Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00560297 Inc.5.E.4.4[3042] [00560297]

Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.5.E.4.4[3042]

N° ISTCig00704000
TitrePostilla super epistolas et evangelia
Adresse bibliographiqueDeventer : Jacobus de Breda, 1498
Mots clésBible

Description de l’exemplaire

ID de l’exemplaire00560297
Institution de conservationCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteSpurious; by Johannes Herolt. See Kaeppeli, Thomas. Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, II, 2393-2394.
Title from first leaf recto.
De Breda's device on first leaf recto.
Colophon, G8 recto: Postilla Guillerini parisieñ. sacr[a]e theologi[a]e professoris eximij sup[er] ep[isto]las & eua[n]gelia p[er] toti[us] anni circulu[m] ad sensum l[itte]ralem studiosissime coll[e]c[t]a b[e]n[e] eme[n]data & correcta finit. Imp[re]ssa Daue[n]tri[a]e p[er] me Iacobu[m] de Breda. Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.xcviij.
Signatures: [pi]⁴ a-z A-E⁸·⁴ F⁶ G⁸ (leaf [pi]2 signed 'ij').
Leaves a1-G8 numbered Folio primo-[Pagina] Clxxxii.
title with device, [pi]1r; Tabula, [pi]1v-4r; Guillermus [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Preface 'Vitam bonum et exitum beatum', [pi]4r; List of doctors of the Church, [pi]4r-v; 'Ad quos Sanctus Paulus scribit epistolas', [pi]4v; Guilelmus Parisiensis [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Postilla super epistolas [with texts], a1r-n4v; Guilelmus Parisiensis [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Postilla super evangelia [with texts], n4v-G8r; colophon, G8r (verso blank).
BM 15th cent., IX, p. 74
Bod-inc, G-325
Campbell, 904
Copinger, 2872
Goff, G704
GW, 11978
ISTC, ig00704000
Oates, 3577
Thienen & Goldfinch. Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, 1144
Item no. 1 in volume Inc.5.E.4.4[3042]. Bound with: [formerly] Poeniteas cito. Cologne : Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 20 December 1489 (Oates 552) -- Stella clericorum. Deventer : Jacobus de Breda, 17 Jan. 1498 (Oates 3575) -- Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio mysteriorum missae. Deventer : Jacobus de Breda, 1497 (Oates 3572). Second item in volume removed 1906 and presented to the Library; now bound separately.
[186] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5178097

Provenance 16th cent.

PossesseurTheron, Johannes Thomas, 16th cent. [Personne; Ancien possesseur]


PossesseurAbdij Sint-Salvator (Antwerp, Belgium) [Collectivité; Ancien possesseur]


LieuCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Aire géographiquee-uk-en
PossesseurCambridge University Library [Collectivité; Ancien possesseur] (Bibliothèque, Laïc)
NoteFrom the library of Francis Jenkinson, bequeathed 1923. Bought by him at the 'Ipswich sale [unidentified] June 14?, 1906', lot 544 (his note and printed lot number on upper pastedown). Title page inscribed 'Bibliotheca Monasterij Saluatoris Antuerpiae.' The item formerly bound second in this volume inscribed 'Joh[an]n[es] Thomas Theronnj [?]'. Annotations: Notes in various sixteenth- to eighteenth-century hands on title page, including an obituary note dated 1720. Interlinear notes in a sixteenth-century hand on d2r-3r. Decoration: Initials and highlighting of printed capitals supplied in red by hand, late 1480s-1490s.
Description de la reliureFormerly 'old calf, defective' (Oates); now twentieth-century quarter morocco (Cambinders, 1969).


Dernière modification2017-04-30 12:00:00

Tous les exemplaires


CambridgeUL : Inc.5.E.4.4[3042]

imprint : ,


NoteSpurious; by Johannes Herolt. See Kaeppeli, Thomas. Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, II, 2393-2394.
Title from first leaf recto.
De Breda's device on first leaf recto.
Colophon, G8 recto: Postilla Guillerini parisieñ. sacr[a]e theologi[a]e professoris eximij sup[er] ep[isto]las & eua[n]gelia p[er] toti[us] anni circulu[m] ad sensum l[itte]ralem studiosissime coll[e]c[t]a b[e]n[e] eme[n]data & correcta finit. Imp[re]ssa Daue[n]tri[a]e p[er] me Iacobu[m] de Breda. Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.xcviij.
Signatures: [pi]⁴ a-z A-E⁸·⁴ F⁶ G⁸ (leaf [pi]2 signed 'ij').
Leaves a1-G8 numbered Folio primo-[Pagina] Clxxxii.
title with device, [pi]1r; Tabula, [pi]1v-4r; Guillermus [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Preface 'Vitam bonum et exitum beatum', [pi]4r; List of doctors of the Church, [pi]4r-v; 'Ad quos Sanctus Paulus scribit epistolas', [pi]4v; Guilelmus Parisiensis [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Postilla super epistolas [with texts], a1r-n4v; Guilelmus Parisiensis [pseudo-; i.e. Johannes Herolt]. Postilla super evangelia [with texts], n4v-G8r; colophon, G8r (verso blank).
BM 15th cent., IX, p. 74
Bod-inc, G-325
Campbell, 904
Copinger, 2872
Goff, G704
GW, 11978
ISTC, ig00704000
Oates, 3577
Thienen & Goldfinch. Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, 1144
Item no. 1 in volume Inc.5.E.4.4[3042]. Bound with: [formerly] Poeniteas cito. Cologne : Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 20 December 1489 (Oates 552) -- Stella clericorum. Deventer : Jacobus de Breda, 17 Jan. 1498 (Oates 3575) -- Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio mysteriorum missae. Deventer : Jacobus de Breda, 1497 (Oates 3572). Second item in volume removed 1906 and presented to the Library; now bound separately.
[186] leaves ;
Original item identifier in source database: 5178097


PossesseurTheron, Johannes Thomas, 16th cent. [Personne; Ancien possesseur]


PossesseurAbdij Sint-Salvator (Antwerp, Belgium) [Collectivité; Ancien possesseur]


LieuCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Aire géographiquee-uk-en
PossesseurCambridge University Library [Collectivité; Ancien possesseur] (Bibliothèque, Laïc)
NoteFrom the library of Francis Jenkinson, bequeathed 1923. Bought by him at the 'Ipswich sale [unidentified] June 14?, 1906', lot 544 (his note and printed lot number on upper pastedown). Title page inscribed 'Bibliotheca Monasterij Saluatoris Antuerpiae.' The item formerly bound second in this volume inscribed 'Joh[an]n[es] Thomas Theronnj [?]'. Annotations: Notes in various sixteenth- to eighteenth-century hands on title page, including an obituary note dated 1720. Interlinear notes in a sixteenth-century hand on d2r-3r. Decoration: Initials and highlighting of printed capitals supplied in red by hand, late 1480s-1490s.
Description de la reliureFormerly 'old calf, defective' (Oates); now twentieth-century quarter morocco (Cambinders, 1969).
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine

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Dernière modification2017-04-30 12:00:00