Every item of data recorded (a certain style of decoration or binding, the date of a manuscript note, etc.) is treated as a valuable clue for provenance, therefore it can be geographically located and chronologically dated. This enables to track the movement of books across Europe and through the centuries.
mei/00211501 Auct. 6Q 6.57.
Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Auct. 6Q 6.57.
N° ISTCia00718000
AuteurAngelus de Clavasio
TitreSumma angelica de casibus conscientiae. With additions by Hieronymus Tornieli
Adresse bibliographiqueVenice : Georgius Arrivabenus, 9 Oct. 1489
PossesseurPeutinger, Konrad (1465-1547), 1465 - 1547 of Augsburg; in 1715 his library was left by Desiderius Ignatius Peutinger to the Augsburg Jesuit college, which was dissolved in 1773; see Erich König, Peutingerstudien, Studien und Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte, IX 1/2 (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1914), particularly 146-55; on other books which belonged to Peutinger see Hubay, Augsburg, provenance index, 515-16; `A Manuscript belonging to Konrad Peutinger', BLR 6,5 (1960), 578-9; Fontes Harleiani, 275; see also Historische Kataloge, 552-5.
NoteProvenance: Konrad Peutinger (1465-1547); motto: 'Virenti fortuna comis | K B'.
PossesseurPeutinger, Konrad (1465-1547), 1465 - 1547 of Augsburg; in 1715 his library was left by Desiderius Ignatius Peutinger to the Augsburg Jesuit college, which was dissolved in 1773; see Erich König, Peutingerstudien, Studien und Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte, IX 1/2 (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1914), particularly 146-55; on other books which belonged to Peutinger see Hubay, Augsburg, provenance index, 515-16; `A Manuscript belonging to Konrad Peutinger', BLR 6,5 (1960), 578-9; Fontes Harleiani, 275; see also Historische Kataloge, 552-5.
NoteProvenance: Konrad Peutinger (1465-1547); motto: 'Virenti fortuna comis | K B'.
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