Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00202506 Inc. b. G6.1481.2. [00202506]

Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Inc. b. G6.1481.2.

ISTC No.ia00383000
ΣυγγραφέαςAlexander de Ales
ΤίτλοςSumma universae theologiae (i.e. Super IV libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi)
Τοποχρονολογία έκδοσηςNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 1481-82
ΘέμαΘεολογία - Θεωρητική

Περιγραφή αντιτύπου

Ταυτότητα αντιτύπου00202506
ΦορέαςOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
Ταξιθετικός αριθμόςInc. b. G6.1481.2.
ΣημείωσηBodInc-Id: A-169(4)
Άλλο χαρακτηριστικό αναζήτησηςtia00383000 (TextInc)


ΤόποςAbensberg (Geonames ID: 6558242)
Όνομα προέλευσηςAbensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites, BVM [Πρώην κτήτορας] (Θρησκευτικός φορέας, Σχετιζόμενος με τη θρησκεία) founded 1398; dissolved 1802; see Krämer I 6; Ambrosio, `Monasticon carmelitanum', 61; Historische Kataloge, 111-13; a manuscript catalogue of incunabula is now in Munich, Bayerische Hauptstaatsarchiv, GL Fasz. 32/70.
ΣημείωσηProvenance: Abensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites.


Όνομα προέλευσηςBauer (Paur?), Johann (fl. 1510) rubricator.


Όνομα προέλευσηςMunich, Royal Library (now Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) many Munich duplicates contained in Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Choice, Rare, & Curious Books, Consigned from Germany (London: S. Leigh Sotheby, 27 Aug. 1841); in 1850 320 volumes of incunabula were acquired from the Royal Library in Munich for £113. 19. 6, as stated in the manuscript accounts of the year (Library Records b. 3); these were not included in Books Purchased; many Munich duplicates here stated to have been `acquired between 1847 and c.1892' would have been acquisitions of 1850; many of these books appear to have been shelfmarked from `Auct. 5Q 1. 1' to `Auct. 5Q 6.100', although several books in this range were acquired earlier or later than 1850; see also Butsch, Fidelis, Haugg, Carpar, and Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine; see also Lebendiges Büchererbe. Säkularisation, Mediatisierung und die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, 2003), esp. at 9-53, for the acquisition of books from dissolved German monastic houses, and their removal to the Royal Library in Munich.
ΣημείωσηDuplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 256.

Προέλευση 1801 - 2000

Χρονική περίοδος1801 - 2000
Όνομα προέλευσηςFranks, Robert Sleightholme (1871-1964), 1871 - 1964 see DNB.
ΣημείωσηPresented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.

Προέλευση 1901 - 2000

Χρονική περίοδος1901 - 2000
Όνομα προέλευσηςFranks, Oliver (1905-1992), 1905 - 1992 Lord Franks; see Alex Danchev, Oliver Franks: Founding Father (Oxford, 1993); son of Robert S. Franks (see below).
ΣημείωσηPresented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.

Προέλευση 1602 -

ΤόποςOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
Όνομα προέλευσηςOxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Φορέας] (Πανεπιστήμιο, Χωρίς χαρακτηρισμό/Λαϊκός)

Άλλη πληροφορία

Τελευταία επεξεργασία2019-04-10 18:00:00

Όλα τα αντίτυπα


Oxford, Bodleian Library (GB) : Inc. b. G6.1481.2.

ISTC No.ia00383000
ΣυγγραφέαςAlexander de Ales
ΤίτλοςSumma universae theologiae (i.e. Super IV libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi)
Τοποχρονολογία έκδοσηςNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 1481-82
ΘέμαΘεολογία - Θεωρητική

Περιγραφή αντιτύπου

Ταυτότητα αντιτύπου00202506
ΦορέαςOxford, Bodleian Library (GB)
Ταξιθετικός αριθμόςInc. b. G6.1481.2.
ΣημείωσηBodInc-Id: A-169(4)
Άλλο χαρακτηριστικό αναζήτησηςtia00383000 (TextInc)


ΤόποςAbensberg (Geonames ID: 6558242)
Όνομα προέλευσηςAbensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites, BVM [Πρώην κτήτορας] (Θρησκευτικός φορέας, Σχετιζόμενος με τη θρησκεία) founded 1398; dissolved 1802; see Krämer I 6; Ambrosio, `Monasticon carmelitanum', 61; Historische Kataloge, 111-13; a manuscript catalogue of incunabula is now in Munich, Bayerische Hauptstaatsarchiv, GL Fasz. 32/70.
ΣημείωσηProvenance: Abensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites.


Όνομα προέλευσηςBauer (Paur?), Johann (fl. 1510) rubricator.


Όνομα προέλευσηςMunich, Royal Library (now Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) many Munich duplicates contained in Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Choice, Rare, & Curious Books, Consigned from Germany (London: S. Leigh Sotheby, 27 Aug. 1841); in 1850 320 volumes of incunabula were acquired from the Royal Library in Munich for £113. 19. 6, as stated in the manuscript accounts of the year (Library Records b. 3); these were not included in Books Purchased; many Munich duplicates here stated to have been `acquired between 1847 and c.1892' would have been acquisitions of 1850; many of these books appear to have been shelfmarked from `Auct. 5Q 1. 1' to `Auct. 5Q 6.100', although several books in this range were acquired earlier or later than 1850; see also Butsch, Fidelis, Haugg, Carpar, and Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine; see also Lebendiges Büchererbe. Säkularisation, Mediatisierung und die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, 2003), esp. at 9-53, for the acquisition of books from dissolved German monastic houses, and their removal to the Royal Library in Munich.
ΣημείωσηDuplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 256.

Προέλευση 1801 - 2000

Χρονική περίοδος1801 - 2000
Όνομα προέλευσηςFranks, Robert Sleightholme (1871-1964), 1871 - 1964 see DNB.
ΣημείωσηPresented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.

Προέλευση 1901 - 2000

Χρονική περίοδος1901 - 2000
Όνομα προέλευσηςFranks, Oliver (1905-1992), 1905 - 1992 Lord Franks; see Alex Danchev, Oliver Franks: Founding Father (Oxford, 1993); son of Robert S. Franks (see below).
ΣημείωσηPresented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.


ΤόποςOxford (Geonames ID: 2640729)
Όνομα προέλευσηςOxford, Bodleian library, 1602 - [Φορέας] (Πανεπιστήμιο, Χωρίς χαρακτηρισμό/Λαϊκός)

Άλλη πληροφορία

Τελευταία επεξεργασία2019-04-10 18:00:00