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mei/00206758 Gibson 403(7).
Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Gibson 403(7).
N° ISTCij00090000
AuteurJacobus de Voragine
TitreLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
Adresse bibliographiqueNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 11 Aug. 1478
PossesseurGibson, Strickland (1877-1958), 1877 - 1958 Keeper of the University Archives 1927, Keeper of Printed Books, Bodleian Library 1942; see R. H. Hill, `Valete', BLR 2 (1946), 129-30; `The Gibson Donation', BLR 4 (1953), 179; `Notes and News: The Late Mr Strickland Gibson', BLR 6,3 (1959), 449-50; Herbert J. Davis, `The Strickland Gibson Collection', BLR 6 (1961) 645-54.
PossesseurGibson, Strickland (1877-1958), 1877 - 1958 Keeper of the University Archives 1927, Keeper of Printed Books, Bodleian Library 1942; see R. H. Hill, `Valete', BLR 2 (1946), 129-30; `The Gibson Donation', BLR 4 (1953), 179; `Notes and News: The Late Mr Strickland Gibson', BLR 6,3 (1959), 449-50; Herbert J. Davis, `The Strickland Gibson Collection', BLR 6 (1961) 645-54.
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