Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

Logo of the British Library
istc/iv00235000 Gualbes i Copons, Joan de, 1643-1714


_id: iv00235000
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  cataloguing_level: full
  date_of_item_single_date: 1489
  dimensions: 4°
    - copy_note:
        - 'acquired by exchange with the British Museum, 1957, now ULC 1080.5, not in Oates'
      country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: CambridgeUL
      holding_institution_name: Cambridge UL
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBritishMuseum
      holding_institution_name: 'London, British Museum (Prints & Drawings)'
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: OxfordBodley
      holding_institution_name: Oxford Bodley
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: CPhL
      holding_institution_name: College of Physicians of Philadelphia
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: DuUL
      holding_institution_name: Duke Univ. Library
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: HarvardHoughton
      holding_institution_name: 'Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: HarvardCountway
      holding_institution_name: 'Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: SanMarinoHun
      holding_institution_name: 'San Marino CA, Huntington Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: WashingtonLoC
      holding_institution_name: 'Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NLM
      holding_institution_name: National Library of Medicine
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NYPL
      holding_institution_name: 'New York Public Library, Rare Book Division'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: StanU(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Stanford Univ. Medical Center, Lane Medical Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: UCalLA(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Biomedical Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: UMin(W)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of Minnesota, Wangensteen Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: YU(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Yale Univ., Historical Library of the Medical School'
    - copy_note:
        - Stamp.Ross.1233
      country_code: VA
      holding_institution_id: VaticanoBAV
      holding_institution_name: Vaticano BAV
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: FR
      holding_institution_id: ParisBENSBA
      holding_institution_name: Paris BENSBA
    - country_code: RO
      holding_institution_id: AlbaIuliaBatthyaneum
      holding_institution_name: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum
    - country_code: CH
      holding_institution_id: BaselUB
      holding_institution_name: Basel UB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: HU
      holding_institution_name: Budapest Bibl hist medic
    - country_code: HU
      holding_institution_id: DebrecenCollRef
      holding_institution_name: Debrecen Coll ref
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: PL
      holding_institution_id: PoznanU
      holding_institution_name: Poznań U
    - country_code: CZ
      holding_institution_id: PragueNL
      holding_institution_name: Prague NL
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: CZ
      holding_institution_id: PragueNM
      holding_institution_name: Prague NM
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: CH
      holding_institution_name: Sarnen Benedikt
    - country_code: SE
      holding_institution_id: UppsalaUB
      holding_institution_name: Uppsala UB
    - country_code: PL
      holding_institution_id: WroclawU
      holding_institution_name: Wrocław U
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: GrazUB
      holding_institution_name: 'Graz, UB'
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: StFlorianStift
      holding_institution_name: 'St. Florian, Chorherren'
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: ViennaMAK
      holding_institution_name: 'Wien, AngewandteKunstM'
    - copy_note:
        - '2; Ink 4.H.25, Ink 29-194'
      country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: WienONB
      holding_institution_name: 'Wien, ÖNB'
    - copy_note:
        - Inc.II/29
      country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: ZwettlStift
      holding_institution_name: 'Zwettl, Zisterzienser'
    - copy_note:
        - copy destroyed
      country_code: BE
      holding_institution_id: LeuvenUniv
      holding_institution_name: 'Leuven, Univ.'
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BambergSB
      holding_institution_name: Bamberg SB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinKunstB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin KunstB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: KupferstichKabinettBerlin
      holding_institution_name: Berlin KupferstichKab
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinSB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin SB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: CoburgLB
      holding_institution_name: Coburg LB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: ErlangenUB
      holding_institution_name: Erlangen UB
      shelf_mark: H61/4 TREW.S 180
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: FrankfurtUB
      holding_institution_name: Frankfurt(Main) UB
    - copy_note:
        - 2
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: GoettingenSUB
      holding_institution_name: Göttingen SUB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: HeidelbergUB
      holding_institution_name: Heidelberg UB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BuchM
      holding_institution_name: Leipzig DB/BuchM
    - copy_note:
        - 'sold, Inc.1447, current location unknown'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_name: Maihingen Öttingen-Wallerstein
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MarburgUB
      holding_institution_name: Marburg UB
    - copy_note:
        - 'Liberna, Inc 90'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MettingenDraiflessen
      holding_institution_name: Mettingen Draiflessen Collection
    - copy_note:
        - '2, 1 fragment (quire z only)'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MunchenBSB
      holding_institution_name: München BSB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: NurnStB
      holding_institution_name: Nürnberg StB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: StuttgartWLB
      holding_institution_name: Stuttgart WLB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: WolfenbuettelHAB
      holding_institution_name: Wolfenbüttel HAB
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBL
      holding_institution_name: British Library
      shelf_mark: IA.7976
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBL
      holding_institution_name: British Library
      shelf_mark: IA.7977
  id_assigned_by: Uk-IS
    - geo_info:
        - geonames_id: 2861650
          imprint_country_code: DE
          lat: 49.4541666666667
          lon: 11.0775
      imprint_date: '14]89'
      imprint_name: '[Peter Wagner'
      imprint_place: Nuremberg
    - imprint_name: '[Conrad Zeninger]'
  language_of_item: ger
    - Proctor assigned this to Zeninger. Woodcuts
    - reference_location_in_source: V235
      reference_name: Goff
    - reference_location_in_source: 16019*
      reference_name: HC
    - reference_location_in_source: 236
      reference_name: GfT
    - reference_location_in_source: 1028.1
      reference_name: Klebs
    - reference_location_in_source: 5423
      reference_name: Schr
    - reference_location_in_source: XVIII p.18
      reference_name: Schramm
    - reference_location_in_source: 3919
      reference_name: Polain(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 4631
      reference_name: IDL
    - reference_location_in_source: 5575
      reference_name: IBP
    - reference_location_in_source: 3464
      reference_name: Sajó-Soltész
    - reference_location_in_source: 3971
      reference_name: SI
    - reference_location_in_source: 531
      reference_name: Coq
    - reference_name: CCIR V-28
    - reference_location_in_source: 1994
      reference_name: Sallander
    - reference_location_in_source: 1964
      reference_name: Šimáková-Vrchotka
    - reference_location_in_source: 1792
      reference_name: Schlechter-Ries
    - reference_location_in_source: 2177
      reference_name: Günt(L)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1873
      reference_name: Voull(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1709
      reference_name: Kind(Göttingen)
    - reference_location_in_source: 2906
      reference_name: Ohly-Sack
    - reference_location_in_source: 2734
      reference_name: Borm
    - reference_location_in_source: '802, 803'
      reference_name: Walsh
    - reference_name: Bod-inc V-117
    - reference_location_in_source: 2244
      reference_name: Pr
    - reference_location_in_source: II 463
      reference_name: BMC
    - reference_location_in_source: V-144
      reference_name: BSB-Ink
    - reference_location_in_source: M50194
      reference_name: GW
    - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 14 - Medical Incunabula Part IV, MI 63'
      resource_type: other
    - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel'
      resource_type: digital
  title: 'Versehung von Leib, Seele, Ehre und Gut'
  date_of_cataloguing: 800712
    - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2017-08-23T10:49:33
    - timestamp: 2017-09-15T12:09:09
    - timestamp: 2019-07-08T15:37:58
    - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:48:27
    - timestamp: 2022-01-04T14:15:22
    - timestamp: 2022-07-12T16:50:05
    - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-13T17:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-06-10T11:36:14


Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Research Library: KOG O-150 [8]




_id: iv00235000
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  cataloguing_level: full
  date_of_item_single_date: 1489
  dimensions: 4°
    - copy_note:
        - 'acquired by exchange with the British Museum, 1957, now ULC 1080.5, not in Oates'
      country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: CambridgeUL
      holding_institution_name: Cambridge UL
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBritishMuseum
      holding_institution_name: 'London, British Museum (Prints & Drawings)'
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: OxfordBodley
      holding_institution_name: Oxford Bodley
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: CPhL
      holding_institution_name: College of Physicians of Philadelphia
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: DuUL
      holding_institution_name: Duke Univ. Library
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: HarvardHoughton
      holding_institution_name: 'Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: HarvardCountway
      holding_institution_name: 'Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: SanMarinoHun
      holding_institution_name: 'San Marino CA, Huntington Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: WashingtonLoC
      holding_institution_name: 'Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NLM
      holding_institution_name: National Library of Medicine
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NYPL
      holding_institution_name: 'New York Public Library, Rare Book Division'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: StanU(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Stanford Univ. Medical Center, Lane Medical Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: UCalLA(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Biomedical Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: UMin(W)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of Minnesota, Wangensteen Library'
    - country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: YU(M)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Yale Univ., Historical Library of the Medical School'
    - copy_note:
        - Stamp.Ross.1233
      country_code: VA
      holding_institution_id: VaticanoBAV
      holding_institution_name: Vaticano BAV
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: FR
      holding_institution_id: ParisBENSBA
      holding_institution_name: Paris BENSBA
    - country_code: RO
      holding_institution_id: AlbaIuliaBatthyaneum
      holding_institution_name: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum
    - country_code: CH
      holding_institution_id: BaselUB
      holding_institution_name: Basel UB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: HU
      holding_institution_name: Budapest Bibl hist medic
    - country_code: HU
      holding_institution_id: DebrecenCollRef
      holding_institution_name: Debrecen Coll ref
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: PL
      holding_institution_id: PoznanU
      holding_institution_name: Poznań U
    - country_code: CZ
      holding_institution_id: PragueNL
      holding_institution_name: Prague NL
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: CZ
      holding_institution_id: PragueNM
      holding_institution_name: Prague NM
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: CH
      holding_institution_name: Sarnen Benedikt
    - country_code: SE
      holding_institution_id: UppsalaUB
      holding_institution_name: Uppsala UB
    - country_code: PL
      holding_institution_id: WroclawU
      holding_institution_name: Wrocław U
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: GrazUB
      holding_institution_name: 'Graz, UB'
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: StFlorianStift
      holding_institution_name: 'St. Florian, Chorherren'
    - country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: ViennaMAK
      holding_institution_name: 'Wien, AngewandteKunstM'
    - copy_note:
        - '2; Ink 4.H.25, Ink 29-194'
      country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: WienONB
      holding_institution_name: 'Wien, ÖNB'
    - copy_note:
        - Inc.II/29
      country_code: AT
      holding_institution_id: ZwettlStift
      holding_institution_name: 'Zwettl, Zisterzienser'
    - copy_note:
        - copy destroyed
      country_code: BE
      holding_institution_id: LeuvenUniv
      holding_institution_name: 'Leuven, Univ.'
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BambergSB
      holding_institution_name: Bamberg SB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinKunstB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin KunstB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: KupferstichKabinettBerlin
      holding_institution_name: Berlin KupferstichKab
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinSB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin SB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: CoburgLB
      holding_institution_name: Coburg LB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: ErlangenUB
      holding_institution_name: Erlangen UB
      shelf_mark: H61/4 TREW.S 180
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: FrankfurtUB
      holding_institution_name: Frankfurt(Main) UB
    - copy_note:
        - 2
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: GoettingenSUB
      holding_institution_name: Göttingen SUB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: HeidelbergUB
      holding_institution_name: Heidelberg UB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BuchM
      holding_institution_name: Leipzig DB/BuchM
    - copy_note:
        - 'sold, Inc.1447, current location unknown'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_name: Maihingen Öttingen-Wallerstein
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MarburgUB
      holding_institution_name: Marburg UB
    - copy_note:
        - 'Liberna, Inc 90'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MettingenDraiflessen
      holding_institution_name: Mettingen Draiflessen Collection
    - copy_note:
        - '2, 1 fragment (quire z only)'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MunchenBSB
      holding_institution_name: München BSB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: NurnStB
      holding_institution_name: Nürnberg StB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: StuttgartWLB
      holding_institution_name: Stuttgart WLB
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: WolfenbuettelHAB
      holding_institution_name: Wolfenbüttel HAB
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBL
      holding_institution_name: British Library
      shelf_mark: IA.7976
    - country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: LondonBL
      holding_institution_name: British Library
      shelf_mark: IA.7977
  id_assigned_by: Uk-IS
    - geo_info:
        - geonames_id: 2861650
          imprint_country_code: DE
          lat: 49.4541666666667
          lon: 11.0775
      imprint_date: '14]89'
      imprint_name: '[Peter Wagner'
      imprint_place: Nuremberg
    - imprint_name: '[Conrad Zeninger]'
  language_of_item: ger
    - Proctor assigned this to Zeninger. Woodcuts
    - reference_location_in_source: V235
      reference_name: Goff
    - reference_location_in_source: 16019*
      reference_name: HC
    - reference_location_in_source: 236
      reference_name: GfT
    - reference_location_in_source: 1028.1
      reference_name: Klebs
    - reference_location_in_source: 5423
      reference_name: Schr
    - reference_location_in_source: XVIII p.18
      reference_name: Schramm
    - reference_location_in_source: 3919
      reference_name: Polain(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 4631
      reference_name: IDL
    - reference_location_in_source: 5575
      reference_name: IBP
    - reference_location_in_source: 3464
      reference_name: Sajó-Soltész
    - reference_location_in_source: 3971
      reference_name: SI
    - reference_location_in_source: 531
      reference_name: Coq
    - reference_name: CCIR V-28
    - reference_location_in_source: 1994
      reference_name: Sallander
    - reference_location_in_source: 1964
      reference_name: Šimáková-Vrchotka
    - reference_location_in_source: 1792
      reference_name: Schlechter-Ries
    - reference_location_in_source: 2177
      reference_name: Günt(L)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1873
      reference_name: Voull(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1709
      reference_name: Kind(Göttingen)
    - reference_location_in_source: 2906
      reference_name: Ohly-Sack
    - reference_location_in_source: 2734
      reference_name: Borm
    - reference_location_in_source: '802, 803'
      reference_name: Walsh
    - reference_name: Bod-inc V-117
    - reference_location_in_source: 2244
      reference_name: Pr
    - reference_location_in_source: II 463
      reference_name: BMC
    - reference_location_in_source: V-144
      reference_name: BSB-Ink
    - reference_location_in_source: M50194
      reference_name: GW
    - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 14 - Medical Incunabula Part IV, MI 63'
      resource_type: other
    - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel'
      resource_type: digital
  title: 'Versehung von Leib, Seele, Ehre und Gut'
  date_of_cataloguing: 800712
    - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2017-08-23T10:49:33
    - timestamp: 2017-09-15T12:09:09
    - timestamp: 2019-07-08T15:37:58
    - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:48:27
    - timestamp: 2022-01-04T14:15:22
    - timestamp: 2022-07-12T16:50:05
    - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-13T17:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-06-10T11:36:14