Cambridge, University Library (GB)
: Inc.3.E.7.2[3075]
Numer w bazie ISTCij00197400
AutorJacobus de Voragine
Tytuł Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [Dutch] Sermonen op die evangelien van de zondagen door dat gehele jaar
Adres wydawniczyZwolle : Peter van Os, 6 Nov. 1489
Temattheology pastoral
Słowa kluczowetranslation
Opis egzemplarza
Numer rekordu egzemplarza00560622
Instytucja przechowującaCambridge, University Library (GB)
UwagiSignatures: a⁸ b-h⁶ I⁶ k-z⁶ A-F⁶ G⁴ H-I⁶ (I6 blank).
BM 15th cent., IX, p. 85
BN catalogue des incunables, J-138
Bod-inc, J-081
Campbell, 1772
Copinger, 6556
ISTC, ij00197400
Oates, 3606
Polain, M.-L. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique, 2234
Thienen & Goldfinch. Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, 1321
Imperfect: Leaf A1 (title), H1 and I6 (blank) wanting. H6 misbound before H2. Decoration: Principal initial supplied in blue with reserved decoration; other initials, paragraph marks and capital strokes supplied and headings underlined in red.
[192] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5353274
MiejsceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
UwagiBought July 1868 from P. Kockx of Antwerp (no. 79 in an unidentified catalogue), using money from the Rustat Fund. On the back a hand-written nineteenth-century shelf-label or lot number 'No. 169'.
UwagiLate eighteenth-century half calf; mottled paper boards.
UwagiImperfect: Leaf A1 (title), H1 and I6 (blank) wanting. H6 misbound before H2. Decoration: Principal initial supplied in blue with reserved decoration; other initials, paragraph marks and capital strokes supplied and headings underlined in red.
Wiarygodność danychRejestracja tej proweniencji została zweryfikowana
Inne informacje
Ostatnio edytowane2017-04-30 12:00:00