Cambridge, University Library (GB)
: Inc.3.B.3.134[1816]
ISTC No.ij00216000
ΤίτλοςDe mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Tr: Marsilius Ficinus. Add: Proclus: In Platonicum Alcibiadem; De sacrificio et magia; Porphyrius: De divinis et daemonibus; Synesius: De Somniis; Psellus: De daemonibus; Priscianus et Marsilius Ficinus: In Theophrastum De sensu ... ; Alcinous: De doctrina Platonis; Speusippus: De Platonis definitionibus; Pythagoras: Aurea verba et symbola; Xenocrates: De morte; Marsilius Ficinus: De Voluptate
Τοποχρονολογία έκδοσηςVenice : Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Sept. 1497
Λέξεις-κλειδιάclassical; translation; collection; education
Περιγραφή αντιτύπου
Ταυτότητα αντιτύπου00560628
ΦορέαςCambridge, University Library (GB)
Ταξιθετικός αριθμόςInc.3.B.3.134[1816]
ΣημείωσηOriginal item identifier in source database: 5346372
active 1564-1569
active 1517-1524
active 1570-1573
ΤόποςCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
ΣημείωσηInc.3.B.3.134[1816]: Provenance: Henry Bennet of Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1568-9): see inscription in Ficinus. Epistolae. Venice : Matteo Capcasa (di Codeca), for Hieronymus Blondus, 11 March 1495 (ISTC if00154000; Oates 1946), now Inc.3.B.3.82[1628], with which the book was formerly bound. John Moore, Bishop of Ely, listed among his printed books in E. Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ .... Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano ..., 1697, t. II, p. 382, no. 164. Presented to Cambridge University Library by King George I, 1715. Old library shelfmark 'Ab-2-23²' in pencil on leaf a1 recto. UkCU,Inc.3.B.3.134[1817]: Provenance: John Moore, Bishop of Ely, but not listed among his printed books in E. Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ .... Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano ..., 1697, t. II, pp. 379-384, 390-391. Presented to Cambridge University Library by King George I, 1715. Old library shelfmark 'AB-3-35²' on leaf a1 recto. UkCU,Inc.3.B.3.134[1818]: Provenance: John Bamborough, Vicar of Malling in Kent, the inscription 'Liber claustri roffensis ex dono magistri Ioannis bambrogh vicarij de mallynge' on leaf a2 recto, referring to his gift of the book to the Cathedral Priory of St Andrews in Rochester, Kent, early 16th century. Inscribed 'Will[ia]m Hayte Anno d[omi]ni 1570' on leaf a1 recto, and 'William Hayte' on leaf a2 recto, England, possibly identifiable with the same William Hayte, owner of Nicolaus de Blony. Sermones de tempore et de sanctis, sive Viridarius. Strasbourg : [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 23 August 1498 (ISTC in00092000), now Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. 1Q 4.23, bought by him from the vicar of Coombe Bisset, Wiltshire, in 1573: see Bod-inc N-037. Inscribed 'Rgrs Andrs' [both with abbreviation signs] on leaf a1 recto, England, 18th [?] century, unidentified. John Couch Adams, Lowndean Professor of Astronomy, his bookplate on upper pastedown and shelfmark 'Adams 3.49.7' in ink on leaf a1 recto. His bequest to Cambridge University Library in 1892.
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Τελευταία επεξεργασία2017-04-30 12:00:00