
      istcId: ic00372000
      title: Panegyris ad duces Bavariae. Add:Henricus Eutycus
    - author: 'Canis, Johannes Jacobus'
      copyId: 00200311
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: Padua
      imprintYear: 24 Mar. 1485
      istcId: ic00100300
      title: Summa Institutionum Justiniani
    - author: Petrus Ravennas (d. 1478)
      copyId: 00200312
      imprintName: Matthaeus Cerdonis
      imprintPlace: '[Padua'
      imprintYear: '1484?] '
      istcId: ip00530300
      title: Carmina
    - author: 'Odaxius, Michael'
      copyId: 00200313
      imprintName: Leonardus Pachel and Uldericus Scinzenzeler
      imprintPlace: '[Milan'
      imprintYear: about 1486-87
      istcId: io00022400
      title: La Macaronea
  completeness: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - Created by A. Panzanelli
  holdingInstitutionId: LondonBL
  holdingsNote: within a tract volume opened with IA.27527
  hostItemId: ip00018100
    point: {}
  paperSizeHeight: 204
  paperSizeWidth: 140
  physicalDescriptionNote: 'The leaves of the first quire are misbound in the following order: 1, 2, 8, 3, 9, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, as a comparison with another copy (G.10011) also shows. '
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: '1470 - 1530'
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Pirckheimer, Willibald'
          ownerId: 4744
          role: R390
          type: person
        - areaCode: e-gx
      note: "Bookplate with his portrait, by Dürer, and the inscription in capital letters: Bilibaldi Pirkeymheri effigies aetatis suae anno LIII, vivitur ingenio caetera mortis erunt. MDXXIV. [Dürer's monogram]."
        - geonamesId: 6556832
          name: Nurnberg
        - b
        - c
        end: 1600
        - e
    - acquisitionMethod: a
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: 1585-1646
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Howard, Thomas <2nd. Earl of Arundel>'
          ownerId: 2736
          role: R390
          type: person
        - characterisation:
            - ari
          dates: '1628 - 1684'
          gender: 1002
          name: 'Norfolk, Henry Howard '
          ownerId: 4743
          role: R320
          type: person
        - areaCode: e-uk
      certainty: a
      note: See also below the stamp of the Royal Society.
        - geonamesId: 2656997
          name: 'Arundel, Sussex'
        end: 1650
        start: 1631
        - h
    - acquisitionMethod: b
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1660-9999
          name: 'London, Royal Society'
          ownerId: 2735
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
      bindingDate: w
      bindingNote: 'Late 19th century binding, half brown leather with comb-marbled paper; the two bookplate of Pirckheimer and of the Royal Society have been attached to the restored pastedown (respectively front and back). A number, possibly 22 is written on the lower edge.'
      bindingStatus: b
      bindingType: c
      boardMaterial: g
      certainty: a
      coverMaterial: k
      edges: d
      furniture: 0
      note: "On a2r, stamp of the Society in Latin and with reference to the donor: 'Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono HENR. HOWARD Norfolciensis'. The bookplate of the Royal Society is applied on the back pastedown."
        - name: London
        end: 1930
        start: 1661
        - b
      tooling: b
        - h
      writingOnEdges: a
    - acquisitionMethod: a
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1753-
          name: 'British Museum, Library '
          ownerId: 3442
          role: R399
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
      certainty: a
      note: 'Red stamp of the British museum on [a2v] and stamp with the date of acquisition: 17 March 1924 on [b7v]. '
        - name: London
        start: 1921
        - h
  shelfmark: IA.36875
  source: BMC VII 1125.
    - _b15
    - timestamp: 2015-09-07T18:08:56Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-07T18:32:07Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:34:15Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:35:07Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:37:05Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:37:30Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T17:40:35Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:15:05Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:21:41Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:28:27Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:30:33Z
    - timestamp: 2015-09-08T18:31:32Z
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:33:30
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:34:50
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:36:40
    - date: 2015-10-27T16:37:37
    - date: 2015-12-14T18:51:16
    - date: 2015-12-14T18:52:50
    - date: 2015-12-14T22:56:14
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:14:12
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:15:54
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:27:16
    - date: 2015-12-14T23:37:24
    - date: 2016-03-26T17:35:40
    - timestamp: 2016-10-17T14:00:51
    - timestamp: 2017-02-03T06:17:20