--- _id: 00560306 data: completeness: 1 copyType: - a descriptionLanguage: eng holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7 holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL hostItemId: ig00721100 provenance: - area: - areaCode: e-fr decorationNote: First initial supplied in red and blue; other initials and paragraph marks supplied in red. hasPenInitials: 1 place: - geonamesId: 2988507 name: Paris source: - a timeperiod: end: 1500 start: 1494 type: - l - acquisitionMethod: a agent: - characterisation: - noc dates: '1868 - 1941' gender: 1002 name: 'Barnard, Percy Mordaunt' ownerId: 00011341 professionOrType: - bkt type: person area: - areaCode: e-uk-en certainty: a evidenceDate: 1908 note: 'Bought March 3 1908 ' place: - geonamesId: 2639022 name: Tunbridge Wells source: - a timeperiod: end: 1941 start: 1907 type: - m - acquisitionMethod: a agent: - characterisation: - noc dates: 1416 name: Cambridge University Library ownerId: 3463 professionOrType: - lib role: R399 type: corporate area: - areaCode: e-uk-en bindingNote: Nineteenth-century half calf. certainty: a place: - geonamesId: 2653941 name: Cambridge shelfmark: 'Inc.5.D.1.12[2447]' supportMaterialBook: a meta: context: - _cam history: - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z - date: 2018-04-11T13:06:24 - date: 2018-04-11T13:11:27 - date: 2018-04-11T14:21:12 - date: 2018-04-11T14:30:30 - date: 2018-04-11T14:34:35 - date: 2018-04-11T14:35:29 - date: 2018-04-11T14:37:10