Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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istc/im00541000 im00541000

Michael de Hungaria:
Sermones praedicabiles

ISTC No.im00541000
AuthorMichael de Hungaria
TitleSermones praedicabiles
ImprintStrassburg : [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 24 Mar. 1487
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) M541
HC: Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium Bibliographicum. Part I. London, 1895. 9046*
Christie's (NY) Apr. 8 1981 (Sexton): 167
Pell Ms: Pellechet, Marie and Polain, M.L. Catalogue général … (MS of unpublished volumes, reproduced from the original now in the Bibliothèque Nationale.) 23 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (The MS number is quoted first, followed by the number added for the printed edition quoted in parentheses except after 10438 (10196), where the MS numeration ceases). 7902 (7839)
Hillard: Hillard, Denise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.VI: Bibliothèque Mazarine. Paris, Bordeaux, 1989. 1379
Parguez: Parguez, Guy. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XI: Bibliothèques de la Région Rhône-Alpes I: Ain, Ardèche, Loire, Rhône. Paris, 1991. 718
Zehnacker: Zehnacker, Françoise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XIII: Région Alsace (Bas Rhin). 2 tom. Paris, 1997. 1596
Polain(B): Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. Bruxelles, 1932-78. 2696
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 6410
IBP: Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. Moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa. Composuerunt Maria Bohonos and Eliza Sandorowska. 2 vols. Wrocław, 1970. (Addenda, Indices. Wrocław, 1993). 3726
Sajó-Soltész: Sajó, Géza and Soltész, Erszébet. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapestini, 1970. 2275
CCIR: Schatz, Elena-Maria and Stoica, Robertina. Catalogul colectiv al incunabulelor din România. Bucureşti, 2007. M-44
IBPort: Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas. Inventário do Património Cultural Móvel. Coord. e org. Maria Valentina C.A. Sul Mendes. Lisboa, 1995. 1237
Mendes: Mendes, Maria Valentina C.A. Sul. Catálogo de incunábulos [Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon]. Lisboa, 1988. 870
Ohly-Sack: Ohly, Kurt and Sack, Vera. Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt am Main. 5 vols. Frankfurt a.M., 1966-67. 1991, 1992
Borm: Borm, Wolfgang. Incunabula Guelferbytana: Blockbücher und Wiegendrucke der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden, 1990. 1846
Hubay(Augsburg): Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Wiesbaden, 1974. 1422
Hubay(Eichstätt): Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula Eichstätter Bibliotheken. Wiesbaden, 1968. 692
Voull(Trier): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der öffentlichen Bibliothek und der kleineren Büchersammlungen der Stadt Trier. Leipzig, 1910. (XXXVIII. Beiheft zum ZfB). 1512
Pad-Ink: Hartig, Matthias [et al.]. Die Inkunabeln in der Erzbischöflichen Akademischen Bibliothek Paderborn. Wiesbaden, 1993. 475
Oates: Oates, J.C.T. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge, 1954. 229, 230
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 610
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). I 135
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. M-368
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] M23251
Related resourcesIISTC. Copy: London BL, IA.1874



(Ink 315: A.VII.3)

BE (imperfect, wanting leaves g4-5, n3-4, o8, p10)
FRLyon, Bibliothèque municipale (imperfect)
Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire



(H62/INC 612)

(4, 1 imperfect)

Paderborn EAB
HU (imperfect)

Budapest Evang
Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár (2)
Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
ITTreviso, Biblioteca Comunale di Borgo Cavour
PL (imperfect)

PTLisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
CHBasel, Universitätsbibliothek
GBCambridge, University Library (2)
Leeds, University Library, Brotherton Library (Brotherton)
London, British Library (IA.1874)
USNew Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
San Marino CA, Huntington Library
Last Edit2024-05-13 17:00:00.00

Michael de Hungaria:
Sermones praedicabiles

authorMichael de Hungaria
titleSermones praedicabiles
imprintStrassburg : [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 24 Mar. 1487
referencesGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) M541
HC: Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium Bibliographicum. Part I. London, 1895. 9046*
Christie's (NY) Apr. 8 1981 (Sexton): 167
Pell Ms: Pellechet, Marie and Polain, M.L. Catalogue général … (MS of unpublished volumes, reproduced from the original now in the Bibliothèque Nationale.) 23 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (The MS number is quoted first, followed by the number added for the printed edition quoted in parentheses except after 10438 (10196), where the MS numeration ceases). 7902 (7839)
Hillard: Hillard, Denise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.VI: Bibliothèque Mazarine. Paris, Bordeaux, 1989. 1379
Parguez: Parguez, Guy. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XI: Bibliothèques de la Région Rhône-Alpes I: Ain, Ardèche, Loire, Rhône. Paris, 1991. 718
Zehnacker: Zehnacker, Françoise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XIII: Région Alsace (Bas Rhin). 2 tom. Paris, 1997. 1596
Polain(B): Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. Bruxelles, 1932-78. 2696
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 6410
IBP: Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. Moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa. Composuerunt Maria Bohonos and Eliza Sandorowska. 2 vols. Wrocław, 1970. (Addenda, Indices. Wrocław, 1993). 3726
Sajó-Soltész: Sajó, Géza and Soltész, Erszébet. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapestini, 1970. 2275
CCIR: Schatz, Elena-Maria and Stoica, Robertina. Catalogul colectiv al incunabulelor din România. Bucureşti, 2007. M-44
IBPort: Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas. Inventário do Património Cultural Móvel. Coord. e org. Maria Valentina C.A. Sul Mendes. Lisboa, 1995. 1237
Mendes: Mendes, Maria Valentina C.A. Sul. Catálogo de incunábulos [Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon]. Lisboa, 1988. 870
Ohly-Sack: Ohly, Kurt and Sack, Vera. Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt am Main. 5 vols. Frankfurt a.M., 1966-67. 1991, 1992
Borm: Borm, Wolfgang. Incunabula Guelferbytana: Blockbücher und Wiegendrucke der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden, 1990. 1846
Hubay(Augsburg): Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Wiesbaden, 1974. 1422
Hubay(Eichstätt): Hubay, Ilona. Incunabula Eichstätter Bibliotheken. Wiesbaden, 1968. 692
Voull(Trier): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der öffentlichen Bibliothek und der kleineren Büchersammlungen der Stadt Trier. Leipzig, 1910. (XXXVIII. Beiheft zum ZfB). 1512
Pad-Ink: Hartig, Matthias [et al.]. Die Inkunabeln in der Erzbischöflichen Akademischen Bibliothek Paderborn. Wiesbaden, 1993. 475
Oates: Oates, J.C.T. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge, 1954. 229, 230
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 610
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). I 135
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. M-368
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] M23251
relatedresourcesIISTC. Copy: London BL, IA.1874


AustriaGraz, Universitätsbibliothek
Kremsmünster, Benediktinerstift Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek
Melk, Benediktinerstift
Michaelbeuern, Abtei Michaelbeuern, Stiftsbibliothek
Seitenstetten, Stift Seitenstetten (Ink 315: A.VII.3)
St. Lambrecht, Benediktinerstift St. Lambrecht
BelgiumBrussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (imperfect, wanting leaves g4-5, n3-4, o8, p10)
Czech RepublicPlzeň, Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje
Praha, Národni knihovna České republiky (2)
FranceLyon, Bibliothèque municipale (imperfect)
Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire
GermanyAugsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek
Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek (2)
Brandenburg, Domstiftsarchiv und -bibliothek
Darmstadt, Universitäts und Landesbibliothek (Inc.II-764)
Dillingen, Studienbibliothek
Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek (2)
Erfurt, Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universitätsbibliothek (H62/INC 612)
Frankfurt a. M., Universitätsbibliothek (2)
Limburg, Bischöfliche Diözesanbibliothek
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (4, 1 imperfect)
Neustadt an der Aisch Kreisbücherei
Paderborn EAB
Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
Trier, Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek der Stadt Trier / Stadtarchiv
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek (3)
HungaryBudapest Evang
Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár (2)
Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Eger, Föegyházmegyei Könyvtár (imperfect)
Esztergom, Bibliotheca Ecclesiae Metropolitanae Strigoniensis
ItalyTreviso, Biblioteca Comunale di Borgo Cavour
PolandKielce, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne, Biblioteka WSD (imperfect)
Kraków, Kanonicy Regularni Laterańscy
Kraków, Klasztoru Franciszkanów, Biblioteka Prowincjalna Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych
Nysa, Museum
Poznań, Archiwum Archidiecezjalne
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka
Włocławek, Seminary
PortugalLisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
RomaniaSibiu, Muzeul Național Brukenthal, Biblioteca Brukenthal
SwitzerlandBasel, Universitätsbibliothek
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (IA.1874)
United States of AmericaNew Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
San Marino CA, Huntington Library
Number of holding institutions50
Last Edit2024-05-13 17:00:00.00