Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00560626 00560626


_id: 00560626
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - 'Title from caption at incipit on leaf a1 recto. '
    - 'Imprints from colophon on leaf G5 recto, which reads in full: Jmpressum autem Venetijs per Bernardum Rizum de Nouaria anno a Natiuitate domini .M.cccc.lxxxx. die decimoquinto Madij regnante inclito duce Augustino Barbadico. '
    - "Woodcut illustrations and initials throughout, including a large Creation of Eve on leaf a1 recto, three half-page representations of the Expulsion from Paradise, a2 verso, Cain slaying Abel, a3 recto, and the Construction of the Tower of Babel, a6 verso; over 60 small woodcut city views, including repeats.  Most of the illustrations and initials from Bernardinus Benalius's 1486 edition  (ISTC ij00210000), with the addition of the Tower of Babel and city-view cuts of Genoa, Rome, Verona, and Venice on leaves c4 verso, g1 recto, i8 recto, and  t4 recto respectively. "
    - "Woodcut printer's device B on leaf G5v.  For Rizus's device B, see BM 15th cent., V, 400. "
    - 'Printed running titles and foliation, with mistakes:  leaves 70, 96, 112, 156, 201-03, 207-08, and 236 misnumbered 7, 76, 1012, 154, 221-23, 227-28, and 237 respectively. '
    - 'Signatures:  (1-6)⁶ (7-12)⁶ a-z⁸ [et]⁸ [con]⁸ [rum]⁸ A-F⁸ G⁶.  First and last leaves, (1-6.1) and G6 blank. '
    - "Tables of contents, (1-6.2)r-(7-12.11)v;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. [Prologus, dedicated to] the magistrates of Bergamo, (7-12.12)r-v;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. Supplementum chronicarum, [Liber primus], continuing until the year1490, a1r-G5r;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. [Editorial note], dated 15th October 1486, and giving the age of the author as 52, G5r;  colophon, G5r;  printer's register and device, G5v. "
    - 'BM 15th cent., V, 402 '
    - 'BN cat. des incun., J-143 '
    - 'Bod-inc, J-090 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, I-124  (with digital facsimile) '
    - "Essling, V. Masséna, prince d'. Les livres à figures vénitiens, 343 "
    - 'Goff, J211 '
    - 'GW, M10974  (with digital facsimiles) '
    - 'Hain-Copinger, 2808* '
    - 'ISTC, ij00211000 '
    - 'Oates, 1938 '
    - 'Sander, 917 '
    - 'Most woodcuts and initials coloured by hand, Germany [?], late 15th or early 16th century. '
    - 'Wanting first and last blank leaves (1-6.1) and G6. '
    - '12, 261, [1] leaves :'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5349023'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ij00211000
    point: {}
    - agent:
        - dates: 1787-1854
          name: 'Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard'
          ownerId: 00013021
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: 'Blind-rolled pigskin over pasteboards, sewn on five double-cord bands, round spine, endbands sewn in single colour, with traces of two couples of fastening leather ties at fore-edge of boards, Germany, 16th century.  Pink and yellow paper spine labels, Germany [?], 19th century.'
      certainty: a
      msNote: 'A few marginal manuscript notes in cursive hand, Germany [?], early 16th century.'
      note: "Marked '/8/' in red crayon and 'Lot 219' in brown crayon on upper pastedown.  Johann Georg Franz Burkhard Kloss of Frankfurt am Main, his bookplate on upper pastedown.  His sale, Sotheby's, 7-29 May 1835, lot 666.  Priced 'co/j' and '' and marked '- 416 - 75' in pencil on upper pastedown.  Bought at Puttick and Simpson, 26 July 1864, lot 658.  Old library shelfmark 'AB.11.88' in pen on leaf (1-6.2) recto."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.3.B.3.78[1621]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-10T08:18:50



_id: 00560626
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - 'Title from caption at incipit on leaf a1 recto. '
    - 'Imprints from colophon on leaf G5 recto, which reads in full: Jmpressum autem Venetijs per Bernardum Rizum de Nouaria anno a Natiuitate domini .M.cccc.lxxxx. die decimoquinto Madij regnante inclito duce Augustino Barbadico. '
    - "Woodcut illustrations and initials throughout, including a large Creation of Eve on leaf a1 recto, three half-page representations of the Expulsion from Paradise, a2 verso, Cain slaying Abel, a3 recto, and the Construction of the Tower of Babel, a6 verso; over 60 small woodcut city views, including repeats.  Most of the illustrations and initials from Bernardinus Benalius's 1486 edition  (ISTC ij00210000), with the addition of the Tower of Babel and city-view cuts of Genoa, Rome, Verona, and Venice on leaves c4 verso, g1 recto, i8 recto, and  t4 recto respectively. "
    - "Woodcut printer's device B on leaf G5v.  For Rizus's device B, see BM 15th cent., V, 400. "
    - 'Printed running titles and foliation, with mistakes:  leaves 70, 96, 112, 156, 201-03, 207-08, and 236 misnumbered 7, 76, 1012, 154, 221-23, 227-28, and 237 respectively. '
    - 'Signatures:  (1-6)⁶ (7-12)⁶ a-z⁸ [et]⁸ [con]⁸ [rum]⁸ A-F⁸ G⁶.  First and last leaves, (1-6.1) and G6 blank. '
    - "Tables of contents, (1-6.2)r-(7-12.11)v;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. [Prologus, dedicated to] the magistrates of Bergamo, (7-12.12)r-v;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. Supplementum chronicarum, [Liber primus], continuing until the year1490, a1r-G5r;  Jacobus Philippus Foresti de Bergamo. [Editorial note], dated 15th October 1486, and giving the age of the author as 52, G5r;  colophon, G5r;  printer's register and device, G5v. "
    - 'BM 15th cent., V, 402 '
    - 'BN cat. des incun., J-143 '
    - 'Bod-inc, J-090 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, I-124  (with digital facsimile) '
    - "Essling, V. Masséna, prince d'. Les livres à figures vénitiens, 343 "
    - 'Goff, J211 '
    - 'GW, M10974  (with digital facsimiles) '
    - 'Hain-Copinger, 2808* '
    - 'ISTC, ij00211000 '
    - 'Oates, 1938 '
    - 'Sander, 917 '
    - 'Most woodcuts and initials coloured by hand, Germany [?], late 15th or early 16th century. '
    - 'Wanting first and last blank leaves (1-6.1) and G6. '
    - '12, 261, [1] leaves :'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5349023'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ij00211000
    point: {}
    - agent:
        - dates: 1787-1854
          name: 'Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard'
          ownerId: 00013021
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: 'Blind-rolled pigskin over pasteboards, sewn on five double-cord bands, round spine, endbands sewn in single colour, with traces of two couples of fastening leather ties at fore-edge of boards, Germany, 16th century.  Pink and yellow paper spine labels, Germany [?], 19th century.'
      certainty: a
      msNote: 'A few marginal manuscript notes in cursive hand, Germany [?], early 16th century.'
      note: "Marked '/8/' in red crayon and 'Lot 219' in brown crayon on upper pastedown.  Johann Georg Franz Burkhard Kloss of Frankfurt am Main, his bookplate on upper pastedown.  His sale, Sotheby's, 7-29 May 1835, lot 666.  Priced 'co/j' and '' and marked '- 416 - 75' in pencil on upper pastedown.  Bought at Puttick and Simpson, 26 July 1864, lot 658.  Old library shelfmark 'AB.11.88' in pen on leaf (1-6.2) recto."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.3.B.3.78[1621]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-10T08:18:50