Cambridge, University Library (GB)
: Inc.3.A.8.3[967]
N° ISTCib01190000
AuteurBreydenbach, Bernhard von
TitrePeregrinatio in terram sanctam
Adresse bibliographique[Speyer] : Peter Drach, 29 July 1490
Mots cléstravel
Description de l’exemplaire
ID de l’exemplaire00559457
Institution de conservationCambridge, University Library (GB)
NoteSignatures (from GW): a⁸ b²⁺²⁺²⁺² c1² c2² c3²⁺² d1²⁺² d2²⁺² e-n⁸ [o²⁺²⁺²] p¹⁰.
Caption title.
Uniform title from Goff; imprint from colophon on leaf p10r.
Text begins (caption title) on leaf a2 recto: "Reuerendissimo in Christo patri et d[o]m[i]no d[o]m[i]no Bertholdo sancte Maguntin[um] sedis archiepiscopo sacri Romani imperij per Germania[m] archicancellario ac principe electori d[o]m[i]no suo gratiosissimo Bernardus de Breydenbach ... ".
The illustrations, views and map from drawings by Erhard Reuwich, are printed from the original blocks used in the first ed. (Mainz, 1486).
All plates have some letterpress on verso; GW leaf count (120) includes the 30 leaves used to make up the folded plates.
Goff, B-1190
GW, 5076
Oates, 1123
Ohly-Sack, 708
ISTC, ib01190000
HC, 3957
Polain (B), 895
Gathering l misbound: leaves ordered 2, 3, 4, 1, 8, 5 ,6, 7. Folding plates have been strengthened by backing them onto cloth. Some plates slightly damaged at the folds with loss of image.
[120] leaves [7] folding leaves of plates :
Original item identifier in source database: 5355042
PossesseurHilton, A. [Personne; Ancien possesseur]
LieuCambridge (Geonames ID: 2653941)
Aire géographiquee-uk-en
NoteMS inscriptions at head of leaf a2v: E libris celeberrimi Dris Johannis Reynoldes (possibly John Rainolds); Codex A Hilton pretium iiis. ivd. Previous shelfmark written in ink at head of leaf: L.9.14. Financial sums written leaf p10v, headed Mr Sadler, and at foot of MS lining the rear inner board.
Description de la reliure16th century English stamped calf, rebacked. Upper board lined with a leaf from an early printed book (an edition of a commentary on Justinian printed in red and black); lower leaf lined with a leaf of a 13th century legal manuscript on vellum.
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
Informations supplémentaires
Dernière modification2017-04-30 12:00:00