Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00559395 Leicht, Konrad


_id: 00559395
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - 'Signatures: I(6) a-y8 z4 [et]8 AA-KK8 LL6 MM8. '
    - 'Woodcut to I(6) verso. '
    - '67 lines of commentary surrounding the text. '
    - 'Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph marks and most capitals printed in red. '
    - 'First colophon ([et]8r): Sexti decretaliu[m] op[us]: vna cu[m] apparatu: atq[ue] additio[n]ib[us] ex nouella Johannis andree viri disertissimi collecti: in vrbe Basilien[si]. op[er]a atq[ue] industria Joha[n]nis froben de Hammelburg diligenter impressum: felici fine co[n]su[m]matur. '
    - 'Second colophon (MM8r): Joh[ann]es froben de Ha[m]melburg Basilee imp[re]ssio[n]i op[er]am da[n]te[s] Regna[n]te Maximiliano rege romanor[um] i[n]clvto. Anno salut[is]. M.cccc.xciiii. kalendis Septe[m]brib[us]. '
    - 'ISTC, ib01008000 '
    - 'Oates, 2839 '
    - 'Proctor, 7759 '
    - 'BMC, III, 791 '
    - 'Bod-inc, B-476 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, B-730 '
    - 'GW, 4890 '
    - '[288] leaves :'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5350939'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ib01008000
    point: {}
    - agent:
        - dates: 1864-1912
          name: 'Dunn, George'
          ownerId: 3537
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: 'Contemporary English blindstamped calf over bevelled wooden boards. A central panel divided diagonally by fillets, and a border around the outside.  In each corner of the border is a round stamp containing a pelican (possibly Oldham, English blind-stamped bindings, no. 318), and within the border are diamond-shaped tools with foliage.  The central panel contains triangular shaped tools (foliage) and four almost square tools on their points (again, foliage).  Once clasped from front to rear boards, clasps now gone.  A vellum document used to strengthen the binding, visible at the rear.'
      certainty: a
      decorationNote: 'Decoration:Early inscription to rear pastedown, and an early doodle of a face to the rear endpaper.'
      note: "Book label of George Dunn (of Woolley Hall near Maidenhead) and his pencil note at the front dated January 1903; lot 1598 in the second portion of his sales at Sotheby's (2nd-6th February 1914), the University Library's copy of the catalogue annotated to record its purchase by the bookseller Ellis, at the price £2.16.0 (the catalogue also contains several slips of notes relating to lots bid on at the auction); bought by the Library from G. David (Cambridge bookseller) in June 1921, with what may be his price code 't/n/-' to the front pastedown."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.4.C.1.13a[2367]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-24T07:58:51



_id: 00559395
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  descriptionLanguage: eng
  extDataset: []
    - 'Signatures: I(6) a-y8 z4 [et]8 AA-KK8 LL6 MM8. '
    - 'Woodcut to I(6) verso. '
    - '67 lines of commentary surrounding the text. '
    - 'Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph marks and most capitals printed in red. '
    - 'First colophon ([et]8r): Sexti decretaliu[m] op[us]: vna cu[m] apparatu: atq[ue] additio[n]ib[us] ex nouella Johannis andree viri disertissimi collecti: in vrbe Basilien[si]. op[er]a atq[ue] industria Joha[n]nis froben de Hammelburg diligenter impressum: felici fine co[n]su[m]matur. '
    - 'Second colophon (MM8r): Joh[ann]es froben de Ha[m]melburg Basilee imp[re]ssio[n]i op[er]am da[n]te[s] Regna[n]te Maximiliano rege romanor[um] i[n]clvto. Anno salut[is]. M.cccc.xciiii. kalendis Septe[m]brib[us]. '
    - 'ISTC, ib01008000 '
    - 'Oates, 2839 '
    - 'Proctor, 7759 '
    - 'BMC, III, 791 '
    - 'Bod-inc, B-476 '
    - 'BSB-Ink, B-730 '
    - 'GW, 4890 '
    - '[288] leaves :'
    - 'Original item identifier in source database: 5350939'
  holdingInstitutionCollection: Inc.2-7
  holdingInstitutionId: CambridgeUL
  hostItemId: ib01008000
    point: {}
    - agent:
        - dates: 1864-1912
          name: 'Dunn, George'
          ownerId: 3537
          role: R390
          type: person
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          name: Cambridge University Library
          ownerId: 3463
            - lib
          role: R390
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk-en
      bindingNote: 'Contemporary English blindstamped calf over bevelled wooden boards. A central panel divided diagonally by fillets, and a border around the outside.  In each corner of the border is a round stamp containing a pelican (possibly Oldham, English blind-stamped bindings, no. 318), and within the border are diamond-shaped tools with foliage.  The central panel contains triangular shaped tools (foliage) and four almost square tools on their points (again, foliage).  Once clasped from front to rear boards, clasps now gone.  A vellum document used to strengthen the binding, visible at the rear.'
      certainty: a
      decorationNote: 'Decoration:Early inscription to rear pastedown, and an early doodle of a face to the rear endpaper.'
      note: "Book label of George Dunn (of Woolley Hall near Maidenhead) and his pencil note at the front dated January 1903; lot 1598 in the second portion of his sales at Sotheby's (2nd-6th February 1914), the University Library's copy of the catalogue annotated to record its purchase by the bookseller Ellis, at the price £2.16.0 (the catalogue also contains several slips of notes relating to lots bid on at the auction); bought by the Library from G. David (Cambridge bookseller) in June 1921, with what may be his price code 't/n/-' to the front pastedown."
        - geonamesId: 2653941
          name: Cambridge
  shelfmark: 'Inc.4.C.1.13a[2367]'
    - _cam
    - timestamp: 2017-04-30T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-24T07:58:51