Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00559591 Inc.5.A.2.12[162] [00559591]

Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.5.A.2.12[162]

ISTC No.ic00305000
AuthorCato, Dionysius
TitleDisticha de moribus. Comm: Anonymous: "Summi deus largitor praemii". Add: Glosulae Cathonis
Imprint[Strassburg : Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, about 1488]
Keywordspoetry; education; commentary

Description of Copy

Copy Id00559591
Holding InstitutionCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteOriginal item identifier in source database: 5110872

Provenance 15th century

Provenance nameM. A., 15th century [Person; Former Owner]

Provenance 16th century

Provenance nameNicolaus, 16th century [Person; Former Owner]

Provenance fl. 1544

Provenance nameDavid Zaczenus, fl. 1544 [Person; Former Owner]

Provenance 16th century

Provenance nameStraminis, Matthaeus, Hradecenus, 16th century [Person; Former Owner]


PlaceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Provenance nameCambridge University Library [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Library, No characterisation/lay)
NoteInc.5.A.2.12[162]: Provenance: Bought of the London bookseller G. A. Davies (cat. 30, no. 81) on 16 November 1865 [purchase note in lower right corner of upper pastedown]. UkCU,Inc.5.A.2.12[163]: Provenance: Initials 'MA' carved in upper board, late 15th or early 16th [?] century. Inscribed 'Nicolaus' on leaf d8 recto, early 16th century. Inscribed 'David Zaczenus hoc sc<ilicet est> [?] / Anno d[omi]ni 1544' in red ink on leaf a1 recto, Bohemia [?]. Inscribed 'Mattheus Straminis Hradecen[us] hoc scilic[et] est' on same leaf, possibly from Jindřichův Hradec or Hradec Králové in Bohemia (now Czech Republic), late 16th century. Bought of the London bookseller William Ridler in November 1894.
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain

Other Information

Last Edit2017-04-30 12:00:00

All Copies


Cambridge, University Library (GB) : Inc.5.A.2.12[162]

ISTC No.ic00305000
AuthorCato, Dionysius
TitleDisticha de moribus. Comm: Anonymous: "Summi deus largitor praemii". Add: Glosulae Cathonis
Imprint[Strassburg : Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, about 1488]
Keywordspoetry; education; commentary

Description of Copy

Copy Id00559591
Holding InstitutionCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteOriginal item identifier in source database: 5110872


Provenance nameM. A., 15th century [Person; Former Owner]


Provenance nameNicolaus, 16th century [Person; Former Owner]


Provenance nameDavid Zaczenus, fl. 1544 [Person; Former Owner]


Provenance nameStraminis, Matthaeus, Hradecenus, 16th century [Person; Former Owner]


PlaceCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Provenance nameCambridge University Library [Corporate body; Former Owner] (Library, No characterisation/lay)
NoteInc.5.A.2.12[162]: Provenance: Bought of the London bookseller G. A. Davies (cat. 30, no. 81) on 16 November 1865 [purchase note in lower right corner of upper pastedown]. UkCU,Inc.5.A.2.12[163]: Provenance: Initials 'MA' carved in upper board, late 15th or early 16th [?] century. Inscribed 'Nicolaus' on leaf d8 recto, early 16th century. Inscribed 'David Zaczenus hoc sc<ilicet est> [?] / Anno d[omi]ni 1544' in red ink on leaf a1 recto, Bohemia [?]. Inscribed 'Mattheus Straminis Hradecen[us] hoc scilic[et] est' on same leaf, possibly from Jindřichův Hradec or Hradec Králové in Bohemia (now Czech Republic), late 16th century. Bought of the London bookseller William Ridler in November 1894.
CertaintyThe recording of this evidence is considered certain

Other Information

Last Edit2017-04-30 12:00:00