Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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istc/il00006000 il00006000

Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus:
Opera. Ed: Angelus Sabinus. Add: S. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus: De Resurrectione Christi carmen

ISTC No.il00006000
AuthorLactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus
TitleOpera. Ed: Angelus Sabinus. Add: S. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus: De Resurrectione Christi carmen
ImprintRome : Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus) and Simon Nicolai Chardella, 12 Feb. 1474
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) L6
HC: Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium Bibliographicum. Part I. London, 1895. 9811
GfT: Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. 33 parts. Leipzig [etc], 1907-39. 1685
Pell Ms: Pellechet, Marie and Polain, M.L. Catalogue général … (MS of unpublished volumes, reproduced from the original now in the Bibliothèque Nationale.) 23 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (The MS number is quoted first, followed by the number added for the printed edition quoted in parentheses except after 10438 (10196), where the MS numeration ceases). 6989 (6941)
CIBN: Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue des incunables. T. I (Xylographes, A-G); T. II (H-Z). Paris, 1981-2014. L-6
Fernillot: Fernillot, Yvonne. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XII: Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne. Paris, 1995. 361
Zehnacker: Zehnacker, Françoise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XIII: Région Alsace (Bas Rhin). 2 tom. Paris, 1997. 1390
Castan(Besançon): Castan, Auguste. Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliothèque Publique de Besançon. Besançon, 1893. 626
Polain(B): Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. Bruxelles, 1932-78. 2420
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 5624
Sajó-Soltész: Sajó, Géza and Soltész, Erszébet. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapestini, 1970. 2016
IBPort: Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas. Inventário do Património Cultural Móvel. Coord. e org. Maria Valentina C.A. Sul Mendes. Lisboa, 1995. 1062
IDL: Incunabula in Dutch libraries. Editor-in-chief Gerard van Thienen. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop, 1983. (Supplement [in preparation]). 2867
IBE: Biblioteca Nacional [Madrid]. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Coordinado y dirigido por Francisco García Craviotto. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-90. (Adiciones y correcciones. I-II, Madrid, 1991-94). 3416
SI: Undorf, Wolfgang. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century in Swedish collections. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 2012. 2368
Coll(U): Collijn, Isak. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Uppsala. Uppsala, 1907. (Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 5). 932
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 2428
Martín Abad: Martín Abad, Julian. Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. 2 vols. Madrid, 2010. L-4
Voull(B): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (XXX. Beiheft zum ZfB; supplements: 1914, 1922, 1927). 3329
Schmitt: Schmitt, Anneliese. ‘Die Inkunabeln der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin im Anschluss an Ernst Voulliéme. I) Katalog der in der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin vorhandenen Inkunabeln. II) Die Inkunabeln der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek: Neuerwerbungen der Jahre 1927-45’. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde, Dritte Folge 2 (1966). I 3329
Günt(L): Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. XXXV. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1909. 2413
Deckert: Deckert, Helmut. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek zu Dresden. 80. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1957. 417
Ernst(Hannover): Ernst, Konrad. Die Wiegendrucke des Kestner-Museums … neu bearbeitet und ergänzt von Christian von Heusinger. Hannover, 1963. 215
Kind(Göttingen): Kind, Helmut. Incunabula Gottingensia: Inkunabelkatalog der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Bd.1 etc. Wiesbaden, 1995- [in progress]. 2312
Walsh: Walsh, James E. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton NY, Tempe AZ, 1991-95. (Supplement ... , by David R. Whitesell. Harvard Library Bulletin 16 nos. 1-2 (2005)). 1311, 1312
Bod-inc: A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library. 6 vols. Oxford, 2005. L-007
Sheppard: Sheppard, L.A. Catalogue of XVth century books in the Bodleian Library. [Unpublished MS, 1954-71]. 2675, 2676
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 3360
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). IV 24
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. L-5.050
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] M16537
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2001. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 45 - Printing in Greek, GK 54


AustriaGöttweig, Benediktinerstift (Ink 90: imperfect, wanting ff.253-54)
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 6.D.10)
BelgiumBrussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (imperfect, wanting the last leaf)
KU Leuven, Special Collections (copy destroyed)
BrazilRio de Janeiro, Fundação Biblioteca Nacional
Czech RepublicPraha, Národni knihovna České republiky
DenmarkCopenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
FranceBesançon, Bibliothèque Municipale
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (2)
Paris, Sorbonne Université (imperfect)
Strasbourg, Médiathèque André Malraux (imperfect)
GermanyBamberg, Staatsbibliothek
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek
Dresden, Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universitätsbibliothek (H62/INC 1631)
Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek
Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Hannover, Museum August Kestner
Leipzig, Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum (now Moscow)
Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum (GM-Ink.678a+b)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (1 leaf only)
Nürnberg Stadtbibliothek
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Inc.39)
Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
HungaryBudapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár
ItalyArezzo, Biblioteca Città di Arezzo
Fermo, Biblioteca civica Romolo Spezioli
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Magl. F.1.15)
Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana
Genova, Biblioteca Durazzo *BP
Livorno, Biblioteca Labronica «F. D. Guerrazzi»
Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria
Napoli, Biblioteca Universitaria
Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III (4, 1 wanting last f.)
Nicosia, Biblioteca Communale (2, 1 imperfect)
Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria (wanting last f.)
Palermo, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana Alberto Bombace
Pesaro, Biblioteca e Musei Oliveriani (imperfect)
Ravenna, Istituzione Biblioteca Classense
Rimini, Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (Vol. Inc. 704)
Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (70.7.E.21)
Roma, Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana (46.F.4)
Sassari, Biblioteca Universitaria (imperfect)
Siena, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati (2)
Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria
Treviso, Biblioteca Comunale di Borgo Cavour
Velletri, Biblioteca Comunale Augusto Tersenghi (imperfect)
Verona, Biblioteca Civica
Volterra, Biblioteca Guarnacci (Biblioteca Comunale) (imperfect, wanting f.2)
The NetherlandsLeiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek (296)
NorwayOslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket
PortugalLisboa, Biblioteca do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda
RomaniaAlba Iulia, Biblioteca Naţională a României, Biblioteca Batthyaneum
RussiaMoscow, Russian State Library (Leipzig DB/Buch copy)
St Petersburg, National Library of Russia
SpainBarcelona, CRAI Biblioteca de Fons Antic
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España (imperfect, wanting Book I, chapter V and VI-XVI)
Sevilla, Biblioteca Universitaria
Toledo, Biblioteca Publica
Valladolid Biblioteca Universitaria
SwedenUppsala, Universitetsbibliotek
SwitzerlandZürich, Zentralbibliothek
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandAberdeen, University Library (Inc.101.8 = BCL.S1)
Cambridge, King's College Library
Chatsworth, Chatsworth House, Devonshire Collections, Library
London, British Library (C.13.c.6 = IB.17304)
London, British Library (IB.17303)
Manchester, University of Manchester, John Rylands Research Institute and Library (6493)
Oxford, Bodleian Library (2)
United States of AmericaCambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (2)
Chicago IL, The Newberry Library
New Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
New Haven CT, Yale University, Historical Medical Library
Princeton Univ., Firestone Library
Providence RI, Brown University, John Hay Library, Annmary Brown Memorial Collection
San Francisco Public Library
San Juan PR, La Casa del Libro
Urbana-Champaign IL, University of Illinois, University Library
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
Vatican CityCittà del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (3: Inc.I.33, Stamp.Ross.112, Stamp.Chig.II.10)
Number of holding institutions84
Last Edit2024-05-03 12:00:00.00

Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus:
Opera. Ed: Angelus Sabinus. Add: S. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus: De Resurrectione Christi carmen

ISTC No.il00006000
AuthorLactantius, Lucius Coelius Firmianus
TitleOpera. Ed: Angelus Sabinus. Add: S. Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus: De Resurrectione Christi carmen
ImprintRome : Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus) and Simon Nicolai Chardella, 12 Feb. 1474
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) L6
HC: Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium Bibliographicum. Part I. London, 1895. 9811
GfT: Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. 33 parts. Leipzig [etc], 1907-39. 1685
Pell Ms: Pellechet, Marie and Polain, M.L. Catalogue général … (MS of unpublished volumes, reproduced from the original now in the Bibliothèque Nationale.) 23 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (The MS number is quoted first, followed by the number added for the printed edition quoted in parentheses except after 10438 (10196), where the MS numeration ceases). 6989 (6941)
CIBN: Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue des incunables. T. I (Xylographes, A-G); T. II (H-Z). Paris, 1981-2014. L-6
Fernillot: Fernillot, Yvonne. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XII: Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne. Paris, 1995. 361
Zehnacker: Zehnacker, Françoise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XIII: Région Alsace (Bas Rhin). 2 tom. Paris, 1997. 1390
Castan(Besançon): Castan, Auguste. Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliothèque Publique de Besançon. Besançon, 1893. 626
Polain(B): Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. Bruxelles, 1932-78. 2420
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 5624
Sajó-Soltész: Sajó, Géza and Soltész, Erszébet. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapestini, 1970. 2016
IBPort: Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas. Inventário do Património Cultural Móvel. Coord. e org. Maria Valentina C.A. Sul Mendes. Lisboa, 1995. 1062
IDL: Incunabula in Dutch libraries. Editor-in-chief Gerard van Thienen. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop, 1983. (Supplement [in preparation]). 2867
IBE: Biblioteca Nacional [Madrid]. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Coordinado y dirigido por Francisco García Craviotto. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-90. (Adiciones y correcciones. I-II, Madrid, 1991-94). 3416
SI: Undorf, Wolfgang. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century in Swedish collections. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 2012. 2368
Coll(U): Collijn, Isak. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Uppsala. Uppsala, 1907. (Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 5). 932
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 2428
Martín Abad: Martín Abad, Julian. Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. 2 vols. Madrid, 2010. L-4
Voull(B): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (XXX. Beiheft zum ZfB; supplements: 1914, 1922, 1927). 3329
Schmitt: Schmitt, Anneliese. ‘Die Inkunabeln der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin im Anschluss an Ernst Voulliéme. I) Katalog der in der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin vorhandenen Inkunabeln. II) Die Inkunabeln der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek: Neuerwerbungen der Jahre 1927-45’. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde, Dritte Folge 2 (1966). I 3329
Günt(L): Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. XXXV. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1909. 2413
Deckert: Deckert, Helmut. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek zu Dresden. 80. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1957. 417
Ernst(Hannover): Ernst, Konrad. Die Wiegendrucke des Kestner-Museums … neu bearbeitet und ergänzt von Christian von Heusinger. Hannover, 1963. 215
Kind(Göttingen): Kind, Helmut. Incunabula Gottingensia: Inkunabelkatalog der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Bd.1 etc. Wiesbaden, 1995- [in progress]. 2312
Walsh: Walsh, James E. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton NY, Tempe AZ, 1991-95. (Supplement ... , by David R. Whitesell. Harvard Library Bulletin 16 nos. 1-2 (2005)). 1311, 1312
Bod-inc: A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library. 6 vols. Oxford, 2005. L-007
Sheppard: Sheppard, L.A. Catalogue of XVth century books in the Bodleian Library. [Unpublished MS, 1954-71]. 2675, 2676
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 3360
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). IV 24
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. L-5.050
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] M16537
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2001. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 45 - Printing in Greek, GK 54


AustriaGöttweig, Benediktinerstift (Ink 90: imperfect, wanting ff.253-54)
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 6.D.10)
BelgiumBrussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (imperfect, wanting the last leaf)
KU Leuven, Special Collections (copy destroyed)
BrazilRio de Janeiro, Fundação Biblioteca Nacional
Czech RepublicPraha, Národni knihovna České republiky
DenmarkCopenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek
FranceBesançon, Bibliothèque Municipale
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (2)
Paris, Sorbonne Université (imperfect)
Strasbourg, Médiathèque André Malraux (imperfect)
GermanyBamberg, Staatsbibliothek
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek
Dresden, Sächsische Landes- und Universitätsbibliothek
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universitätsbibliothek (H62/INC 1631)
Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek
Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Hannover, Museum August Kestner
Leipzig, Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum (now Moscow)
Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum (GM-Ink.678a+b)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (1 leaf only)
Nürnberg Stadtbibliothek
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Inc.39)
Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
HungaryBudapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtár
ItalyArezzo, Biblioteca Città di Arezzo
Fermo, Biblioteca civica Romolo Spezioli
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Magl. F.1.15)
Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana
Genova, Biblioteca Durazzo *BP
Livorno, Biblioteca Labronica «F. D. Guerrazzi»
Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria
Napoli, Biblioteca Universitaria
Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III (4, 1 wanting last f.)
Nicosia, Biblioteca Communale (2, 1 imperfect)
Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria (wanting last f.)
Palermo, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana Alberto Bombace
Pesaro, Biblioteca e Musei Oliveriani (imperfect)
Ravenna, Istituzione Biblioteca Classense
Rimini, Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (Vol. Inc. 704)
Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (70.7.E.21)
Roma, Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana (46.F.4)
Sassari, Biblioteca Universitaria (imperfect)
Siena, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati (2)
Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria
Treviso, Biblioteca Comunale di Borgo Cavour
Velletri, Biblioteca Comunale Augusto Tersenghi (imperfect)
Verona, Biblioteca Civica
Volterra, Biblioteca Guarnacci (Biblioteca Comunale) (imperfect, wanting f.2)
The NetherlandsLeiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek (296)
NorwayOslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket
PortugalLisboa, Biblioteca do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda
RomaniaAlba Iulia, Biblioteca Naţională a României, Biblioteca Batthyaneum
RussiaMoscow, Russian State Library (Leipzig DB/Buch copy)
St Petersburg, National Library of Russia
SpainBarcelona, CRAI Biblioteca de Fons Antic
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España (imperfect, wanting Book I, chapter V and VI-XVI)
Sevilla, Biblioteca Universitaria
Toledo, Biblioteca Publica
Valladolid Biblioteca Universitaria
SwedenUppsala, Universitetsbibliotek
SwitzerlandZürich, Zentralbibliothek
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandAberdeen, University Library (Inc.101.8 = BCL.S1)
Cambridge, King's College Library
Chatsworth, Chatsworth House, Devonshire Collections, Library
London, British Library (C.13.c.6 = IB.17304)
London, British Library (IB.17303)
Manchester, University of Manchester, John Rylands Research Institute and Library (6493)
Oxford, Bodleian Library (2)
United States of AmericaCambridge MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library (2)
Chicago IL, The Newberry Library
New Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
New Haven CT, Yale University, Historical Medical Library
Princeton Univ., Firestone Library
Providence RI, Brown University, John Hay Library, Annmary Brown Memorial Collection
San Francisco Public Library
San Juan PR, La Casa del Libro
Urbana-Champaign IL, University of Illinois, University Library
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
Vatican CityCittà del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (3: Inc.I.33, Stamp.Ross.112, Stamp.Chig.II.10)
Number of holding institutions84
Last Edit2024-05-03 12:00:00.00