Cambridge, University Library (GB)
: Inc.4.A.27.2[3931]
ISTC No.ih00033450
ΣυγγραφέαςHenricus de Hassia
ΤίτλοςSecreta sacerdotum (Corr & Ed: Michael Lochmaier)
Τοποχρονολογία έκδοσηςLeipzig : Conrad Kachelofen, 1497
ΘέμαΘεολογία - Ποιμενική
Περιγραφή αντιτύπου
Ταυτότητα αντιτύπου00560325
ΦορέαςCambridge, University Library (GB)
Ταξιθετικός αριθμόςInc.4.A.27.2[3931]
ΣημείωσηTitle from title page on leaf A1 recto.
Caption on leaf A1 verso reads in full: Jncipiunt secreta sacerdotum Magistri Henrici de Hassia Que sibi placent vel displicent in missa [et]c[etera]. Per egregium sacre theologie et iuriscanonici Doctorem Magistrum Michaelem Lochmeyer correcta et in hanc formam redacta.
Imprints from colophon on leaf B5 verso, which reads in full: Jmpressum Liptzk per Cunradum Kachelouen Anno domini Millesimoquadringentesimo No=nagesimo septimo.
Corrected and edited by Michael Lochmaier.
Spaces left blank for initials.
Signatures: A-B⁶. Last leaf B6 blank. First leaf A1 unsigned.
Title page, A1r; caption, A1v; Henricus de Hassia. Secreta sacerdotum, incipit "[S]Acerdotes plures circa offitiu[m] aliter p[ro]cederent et si aliter docuissent . ideo non est eis imputandu[m]:", explicit "Sine cuius auxilio nemo quic=quam saluti congruum compilauit. quatenus nos sua gracia il=luminare dignetur Amen", A2r-B5v; colophon, B5v. First line of leaf B1 recto reads "[memo=] riam agebat motu capitis insolenter memorauit. et hoc quasi sto [lidum] "
GW, 12249
ISTC, ih00033450
Oates, 1273
Rubrication: Highlighting of printed capitals and underlining of captions supplied in red by hand, Germany, Regensburg [?], early 16th century.
Wanting last blank leaf B6.
[12] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5173477
ΤόποςCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
ΣημείωσηA faint inscription, possibly 'Theodoricus [?] Rap<...>is *** possidet' on leaf A1 recto, early 16th century. Inscribed 'Conventus Ratisbonn. Frm. <Praed>' on leaf A1 recto, washed away, and 'con. Ratisb. ord. <Praed>' on leaf A2 recto, the Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross at Regensburg (dissolved in 1806), Germany, 16th and 17 century. Bought of [H. A.] Selden in September 1913 for £ 2-10-0 by Stephen Gaselee, C.B.E., Fellow of Magdalene College, his bibliographical note, purchase note, signature, address, and number '93' in ink and pencil on upper free endpaper, recto and verso. Listed in S. Gaselee, A list of the early printed books in the possession of Stephen Gaselee, Cambridge, 1920, p. 13, no. 93. Presented by Gaselee on 5 November 1934.
Σημείωση βιβλιοδεσίαςQuarter brown morocco and red paper over pasteboards, England, 19th century.
Χειρόγραφες σημειώσειςMarginal manuscript nota sign on leaf A3 recto, Germany, Regensburg [?], early 16th century.
ΒεβαιότηταΗ καταγραφή αυτών των στοιχείων θεωρείται βέβαιη
Άλλη πληροφορία
Τελευταία επεξεργασία2017-04-30 12:00:00