Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
: Auct. 1Q 5.34(10).
ISTC No.ia01260000
ΣυγγραφέαςAugustinus, Aurelius
ΤίτλοςDe disciplina christiana
Τοποχρονολογία έκδοσης[Cologne : Ulrich Zel, about 1467-70]
ΘέμαΘεολογία - Ποιμενική
Περιγραφή αντιτύπου
Ταυτότητα αντιτύπου00202646
ΦορέαςOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
Ταξιθετικός αριθμόςAuct. 1Q 5.34(10).
ΣημείωσηBodInc-Id: A-541(1)
ΣημείωσηProvenance: Theodoric Honborch (fifteenth century?); left the book to Ijsselstein, Cistercian convent, Mons dominae; inscription in a contemporary hand on rear parchment endleaf: 'Hunc librum legauit monasterio nostro Montis Domine nostre in Yselsteyn dominus Theodericus Honborch uicarius ecclesie sancti Saluatoris in Traiecto cuius anima requiescat in pace'.
1401 -
Χρονική περίοδος1401 - 1500
ΣημείωσηProvenance: Theodoric Honborch (fifteenth century?); left the book to Ijsselstein, Cistercian convent, Mons dominae; inscription in a contemporary hand on rear parchment endleaf: 'Hunc librum legauit monasterio nostro Montis Domine nostre in Yselsteyn dominus Theodericus Honborch uicarius ecclesie sancti Saluatoris in Traiecto cuius anima requiescat in pace'.
1701 -
Χρονική περίοδος1701 - 1800
ΣημείωσηFrancesco, Count Vimercati Sanseverino (fl. 1750); inscription on the same leaf: 'Hic liber impressus fuit Anno Domini 1473 et in publica auctione Hage Comitum facta anno 1750 emptus a me fuit pretio trium numerorum aureorum Venetorum. Ego [Franciscus] Vicomercatus Sanseuerinus Cremensis [Abbas et Comes]'.
1701 -
Χρονική περίοδος1701 - 1900
Όνομα προέλευσηςHeber, Richard (1773-1833), 1773 - 1833 see DNB; Munby, Phillipps Studies, esp. III 73-80; R. H. Cholmondeley, The Heber Letters, 1783-1832 (London, 1950); Arnold Hunt, `Bibliotheca Heberiana', in Antiquaries, Book Collectors and the Circles of Learning, ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris (Winchester, 1996), 83-112; Clare A. Simmons, `Richard Heber (1774-1833)', in Nineteenth-century British Book-collectors and Bibliographers, ed. William Baker and Kenneth Womack, DLB 184 (Detroit, Washington, DC, and London, 1997), 219-26; Arnold Hunt, `The Sale of Richard Heber's Library', in Under the Hammer: Book Auctions since the Seventeenth Century, ed. Robin Myers, Michael Harris, and Giles Mandelbrote (New Castle, Del., and London, 2001), 143-71; Bibliotheca Heberiana: Catalogue of the Library of the Late Richard Heber... (London: Sotheby & Son, 10 Apr., 5 June, 10 Nov, 1834; Evans, 8 Dec. 1834; B. Wheatley, 19 Jan., Evans, 23 Mar., 25 May 1835; Evans, 29 Feb., Sotheby & Son, 11 Apr., 30 May, B. Wheatley, 1 July 1836; B. Wheatley, 22 Feb. 1837); Catalogue d'une belle collection de livres et manuscrits ayant fait partie de la bibliothèque de feu M. Richard Heber (Ghent: Ch. Citerne, 26 Oct. 1835); the Bodleian copy of the Heber catalogues contains annotations in red ink of the prices paid by Heber for many items; a note signed by H[enry] E[llis] states that they, as well as the prices in black, are based on the copy of the catalogue of Payne and Foss, `presented by Mr H Foss to the Library of the British Museum in 1851'; although Ellis maintains that the entries in red are derived from notes in the books concerned, this does not always seem to be the case; Thomas Rodd's bills to the Bodleian for the sale are kept at Library Bills (1837-8), no. 7.
ΣημείωσηSale (1816), by Evans, lot 318, purchased by Heber for £0. 11. 6, note on front endleaf.
1701 -
Χρονική περίοδος1701 - 1800
ΣημείωσηFrancesco, Count Vimercati Sanseverino (fl. 1750); inscription on the same leaf: 'Hic liber impressus fuit Anno Domini 1473 et in publica auctione Hage Comitum facta anno 1750 emptus a me fuit pretio trium numerorum aureorum Venetorum. Ego [Franciscus] Vicomercatus Sanseuerinus Cremensis [Abbas et Comes]'.
1801 -
Χρονική περίοδος1801 - 1900
ΣημείωσηSale (1816), by Evans, lot 318, purchased by Heber for £0. 11. 6, note on front endleaf.
1602 -
Άλλη πληροφορία
Τελευταία επεξεργασία2019-04-10 18:00:00