Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Douce 287.
Numer w bazie ISTCij00204000
AutorJacobus Philippus de Bergamo
Tytuł De claris mulieribus. Ed: Albertus de Placentia and Augustinus de Casali Maiori
Adres wydawniczyFerrara : Laurentius de Rubeis, de Valentia, 29 Apr. 1497
Słowa kluczowebiography; history
Opis egzemplarza
Numer rekordu egzemplarza00205612
Instytucja przechowującaOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
SygnaturaDouce 287.
UwagiBodInc-Id: J-085(1)
1701 -
MiejsceLondon (Geonames ID: 2643743)
Datowanie1701 - 1900
Właściciel Douce, Francis (1757-1834), 1757 - 1834 [Były właściciel] (Mężczyzna, Uczony, Osoba / instytucja świecka) Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum, bequeathed his collection to the Bodleian Library; see Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts Bequeathed by Francis Douce to the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1840); Macray 326; Craster 15-16; `Francis Douce 1757-1834', BQR 7 (1934), 359-84; Munby, Connoisseurs, esp. 35-56; David Rogers, `Francis Douce's Manuscripts: Some Hitherto Unrecognized Provenances', in Studies in the Book Trade in Honour of Graham Pollard (Oxford, 1975), 315-40; Douce Legacy; P. R. Harris, A History of the British Museum Library 1753-1973 (London, 1998), ad indicem; I. G. Philip, `The Bodleian Library', in Nineteenth-Century Oxford, Part I, ed. M. G. Brock and M. C. Curthoys, The History of the University of Oxford, 6 (Oxford, 1997), 585-97, at 593.
UwagiBought for £3. 13. 6 by Francis Douce (1757-1834); see the annotated sale catalogue; armorial book-plate.
1701 -
Datowanie1701 - 1800
Właściciel Pinelli, Maffeo (1735-1785), 1735 - 1785 (Mężczyzna) conte, state printer of Venice; see Frati 462-3; Parenti II 85; Clarke, Repertorium, 498-504; the Pinelli books carry no specific marks of ownership (though bound and lettered in a small number of distinctive styles), but, inside the front cover, in the same place in the top inner corner, about an inch from the hinge and half an inch from the top edge, are written in ink in a single hand the sale lot number and a number referring to the catalogue of the Pinelli library compiled by the librarian of the Biblioteca Marciana, Jacopo Morelli, Bibliotheca Maphaei Pinellii Veneti magno jam studio collecta (Venice, 1787); the whole library was bought by the London bookseller, James Edwards, for £600, and auctioned by him: Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A Catalogue of the Magnificent and Celebrated Library of Maffei Pinelli, Late of Venice (London: James Edwards, 2 Mar. 1789); the Bodleian has two copies, Mus. Bibl. III 8° 117, which wants the Appendix, but is fully priced; and Douce PP 82, which contains the Appendix, and in which Douce has noted his purchases and those of certain others; Peter Elmsley, bookseller, The Strand, London, acted for the Bodleian Library.
UwagiProvenance: Maffeo Pinelli (1735-1785); sale (1789) lot 7972.
1602 -
MiejsceOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
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Ostatnio edytowane2019-04-10 18:00:00