Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00204680 Inc. c. I4.1497.3. [00204680]

Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Inc. c. I4.1497.3.

Numer w bazie ISTCij00216000
Tytuł De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Tr: Marsilius Ficinus. Add: Proclus: In Platonicum Alcibiadem; De sacrificio et magia; Porphyrius: De divinis et daemonibus; Synesius: De Somniis; Psellus: De daemonibus; Priscianus et Marsilius Ficinus: In Theophrastum De sensu ... ; Alcinous: De doctrina Platonis; Speusippus: De Platonis definitionibus; Pythagoras: Aurea verba et symbola; Xenocrates: De morte; Marsilius Ficinus: De Voluptate
Adres wydawniczyVenice : Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Sept. 1497
Słowa kluczoweclassical; translation; collection; education

Opis egzemplarza

Numer rekordu egzemplarza00204680
Instytucja przechowującaOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
SygnaturaInc. c. I4.1497.3.
UwagiBodInc-Id: J-093(3)
Inny identyfikator wydaniatij00216000 (TextInc)


Właściciel Oxford, Taylor Institution see Morgan, Oxford Libraries, 191-9; Giles Barber, `The Taylor Institution Library: Unfamiliar Libraries XXIX', Book Collector, 47 (1998), 319-41.
UwagiTaylor Institution, University of Oxford; book-plate with shelfmark in blue ink: 'V 193'.

Proweniencja 1401 - 1500

Datowanie1401 - 1500
Właściciel Cepollini, Marco Domenico (fifteenth century) Genoese jurisconsult; for another book owned by Ceppollini see Walsh 3222.
UwagiProvenance: Marco Domenico Cepollini (fifteenth century); inscription on a1r: 'ex munere Mci Dominici Cȩpollini I[uris] C[onsulti] Coll. Ian[uensis]'; the assumption that 'Ian.' should be expanded as Ianuensis is supported by Walsh 3222, a copy of the Genoese statutes, which has the inscription: 'Dominici Cepollini J. C.'

Proweniencja 1701 - 1900

Datowanie1701 - 1900
Właściciel Finch, Robert, 1783 - 1830 MA, of Balliol College, Oxford; see DNB; Elizabeth Nitchie, The Reverend Colonel Finch (New York, 1940). Bequeathed books to the University which were transferred to the Bodleian from the Taylor Institution in 1921 (for a note about this see BQR 3,30 (1921), 129); see [George Parker], A Catalogue of the Books in the Finch Collection Oxford (Oxford, 1874); this contains shelfmarks which correspond to those written into the incunabula in blue ink on the front pastedown. He also bequeathed money to the University (the `Finch Fund'), the income from which is distributed equally between the Bodleian, Ashmolean, and Taylorian Libraries; the Bodleian portion is used for the purchase of Italian books printed before 1800.
UwagiRobert Finch (1783-1830).

Proweniencja 1602 -

MiejsceOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
Właściciel Oxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Ciało zbiorowe] (Uniwersytet, Osoba / instytucja świecka)

Inne informacje

Ostatnio edytowane2020-01-20 11:26:41

Wszsytkie egzemplarze


Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Inc. c. I4.1497.3.

Numer w bazie ISTCij00216000
Tytuł De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Tr: Marsilius Ficinus. Add: Proclus: In Platonicum Alcibiadem; De sacrificio et magia; Porphyrius: De divinis et daemonibus; Synesius: De Somniis; Psellus: De daemonibus; Priscianus et Marsilius Ficinus: In Theophrastum De sensu ... ; Alcinous: De doctrina Platonis; Speusippus: De Platonis definitionibus; Pythagoras: Aurea verba et symbola; Xenocrates: De morte; Marsilius Ficinus: De Voluptate
Adres wydawniczyVenice : Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Sept. 1497
Słowa kluczoweclassical; translation; collection; education

Opis egzemplarza

Numer rekordu egzemplarza00204680
Instytucja przechowującaOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
SygnaturaInc. c. I4.1497.3.
UwagiBodInc-Id: J-093(3)
Inny identyfikator wydaniatij00216000 (TextInc)


Właściciel Oxford, Taylor Institution see Morgan, Oxford Libraries, 191-9; Giles Barber, `The Taylor Institution Library: Unfamiliar Libraries XXIX', Book Collector, 47 (1998), 319-41.
UwagiTaylor Institution, University of Oxford; book-plate with shelfmark in blue ink: 'V 193'.

Proweniencja 1401 - 1500

Datowanie1401 - 1500
Właściciel Cepollini, Marco Domenico (fifteenth century) Genoese jurisconsult; for another book owned by Ceppollini see Walsh 3222.
UwagiProvenance: Marco Domenico Cepollini (fifteenth century); inscription on a1r: 'ex munere Mci Dominici Cȩpollini I[uris] C[onsulti] Coll. Ian[uensis]'; the assumption that 'Ian.' should be expanded as Ianuensis is supported by Walsh 3222, a copy of the Genoese statutes, which has the inscription: 'Dominici Cepollini J. C.'

Proweniencja 1701 - 1900

Datowanie1701 - 1900
Właściciel Finch, Robert, 1783 - 1830 MA, of Balliol College, Oxford; see DNB; Elizabeth Nitchie, The Reverend Colonel Finch (New York, 1940). Bequeathed books to the University which were transferred to the Bodleian from the Taylor Institution in 1921 (for a note about this see BQR 3,30 (1921), 129); see [George Parker], A Catalogue of the Books in the Finch Collection Oxford (Oxford, 1874); this contains shelfmarks which correspond to those written into the incunabula in blue ink on the front pastedown. He also bequeathed money to the University (the `Finch Fund'), the income from which is distributed equally between the Bodleian, Ashmolean, and Taylorian Libraries; the Bodleian portion is used for the purchase of Italian books printed before 1800.
UwagiRobert Finch (1783-1830).


MiejsceOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
Właściciel Oxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Ciało zbiorowe] (Uniwersytet, Osoba / instytucja świecka)

Inne informacje

Ostatnio edytowane2020-01-20 11:26:41