Material Evidence
in Incunabula



_id: 00560580
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
    - 'Title from caption at incipit on leaf [c1] recto. '
    - 'Date of printing from colophon on leaf [Z10] recto, which reads in full:  Lombardica hystoria explicit Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccclxxxii. '
    - 'Text in two columns. '
    - 'Spaces left blank for initials. '
    - 'Signatures:  [a-y⁸ z⁶ A-C⁸ D⁶ E-H⁸ I⁶ K-L⁸ M⁶ N-Y⁸ Z¹⁰].  Leaf [a1] blank. '
    - '[Table of contents in alphabetical order, with prologue], [a2]r-[b6]v;  Jacobus de Voragine. Prologue, incipit "Jncipit p[ro]logus super legendas sanctorum : quas collegit in unum frater Jacobus Januensis ordinis fratrum praedicatorum", [b7]r;  [Table of chapters], [b7v]-[b8]v;  Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia, [c1]r-[Z10]r;  colophon, [Z10]r. '
    - 'BM 15th cent., I, 97 '
    - 'BN cat. des incun., J-83 '
    - 'Bod-inc, J-045 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, I-81 '
    - 'Goff, J104 '
    - 'GW, M11296  (with digital facsimiles) '
    - 'ISTC, ij00104000 '
    - 'Oates, 175 '
    - '[362] leaves ;'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5548290'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ij00104000
    - agent:
        - dates: 1819-1892
          name: 'Adams, John Couch'
          ownerId: 00018454
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - name: 'Minoritenkloster (Würzburg, Germany)'
          ownerId: 00019521
          role: R390
          type: corporate
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: "Blind-tooled pigskin, coloured in brown, over wooden boards, sewn on three double-split alum-tawed skin spine bands, endbands of alum-tawed skin core and plaited sewing going through the spine leather, with two rectangular copper-alloy fastening catches secured by three copper-alloy nails at the fore-edge of upper board, two stubs of pigskin straps for fastening metal clasps [wanting] at the fore-edge of lower board, held in place by two small rectangular copper-alloy plaquettes, each secured by two copper-alloy nails, with round copper-alloy centre- and corner-bosses on both boards, attributable to a workshop named Würzburg Dominikaner Einzelgänger or Lamm (Württemberg), active in Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria, Germany, between 1473 and 1483 (EBDB w002695); blind-tooling includes a symbol of the Agnus Dei (EBDB s019936), a large 6-petal rosette (EBDB s019943), a very small rosette (EBDB s035470) and a unicorn (EBDB s019938).  Manuscript titles 'Legenda sanctorum' in black ink on upper board, Germany, 16th [?] century, and on head spine compartment, Germany, 18th [?] century."
      certainty: a
      decorationNote: 'Initials, paragraph marks and highlighting of printed capitals supplied in red by hand, France or Germany, 1480s.'
      msNote: "Manuscript notes in cursive hand: 'Anno 1481 ve[n]it onorat[us] [?] f[rate]r uocat[us] d[e] frawen aurach q[ui] [?] id[em] extit[er]at [con]f[essor] [?] ad locu[m] istu[m] atoto [con]ue[n]tu soror[um] et ma[n]sit h[ic] i[n] quo t[em]p[o]r[e] [com]p[ar]ati su[n]t libri...' on lower pastedown, recording the acquisition of books in 1481 after the arrival of a friar from the Dominican convent of Frauenaurach, near Erlangen in Bavaria; 'Memorandu[m] q[uod] 1483 fuit pestis epidimie i[n] univ[er]sa t[er]ra alamanie' on upper pastedown, recording an outbreak of plague in Germany, which caused the death of a nun and a local chaplain died, whereas all other nuns from the same convent survived."
      note: "Inscribed '1483. Ad i[n]sta[n]cia[m] fr[atr]is vlric[i] villici d[e] augusta p[ro] tu[n]c [con]f[essoris]. [com]p[ar]at[us] e[st] lib[er] iste sic[ut] alii noue[m] de p[ropri]a el[emos]i[n]a [?] abs[que] [con]ue[n]t[us] da[m]pno. oret[ur] p[ro] eo et aliis bicis [?]' on lower pastedown, Germany, 1483, friar Ulrich of Augsburg unidentified.  Inscribed 'Ad Biblioth[ecam] Fr[atru]m Min[orum] Conuent[ualium] S. Francisci Herbipoli' on leaf [a2] recto, i.e. the Conventual Franciscans, Würzburg, Germany, 17th [?] century.  John Couch Adams, Lowndean Professor of Astronomy, his bookplate on upper pastedown and shelfmark 'Adams.4.48.14' on leaf [a2] recto; his bequest to Cambridge University Library in 1892."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.2.A.2.10[141]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z


Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: OK 61-2741-2742




_id: 00560580
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
    - 'Title from caption at incipit on leaf [c1] recto. '
    - 'Date of printing from colophon on leaf [Z10] recto, which reads in full:  Lombardica hystoria explicit Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccclxxxii. '
    - 'Text in two columns. '
    - 'Spaces left blank for initials. '
    - 'Signatures:  [a-y⁸ z⁶ A-C⁸ D⁶ E-H⁸ I⁶ K-L⁸ M⁶ N-Y⁸ Z¹⁰].  Leaf [a1] blank. '
    - '[Table of contents in alphabetical order, with prologue], [a2]r-[b6]v;  Jacobus de Voragine. Prologue, incipit "Jncipit p[ro]logus super legendas sanctorum : quas collegit in unum frater Jacobus Januensis ordinis fratrum praedicatorum", [b7]r;  [Table of chapters], [b7v]-[b8]v;  Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia, [c1]r-[Z10]r;  colophon, [Z10]r. '
    - 'BM 15th cent., I, 97 '
    - 'BN cat. des incun., J-83 '
    - 'Bod-inc, J-045 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, I-81 '
    - 'Goff, J104 '
    - 'GW, M11296  (with digital facsimiles) '
    - 'ISTC, ij00104000 '
    - 'Oates, 175 '
    - '[362] leaves ;'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5548290'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ij00104000
    - agent:
        - dates: 1819-1892
          name: 'Adams, John Couch'
          ownerId: 00018454
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - name: 'Minoritenkloster (Würzburg, Germany)'
          ownerId: 00019521
          role: R390
          type: corporate
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: "Blind-tooled pigskin, coloured in brown, over wooden boards, sewn on three double-split alum-tawed skin spine bands, endbands of alum-tawed skin core and plaited sewing going through the spine leather, with two rectangular copper-alloy fastening catches secured by three copper-alloy nails at the fore-edge of upper board, two stubs of pigskin straps for fastening metal clasps [wanting] at the fore-edge of lower board, held in place by two small rectangular copper-alloy plaquettes, each secured by two copper-alloy nails, with round copper-alloy centre- and corner-bosses on both boards, attributable to a workshop named Würzburg Dominikaner Einzelgänger or Lamm (Württemberg), active in Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria, Germany, between 1473 and 1483 (EBDB w002695); blind-tooling includes a symbol of the Agnus Dei (EBDB s019936), a large 6-petal rosette (EBDB s019943), a very small rosette (EBDB s035470) and a unicorn (EBDB s019938).  Manuscript titles 'Legenda sanctorum' in black ink on upper board, Germany, 16th [?] century, and on head spine compartment, Germany, 18th [?] century."
      certainty: a
      decorationNote: 'Initials, paragraph marks and highlighting of printed capitals supplied in red by hand, France or Germany, 1480s.'
      msNote: "Manuscript notes in cursive hand: 'Anno 1481 ve[n]it onorat[us] [?] f[rate]r uocat[us] d[e] frawen aurach q[ui] [?] id[em] extit[er]at [con]f[essor] [?] ad locu[m] istu[m] atoto [con]ue[n]tu soror[um] et ma[n]sit h[ic] i[n] quo t[em]p[o]r[e] [com]p[ar]ati su[n]t libri...' on lower pastedown, recording the acquisition of books in 1481 after the arrival of a friar from the Dominican convent of Frauenaurach, near Erlangen in Bavaria; 'Memorandu[m] q[uod] 1483 fuit pestis epidimie i[n] univ[er]sa t[er]ra alamanie' on upper pastedown, recording an outbreak of plague in Germany, which caused the death of a nun and a local chaplain died, whereas all other nuns from the same convent survived."
      note: "Inscribed '1483. Ad i[n]sta[n]cia[m] fr[atr]is vlric[i] villici d[e] augusta p[ro] tu[n]c [con]f[essoris]. [com]p[ar]at[us] e[st] lib[er] iste sic[ut] alii noue[m] de p[ropri]a el[emos]i[n]a [?] abs[que] [con]ue[n]t[us] da[m]pno. oret[ur] p[ro] eo et aliis bicis [?]' on lower pastedown, Germany, 1483, friar Ulrich of Augsburg unidentified.  Inscribed 'Ad Biblioth[ecam] Fr[atru]m Min[orum] Conuent[ualium] S. Francisci Herbipoli' on leaf [a2] recto, i.e. the Conventual Franciscans, Würzburg, Germany, 17th [?] century.  John Couch Adams, Lowndean Professor of Astronomy, his bookplate on upper pastedown and shelfmark 'Adams.4.48.14' on leaf [a2] recto; his bequest to Cambridge University Library in 1892."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.2.A.2.10[141]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z