Cambridge, University Library (GB)
: Inc.3.J.1.1[3525]
Numer w bazie ISTCid00302000
Tytuł Le doctrinal de sapience [English] (Tr: William Caxton)
Adres wydawniczy[Westminster] : William Caxton, [after 7 May 1489]
Słowa kluczowetranslation
Opis egzemplarza
Numer rekordu egzemplarza00559898
Instytucja przechowującaCambridge, University Library (GB)
UwagiProbably by an anonymous monk of Cluny. Ascriptions to Guy de Roye and Jean Gerson cannot be upheld.
Colophon, L10r: Thus endeth the doctrinal of sapyence the whyche is ryght vtile and prouffytable to alle crysten men, whyche is translated out of Frenshe in to englysshe by wyllyam Caxton at westmestter [sic] fynysshed the. vij. day of may the yere of our lord, M,cccc lxxx ix Caxton me fieri fecit.
An additional chapter (three leaves) is found in one copy (Windsor RL).
Signatures: A-I⁸ K-L¹⁰.
Prologue, A1r-v; table, A2r-A3r; Le doctrinal de sapience [English] / tr. William Caxton, A3v-L10r; colophon, L10r; Caxton's device, L10v.
BM 15th cent., XI, p. 169
Bod-inc, D-118
De Ricci, S. A census of Caxtons, 40
Duff, 127
GW, 8625
Goff, D302
ISTC, id00302000
Needham, P. The printer and the pardoner, Cx94
Oates, 4106
STC (2nd ed.), 21431
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1942. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 143:07).
Formerly bound (3) with: Hylton, Walter. Scala perfectionis. [Westminster] : Wynkyn de Worde, 1494 [sold 1870 to F.S. Ellis; later H. Huth?; now Huntington Library?] -- Laurentius, Frater. The ryal book. [Westminster : William Caxton, ca. 1486] [sold 1862 to Boone; later H. Huth; now Huntington Library] (Needham Appendix B, 34).
[92] leaves :
Original item identifier in source database: 4970617
MiejsceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
UwagiFrom the Royal Library (collection of Bishop John Moore, given to Cambridge University Library in 1715 by George I). Old shelfmark: 'AB.10.52.3'.
UwagiFull morocco, 1891?, by Stoakley.
Wiarygodność danychRejestracja tej proweniencji została zweryfikowana
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Ostatnio edytowane2017-04-30 12:00:00