Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00204897 00204897


_id: 00204897
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - 'BodInc-Id: J-044(1)'
  holdingInstitutionId: OxfordBodley
  hostItemId: ij00099000
    - identifier: tij00099000
      source: uktextinc
    - agent:
        - name: 'Munich, Royal Library (now Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)'
          note: "many Munich duplicates contained in Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Choice, Rare, & Curious Books, Consigned from Germany (London: S. Leigh Sotheby, 27 Aug. 1841); in 1850 320 volumes of incunabula were acquired from the Royal Library in Munich for £113. 19. 6, as stated in the manuscript accounts of the year (Library Records b. 3); these were not included in Books Purchased; many Munich duplicates here stated to have been `acquired between 1847 and c.1892' would have been acquisitions of 1850; many of these books appear to have been shelfmarked from `Auct. 5Q 1. 1' to `Auct. 5Q 6.100', although several books in this range were acquired earlier or later than 1850; see also Butsch, Fidelis, Haugg, Carpar, and Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine; see also Lebendiges Büchererbe. Säkularisation, Mediatisierung und die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, 2003), esp. at 9-53, for the acquisition of books from dissolved German monastic houses, and their removal to the Royal Library in Munich."
          ownerId: 00013535
          type: per
      note: "Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; 'Duplum' in black ink on front pastedown."
    - agent:
        - name: 'Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus'
          note: 'founded 1181/5, dissolved 1803; see Cottineau II 2542; Hemmerle, Benediktiner, 266-70; MBK IV 2, 715-20; Krämer II 692; Historische Kataloge, 410-12.'
          ownerId: 00014098
          type: per
      note: "Provenance: Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus; inscription within the body of the initial 'Q' on [a2r]: 'FF. Benedd. Oeno-Rothensium'."
    - agent:
        - dates: '1827 - 1905'
          name: 'Cohn, Albert (1827-1905)'
          note: "bookseller, Berlin, Mohrenstraße, 53; see Erich Carlsohn, `Albert Cohn. Ein Berliner Antiquar, Gelehrter und Menschenfreund', Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel, 16 (1960), 748-52; Fritz Homeyer, Deutsche Juden als Bibliophile und Antiquare (Tübingen, 1963), 18-19."
          ownerId: 00011872
          type: per
      note: 'Purchased from Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 318 for 24 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884.'
        end: 2000
        start: 1801
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1602 -
          name: 'Oxford, Bodleian library'
          ownerId: 4209
            - uni
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
        - geonamesId: 2640729
          name: Oxford
  shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.2.
    - _b15
    - _oxbod
    - timestamp: 2016-06-22T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-10T18:00:00Z


Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XI.08313
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XI.08313




_id: 00204897
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - 'BodInc-Id: J-044(1)'
  holdingInstitutionId: OxfordBodley
  hostItemId: ij00099000
    - identifier: tij00099000
      source: uktextinc
    - agent:
        - name: 'Munich, Royal Library (now Bayerische Staatsbibliothek)'
          note: "many Munich duplicates contained in Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Choice, Rare, & Curious Books, Consigned from Germany (London: S. Leigh Sotheby, 27 Aug. 1841); in 1850 320 volumes of incunabula were acquired from the Royal Library in Munich for £113. 19. 6, as stated in the manuscript accounts of the year (Library Records b. 3); these were not included in Books Purchased; many Munich duplicates here stated to have been `acquired between 1847 and c.1892' would have been acquisitions of 1850; many of these books appear to have been shelfmarked from `Auct. 5Q 1. 1' to `Auct. 5Q 6.100', although several books in this range were acquired earlier or later than 1850; see also Butsch, Fidelis, Haugg, Carpar, and Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine; see also Lebendiges Büchererbe. Säkularisation, Mediatisierung und die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, 2003), esp. at 9-53, for the acquisition of books from dissolved German monastic houses, and their removal to the Royal Library in Munich."
          ownerId: 00013535
          type: per
      note: "Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; 'Duplum' in black ink on front pastedown."
    - agent:
        - name: 'Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus'
          note: 'founded 1181/5, dissolved 1803; see Cottineau II 2542; Hemmerle, Benediktiner, 266-70; MBK IV 2, 715-20; Krämer II 692; Historische Kataloge, 410-12.'
          ownerId: 00014098
          type: per
      note: "Provenance: Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus; inscription within the body of the initial 'Q' on [a2r]: 'FF. Benedd. Oeno-Rothensium'."
    - agent:
        - dates: '1827 - 1905'
          name: 'Cohn, Albert (1827-1905)'
          note: "bookseller, Berlin, Mohrenstraße, 53; see Erich Carlsohn, `Albert Cohn. Ein Berliner Antiquar, Gelehrter und Menschenfreund', Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel, 16 (1960), 748-52; Fritz Homeyer, Deutsche Juden als Bibliophile und Antiquare (Tübingen, 1963), 18-19."
          ownerId: 00011872
          type: per
      note: 'Purchased from Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 318 for 24 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884.'
        end: 2000
        start: 1801
    - agent:
        - characterisation:
            - noc
          dates: 1602 -
          name: 'Oxford, Bodleian library'
          ownerId: 4209
            - uni
          type: corporate
        - areaCode: e-uk
        - geonamesId: 2640729
          name: Oxford
  shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.2.
    - _b15
    - _oxbod
    - timestamp: 2016-06-22T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-10T18:00:00Z