Every item of data recorded (a certain style of decoration or binding, the date of a manuscript note, etc.) is treated as a valuable clue for provenance, therefore it can be geographically located and chronologically dated. This enables to track the movement of books across Europe and through the centuries.
mei/00208621 Auct. N 5.44.
Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Auct. N 5.44.
N° ISTCic00064000
AuteurCalpurnius Siculus, Titus
TitreBucolica. Add: Marcus Aurelius Nemesianus: Bucolica
Adresse bibliographiqueDeventer : Jacobus de Breda, 1491
PossesseurKloß, Georg Franz Burkhard (1787-1854), 1787 - 1854 (Homme) Frankfurt am Main, see ADB XVI 227-8; on the manuscripts of Kloß, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
NoteProvenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); notes in Kloß's hand.
PossesseurKloß, Georg Franz Burkhard (1787-1854), 1787 - 1854 (Homme) Frankfurt am Main, see ADB XVI 227-8; on the manuscripts of Kloß, see Ulrich-Dieter Oppitz, `Georg Kloss und seine Handschriftensammlung', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 22/1 (1997), 1-47; sale, Catalogue of the Library of Dr Kloss, of Franckfort a M., Professor (London: Sotheby & Son, 7 May 1835); many of the books purchased by the Bodleian at this sale are bound in a characteristic `Kloß' binding of half calf with pasteboards covered with green and blue marbled paper, and with a red and a green label on the spine, each inscribed in gilt; however, several other books purchased at this sale were rebound, apparently by Sotheby's, in half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; the evidence to suggest this comes from J-253, on which the spine is detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, which would suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typical Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for Sotheby's; according to Munby, Phillipps Studies, IV 177, there was another Kloß sale by L. A. Lewis, 125 Fleet Street, 18 June, 1841.
NoteProvenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); notes in Kloß's hand.
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