Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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istc/ir00278300 ir00278300

Rolewinck, Werner:
Fasciculus temporum [French] Le fardelet hystorial (Tr: Pierre Farget)

ISTC No.ir00278300
AuthorRolewinck, Werner
TitleFasciculus temporum [French] Le fardelet hystorial (Tr: Pierre Farget)
ImprintLyons : [Mathias Huss], 1483 [before 30 Aug.]
NotesWoodcuts. According to the colophon, Louis XI was still alive when the book was printed (CIBN)
Language of itemfrm
Reference worksHC 6941; Schr 5122b; Pell Ms 10196-10197 (9973); CIBN R-184; Arnoult 1279; Coq 470; Polain(B) 3380; Abbott 461; GW M38756
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1994. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 4 - Chronicles and Historiography Part I, CH 76


BelgiumMons, Bibliothèque centrale de l’Université, Réserve précieuse
FranceChâlons-en-Champagne, Médiathèque Pompidou
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts (imperfect)
Paris, Bibliothèque de Sainte-Geneviève
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Reims, Bibliothèque Carnegie
IrelandDublin, Marsh's Library
United States of AmericaNew York NY, The Morgan Library and Museum
Number of holding institutions8
Last Edit2024-05-03 12:00:00.00
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Rolewinck, Werner:
Fasciculus temporum [French] Le fardelet hystorial (Tr: Pierre Farget)

ISTC No.ir00278300
AuthorRolewinck, Werner
TitleFasciculus temporum [French] Le fardelet hystorial (Tr: Pierre Farget)
ImprintLyons : [Mathias Huss], 1483 [before 30 Aug.]
NotesWoodcuts. According to the colophon, Louis XI was still alive when the book was printed (CIBN)
Language of itemfrm
Reference worksHC 6941; Schr 5122b; Pell Ms 10196-10197 (9973); CIBN R-184; Arnoult 1279; Coq 470; Polain(B) 3380; Abbott 461; GW M38756
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1994. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 4 - Chronicles and Historiography Part I, CH 76


BelgiumMons, Bibliothèque centrale de l’Université, Réserve précieuse
FranceChâlons-en-Champagne, Médiathèque Pompidou
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts (imperfect)
Paris, Bibliothèque de Sainte-Geneviève
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
Reims, Bibliothèque Carnegie
IrelandDublin, Marsh's Library
United States of AmericaNew York NY, The Morgan Library and Museum
Number of holding institutions8
Last Edit2024-05-03 12:00:00.00