Material Evidence
in Incunabula

mei/00201623 WKR 10.2.4 IN PROCESS [00201623]

Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (US) : WKR 10.2.4 IN PROCESS

N° ISTCid00029000
AuteurDante Alighieri
TitreLa Commedia (Comm: Christophorus Landinus). Add: Marsilius Ficinus: Ad Dantem gratulatio [Latin & Italian]
Adresse bibliographiqueFlorence : Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug. 1481
Mots cléspoetry; commentary; collection

Description de l’exemplaire

ID de l’exemplaire00201623
Institution de conservationCambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (US)
NoteRecord created by Noah Sheola; revised by by Camilla Marangoni for the Polonsky project "Dante 1481"; further revised by John Lancaster. Review of the volume pending.
Description matérielleIn this copy leaf oo6v has reading “per sua instituta misericordia”; Landino’s prologue to the Paradiso is set up in 48 lines, the last beginning “ita: ne da tempo.” With engravings for the first two cantos of the Inferno only (Category A of Hind's classification system). Blank leaves not present.
Taille du feuillet417 × 275 mm
Particularités d'exemplaire (complétude)Incomplète
Support du textePapier
SourceWalsh 2854

Provenance 1481 - 1600

LieuItaly (Geonames ID: 3175395)
Aire géographiquee-it
Période1481 - 1600
PossesseurAnonymous, Italy, 1481-1600 [Personne; Enlumineur] (Artiste, Inconnu)
Type de provenanceDécoration
Note sur le décorTwo engravings for Cantos I and II. Wash drawings have been added in the spaces preceding cantos 3, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, and 33 of the Inferno and canto 1 in each of the Purgatorio and Paradiso; these drawings do not correspond to the originals as described by A.M. Hind, Catalogue of early Italian engravings preserved in the ... British Museum (London, 1910) p. 87-93. Inserted at front is an illuminated water-color title page with a medallion portrait of Dante at head; mounted on verso is an ink and wash drawing (385 x 265 mm; School of Zuccari, late 16th-century) depicting Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Initials added in water-color at the beginning of each of the three parts of the poem.
Lettres ornementalesOui
Initiales manuscrites non ornéesOui
Note sur la rubricationSmaller initials added in red.
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque
Source documentaire

Provenance 1735 - 1789

LieuVenice (Geonames ID: 3164603)
Aire géographiquee-it
Période1735 - 1789
PossesseurPinelli, Maffeo, 1735 - 1785 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Commerce du livre, Noble)
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
NoteBibliotheca Maphaei Pinellii Veneti 1787, IV, n.1913; his sale Bibliotheca Pinelliana 1789, n. 2608, p. 100; Bibliotheca Pinelliana. Appendix 1790; De Batines 1845, I, p.44; Brunet 1861, II, 499; Procaccioli 2001, p. 146, n. 21 (n.i.)

Provenance 1823 - 1869

LieuMerthyr Mawr (Geonames ID: 3345291)
Aire géographiquee-uk
Période1823 - 1869
PossesseurNicholl, John Cole, 1823 - 1894 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Marchand)
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
NoteHis sale (1869) lot 380: 'fine copy with 2 of the rare engravings by Baccio Baldini and 17 drawings in facsimile of the rest. Fine copy in blue morocco, joints, g.e. [...] Apparently the same copy as described in the Pinelli Catalogue, which sold for £18 18s.' [ex inf. John McQuillen]

Provenance 1870 - 1936

LieuEngland (Geonames ID: 6269131)
Aire géographiquee-uk-en
Période1870 - 1936
PossesseurLacaita, Charles Carmichael, 1853-1933 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Homme/Femme politique, Laïc)
Type de provenanceEx-libris
NoteBookplate of Charles Carmichael Lacaita (no. 68 in the Sotheby sale catalogue of his library, 20 July 1936)
Description de la reliure19th-century dark blue straight-grain morocco, edges gilt; pink silk doublures and lining-leaves.
Date de reliure19ème siècle
Type de reliurePlats
Type de platPapier
Materiau de reliureCuir
Statut de la reliure/Etat de la reliureRelié à nouveau
Décor de fersDoré
Annotations sur les tranchesAucune
Tranches gauffréesNon
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque
Catalogue de vente / de vente aux enchères

Provenance 1936 - 1951

LieuBoston (Geonames ID: 4930956)
Aire géographiquen-us-ma
Période1936 - 1951
PossesseurRichardson, William King, 1859 - 1951 [Personne; Donateur] (Homme, Juriste, Laïc)
Type de provenanceEx-libris
NoteBookplate of William King Richardson. Clipped description from the Sotheby catalogue of the Lacaita sale, with Richardson's ms. annotation "Sotheby £140".
Mode d’acquisitionAchat
Prix140 pounds sterling Clipped description from the Sotheby catalogue of the Lacaita sale, with Richardson's ms. annotation "Sotheby £140".
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque

Provenance 1951 -

LieuCambridge (Geonames ID: 4931972)
Aire géographiquen-us-ma
Période1951 -
PossesseurHarvard College Library, 1636- [Collectivité; Possesseur actuel] (Université, Laïc)
Type de provenanceEx-libris
Note1951—Bequest of William King Richardson.
Mode d’acquisitionLegs
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceCatalogue de bibliothèque

Informations supplémentaires

ComplétudeLa description des marques de provenance est considérée comme incomplète
Dernière modification2021-09-17 18:03:39

Tous les exemplaires


Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (US) : WKR 10.2.4 IN PROCESS

N° ISTCid00029000
AuteurDante Alighieri
TitreLa Commedia (Comm: Christophorus Landinus). Add: Marsilius Ficinus: Ad Dantem gratulatio [Latin & Italian]
Adresse bibliographiqueFlorence : Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug. 1481
Mots cléspoetry; commentary; collection

Description de l’exemplaire

ID de l’exemplaire00201623
Institution de conservationCambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (US)
NoteRecord created by Noah Sheola; revised by by Camilla Marangoni for the Polonsky project "Dante 1481"; further revised by John Lancaster. Review of the volume pending.
Description matérielleIn this copy leaf oo6v has reading “per sua instituta misericordia”; Landino’s prologue to the Paradiso is set up in 48 lines, the last beginning “ita: ne da tempo.” With engravings for the first two cantos of the Inferno only (Category A of Hind's classification system). Blank leaves not present.
Taille du feuillet417 × 275 mm
Particularités d'exemplaire (complétude)Incomplète
Support du textePapier
SourceWalsh 2854

Provenance 1481 - 1600

LieuItaly (Geonames ID: 3175395)
Aire géographiquee-it
Période1481 - 1600
PossesseurAnonymous, Italy, 1481-1600 [Personne; Enlumineur] (Artiste, Inconnu)
Type de provenanceDécoration
Note sur le décorTwo engravings for Cantos I and II. Wash drawings have been added in the spaces preceding cantos 3, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, and 33 of the Inferno and canto 1 in each of the Purgatorio and Paradiso; these drawings do not correspond to the originals as described by A.M. Hind, Catalogue of early Italian engravings preserved in the ... British Museum (London, 1910) p. 87-93. Inserted at front is an illuminated water-color title page with a medallion portrait of Dante at head; mounted on verso is an ink and wash drawing (385 x 265 mm; School of Zuccari, late 16th-century) depicting Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Initials added in water-color at the beginning of each of the three parts of the poem.
Lettres ornementalesOui
Initiales manuscrites non ornéesOui
Note sur la rubricationSmaller initials added in red.
Niveau de certitudeCette provenance est considérée comme certaine
SourceLivre en main
Catalogue de bibliothèque
Source documentaire

Provenance 1735 - 1789

LieuVenice (Geonames ID: 3164603)
Aire géographiquee-it
Période1735 - 1789
PossesseurPinelli, Maffeo, 1735 - 1785 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Commerce du livre, Noble)
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
NoteBibliotheca Maphaei Pinellii Veneti 1787, IV, n.1913; his sale Bibliotheca Pinelliana 1789, n. 2608, p. 100; Bibliotheca Pinelliana. Appendix 1790; De Batines 1845, I, p.44; Brunet 1861, II, 499; Procaccioli 2001, p. 146, n. 21 (n.i.)

Provenance 1823 - 1869

LieuMerthyr Mawr (Geonames ID: 3345291)
Aire géographiquee-uk
Période1823 - 1869
PossesseurNicholl, John Cole, 1823 - 1894 [Personne; Ancien possesseur] (Homme, Marchand)
Type de provenanceSource (d'information) bibliographique
NoteHis sale (1869) lot 380: 'fine copy with 2 of the rare engravings by Baccio Baldini and 17 drawings in facsimile of the rest. Fine copy in blue morocco, joints, g.e. [...] Apparently the same copy as described in the Pinelli Catalogue, which sold for £18 18s.' [ex inf. John McQuillen]

provenance 1870 - 1936

placenameEngland (Geonames ID: 6269131)
timeperiod1870 - 1936
noteBookplate of Charles Carmichael Lacaita (no. 68 in the Sotheby sale catalogue of his library, 20 July 1936)
bindingNote19th-century dark blue straight-grain morocco, edges gilt; pink silk doublures and lining-leaves.

provenance 1936 - 1951

placenameBoston (Geonames ID: 4930956)
timeperiod1936 - 1951
noteBookplate of William King Richardson. Clipped description from the Sotheby catalogue of the Lacaita sale, with Richardson's ms. annotation "Sotheby £140".
price140 pounds sterling Clipped description from the Sotheby catalogue of the Lacaita sale, with Richardson's ms. annotation "Sotheby £140".

provenance 1951 -

placenameCambridge (Geonames ID: 4931972)
timeperiod1951 -
note1951—Bequest of William King Richardson.


Dernière modification2021-09-17 18:03:39