Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00560534 Inc.1.A.2.1[67] [00560534]

Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.1.A.2.1[67]

ISTC Nr.ii00182000
VerfasserIsidorus Hispalensis
Erscheinungsvermerk[Strassburg : Johann Mentelin, about 1473]
StichwörterEncyclopaedia; philosophy; dictionary

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.00560534
Besitzende BibliothekCambridge, University Library (GB)
AnmerkungTitle from explicit in capitals on leaf [o12] recto.
Woodcuts diagrams on leaves [c9] recto and verso, [c10] recto and verso, [d4] recto (wind wheel) and [d5] verso, and diagrammatic T-O world map on leaf [k9] verso.
The trees of affinity and consanguinity on leaves [h4] recto and verso are created by the use of printed words arranged in tree patterns.
Text in two columns.
Spaces left blank for initials, figures, diagrams, and Greek words and letters.
Signatures: [a-n¹⁰ o¹²]. First leaf [a1] blank.
Isidorus Hispalensis and Braulio, Bishop of Zaragoza. [Letters of correspondence], [a2]r-[a3]r; "Tabula generalis", [a3]r-v; Isidorus Hispalensis. Etymologiae, also known as Origines, Books 1-20, [a3]v-[o12]r.
BM 15th cent., I, 57
BN cat. des incun., I-68
Bod-inc, I-036
BSB-Ink, I-628
Goff, I182
GW, M15263 (with digital facsimile)
Hain-Copinger, 9270*
ISTC, ii00182000
Klebs, 536.1
Oates, 89
Wanting first blank leaf [a1].
[142] leaves :
Original item identifier in source database: 5516623

Provenienz 1821-1881

ProvenienznameHorwood, Alfred J. (Alfred John), 1821-1881 [Person; Vorbesitzer]


ProvenienznameDominikanerinnenkloster Heilig Kreuz Regensburg [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer]


OrtCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
ProvenienznameCambridge University Library [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
AnmerkungInscribed 'Jste liber p[er]tin[et] [con]ue[n]tuj Ratispone[n]si / ordi[ni]s p[re]dicator[um]' on leaf [a2] recto, Germany, 16th century, the Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross at Regensburg (dissolved in 1806). Alfred John Horwood of Middle Temple. Bought by Quaritch for the library at the Horwood sale, Sotheby's, 8-12 June 1883, lot 1178, through the Rustat Fund, the fund armorial bookplate on upper pastedown.
Beschreibung des EinbandsRed sheepskin (roan) over pasteboards, England, early 19th century. Parchment fragments from a manuscript in small Gothic hand, Germany, 14th [?] century, used as guards at centre of gatherings [a] and [o], Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th or early 16th century.
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungDecoration and rubrication: Puzzle initial in red and blue, with penwork in contrasting blue and red, on leaf [a2] recto; puzzle initials in red and blue, some with deserved decoration, at beginning of books; initials in alternating red and blue throughout; paragraph marks before and underlining of captions in red throughout; paragraph marks, highlighting of printed capitals in indexes on leaves [a2] verso and [e9] verso-[e10] recto; diagrams and words in red on leaves [c2] recto and verso and [m1] recto; all supplied by hand, Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th century.
Handschr. EintragungenPen drawing of a scroll surrounding the explicit on leaf [o12] recto, Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th or early 16th century.
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

weitere Information

Letzte Änderung2017-04-30 12:00:00

Alle Exemplare


Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.1.A.2.1[67]

ISTC Nr.ii00182000
VerfasserIsidorus Hispalensis
Erscheinungsvermerk[Strassburg : Johann Mentelin, about 1473]
StichwörterEncyclopaedia; philosophy; dictionary

Beschreibung des Exemplars

Exemplar Nr.00560534
Besitzende BibliothekCambridge, University Library (GB)
AnmerkungTitle from explicit in capitals on leaf [o12] recto.
Woodcuts diagrams on leaves [c9] recto and verso, [c10] recto and verso, [d4] recto (wind wheel) and [d5] verso, and diagrammatic T-O world map on leaf [k9] verso.
The trees of affinity and consanguinity on leaves [h4] recto and verso are created by the use of printed words arranged in tree patterns.
Text in two columns.
Spaces left blank for initials, figures, diagrams, and Greek words and letters.
Signatures: [a-n¹⁰ o¹²]. First leaf [a1] blank.
Isidorus Hispalensis and Braulio, Bishop of Zaragoza. [Letters of correspondence], [a2]r-[a3]r; "Tabula generalis", [a3]r-v; Isidorus Hispalensis. Etymologiae, also known as Origines, Books 1-20, [a3]v-[o12]r.
BM 15th cent., I, 57
BN cat. des incun., I-68
Bod-inc, I-036
BSB-Ink, I-628
Goff, I182
GW, M15263 (with digital facsimile)
Hain-Copinger, 9270*
ISTC, ii00182000
Klebs, 536.1
Oates, 89
Wanting first blank leaf [a1].
[142] leaves :
Original item identifier in source database: 5516623


ProvenienznameHorwood, Alfred J. (Alfred John), 1821-1881 [Person; Vorbesitzer]


ProvenienznameDominikanerinnenkloster Heilig Kreuz Regensburg [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer]


OrtCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
ProvenienznameCambridge University Library [Körperschaft; Vorbesitzer] (Bibliothek, Keine Characterisierung / Laie)
AnmerkungInscribed 'Jste liber p[er]tin[et] [con]ue[n]tuj Ratispone[n]si / ordi[ni]s p[re]dicator[um]' on leaf [a2] recto, Germany, 16th century, the Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross at Regensburg (dissolved in 1806). Alfred John Horwood of Middle Temple. Bought by Quaritch for the library at the Horwood sale, Sotheby's, 8-12 June 1883, lot 1178, through the Rustat Fund, the fund armorial bookplate on upper pastedown.
Beschreibung des EinbandsRed sheepskin (roan) over pasteboards, England, early 19th century. Parchment fragments from a manuscript in small Gothic hand, Germany, 14th [?] century, used as guards at centre of gatherings [a] and [o], Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th or early 16th century.
Anmerkung zur AusgestaltungDecoration and rubrication: Puzzle initial in red and blue, with penwork in contrasting blue and red, on leaf [a2] recto; puzzle initials in red and blue, some with deserved decoration, at beginning of books; initials in alternating red and blue throughout; paragraph marks before and underlining of captions in red throughout; paragraph marks, highlighting of printed capitals in indexes on leaves [a2] verso and [e9] verso-[e10] recto; diagrams and words in red on leaves [c2] recto and verso and [m1] recto; all supplied by hand, Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th century.
Handschr. EintragungenPen drawing of a scroll surrounding the explicit on leaf [o12] recto, Germany, Regensburg [?], late 15th or early 16th century.
VerlässlichkeitDie Beschreibung dieser Provenienz kann als sicher angesehen werden

weitere Information

Letzte Änderung2017-04-30 12:00:00