Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00560575 Inc.3.E.4.1[2892] [00560575]

Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.3.E.4.1[2892]

ISTC No.ij00093900
AuthorJacobus de Voragine
TitleLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
ImprintDeventer : Richardus Pafraet, 1479
Keywordsliterature devotional; liturgy

Description of Copy

Copy Id00560575
Holding InstitutionCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteDeventer version (Bod-inc) with additional material.
Begins: Prefatio super lege[n]das sanctoru[m] per anni circuitu[m] venientiu[m] q[ua]s compilauit frater Iacobus de voragine ordinis predicato[rum] quondam episcopus ianuensis incipit feliciter.
Colophon, zz7v: Explicit legenda aurea cu[m] multis alijs pulcherrimis et pe[re]grinis hystorijs & lege[n]dis sancto[rum] vnde cu[n]q[ue] collectis. dilige[n]ti studio et graui labore correcta Impressa et co[m]pleta in insigni ciuitate daue[n]trie[n]si p[er] Richardum paffraed de colonia natu[m] ciue[m] daue[n]trie[n]se[m] Anno domini millesimo quadringe[n]tesimo septuagesimonono Vnde de[us] sit benedictus in secula seculorum AMEN.
Signatures: a-z⁸ aa-zz⁸ (a1 and zz8 blank).
a1 blank; preface, a2r-v; Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Deventer version] (incipit: "Incipit legenda s[an]c[t]o[rum] aurea que alio no[m]i[n]e dicit historia longobardica. Et primo de adue[n]tu d[o]m[ini] n[ost]ri ihesu [christ]i. Historia p[ri]ma."), a2v-zz7v [for full details of contents, see Bod-inc]; colophon, zz7v; zz8 blank.
BM 15th cent., IX, p. 41
Bod-inc, J-034
Campbell, Suppl. II 1752a
Copinger-Reichling, 6419
ISTC, ij00093900
Oates, 3421
Polain, M.-L. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique, 2191
Thienen & Goldfinch. Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, 1305
With three leaves of manuscript index at the front in the same fifteenth-century hand as the foliation.
[368] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5270222


Provenance nameEcclesia Sancti Pauli (Netherlands or Germany?) [Corporate body; Former Owner]


PlaceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Provenance nameCambridge University Library [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Library, No characterisation/lay)
NoteInscribed at head of a2r: 'Liber Ecclesiae S. Pauli'. Date of acquisition by the Library unrecorded. Decoration: First initial supplied in blue with illumination in gold and pen flourishes in red (Netherlands, fifteenth century). Other initials and paragraph marks supplied and headings underlined in alternating red and blue. Folio numbers supplied in red in outer margin. Capital strokes supplied in red.
Binding noteSixteenth-century Dutch? stamped calf over bevelled wooden boards; rebacked; the leather on the upper board inlaid upside-down and probably from another, smaller binding of the fifteenth-century.
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain

Other Information

Last Edit2017-04-30 12:00:00

All Copies


Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.3.E.4.1[2892]

ISTC No.ij00093900
AuthorJacobus de Voragine
TitleLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
ImprintDeventer : Richardus Pafraet, 1479
Keywordsliterature devotional; liturgy

Description of Copy

Copy Id00560575
Holding InstitutionCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteDeventer version (Bod-inc) with additional material.
Begins: Prefatio super lege[n]das sanctoru[m] per anni circuitu[m] venientiu[m] q[ua]s compilauit frater Iacobus de voragine ordinis predicato[rum] quondam episcopus ianuensis incipit feliciter.
Colophon, zz7v: Explicit legenda aurea cu[m] multis alijs pulcherrimis et pe[re]grinis hystorijs & lege[n]dis sancto[rum] vnde cu[n]q[ue] collectis. dilige[n]ti studio et graui labore correcta Impressa et co[m]pleta in insigni ciuitate daue[n]trie[n]si p[er] Richardum paffraed de colonia natu[m] ciue[m] daue[n]trie[n]se[m] Anno domini millesimo quadringe[n]tesimo septuagesimonono Vnde de[us] sit benedictus in secula seculorum AMEN.
Signatures: a-z⁸ aa-zz⁸ (a1 and zz8 blank).
a1 blank; preface, a2r-v; Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Deventer version] (incipit: "Incipit legenda s[an]c[t]o[rum] aurea que alio no[m]i[n]e dicit historia longobardica. Et primo de adue[n]tu d[o]m[ini] n[ost]ri ihesu [christ]i. Historia p[ri]ma."), a2v-zz7v [for full details of contents, see Bod-inc]; colophon, zz7v; zz8 blank.
BM 15th cent., IX, p. 41
Bod-inc, J-034
Campbell, Suppl. II 1752a
Copinger-Reichling, 6419
ISTC, ij00093900
Oates, 3421
Polain, M.-L. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique, 2191
Thienen & Goldfinch. Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, 1305
With three leaves of manuscript index at the front in the same fifteenth-century hand as the foliation.
[368] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5270222


Provenance nameEcclesia Sancti Pauli (Netherlands or Germany?) [Corporate body; Former Owner]


PlaceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Provenance nameCambridge University Library [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Library, No characterisation/lay)
NoteInscribed at head of a2r: 'Liber Ecclesiae S. Pauli'. Date of acquisition by the Library unrecorded. Decoration: First initial supplied in blue with illumination in gold and pen flourishes in red (Netherlands, fifteenth century). Other initials and paragraph marks supplied and headings underlined in alternating red and blue. Folio numbers supplied in red in outer margin. Capital strokes supplied in red.
Binding noteSixteenth-century Dutch? stamped calf over bevelled wooden boards; rebacked; the leather on the upper board inlaid upside-down and probably from another, smaller binding of the fifteenth-century.
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain

Other Information

Last Edit2017-04-30 12:00:00