Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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istc/ij00172000 ij00172000


_id: ij00172000
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  author: Jacobus de Voragine
  cataloguing_level: full
  date_of_item_single_date: 1487
  dimensions: f°
    - copy_note:
        - '1 leaf only, A4 of Winterteil'
      country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: CambridgeUL
      holding_institution_name: Cambridge UL
    - copy_note:
        - I) (-
      country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: Harv(F)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Harvard Univ., Fogg Art Museum'
    - copy_note:
        - I) (-
      country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NewL
      holding_institution_name: The Newberry Library
    - country_code: DK
      holding_institution_id: CopenhRL
      holding_institution_name: Copenhagen RL
    - copy_note:
        - 2 leaves
      country_code: RU
      holding_institution_id: MoscowSL
      holding_institution_name: Moscow SL
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinSB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin SB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: GoettingenSUB
      holding_institution_name: Göttingen SUB
    - copy_note:
        - '3, imperfect'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: HildesheimDomB
      holding_institution_name: Hildesheim DomB
    - copy_note:
        - '2 leaves only, GM-Ink.859a+b'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MainzGM
      holding_institution_name: Mainz GM/StB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: WolfenbuettelHAB
      holding_institution_name: Wolfenbüttel HAB
  id_assigned_by: Uk-IS
    - geo_info:
        - geonames_id: 2874545
          imprint_country_code: DE
          lat: 52.13
          lon: 11.64
      imprint_date: 7 Mar. 1487
      imprint_name: 'Simon Koch]'
      imprint_place: '[Magdeburg'
    - imprint_date: 'about 1485]'
      imprint_name: Matthaeus Brandis
      imprint_place: '[Lübeck'
  language_of_item: ger
    - Assigned to Lübeck in Goff (from Reichling's description of an incomplete copy)
    - reference_location_in_source: J172
      reference_name: Goff
    - reference_location_in_source: 9989
      reference_name: H
    - reference_location_in_source: 1110
      reference_name: R
    - reference_location_in_source: 118
      reference_name: Borchling & Claussen
    - reference_location_in_source: 4322
      reference_name: Schr
    - reference_location_in_source: 2202
      reference_name: Madsen
    - reference_location_in_source: 'I,I 430, I,II 143, II,II 271'
      reference_name: Ernst(Hildesheim)
    - reference_location_in_source: '1467 = 1494,3'
      reference_name: Voull(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1479
      reference_name: Borm
    - reference_location_in_source: 1041
      reference_name: Kind(Göttingen)
    - reference_location_in_source: 977
      reference_name: Walsh
    - reference_location_in_source: 1226
      reference_name: Oates
    - reference_location_in_source: M11513
      reference_name: GW
    - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin'
      resource_type: digital
  title: 'Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Low German] Dat duytsche Passionael'
  date_of_cataloguing: 800611
    - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-06-30T09:17:22
    - timestamp: 2022-06-30T09:24:01
    - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z




_id: ij00172000
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
  author: Jacobus de Voragine
  cataloguing_level: full
  date_of_item_single_date: 1487
  dimensions: f°
    - copy_note:
        - '1 leaf only, A4 of Winterteil'
      country_code: GB
      holding_institution_id: CambridgeUL
      holding_institution_name: Cambridge UL
    - copy_note:
        - I) (-
      country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: Harv(F)L
      holding_institution_name: 'Harvard Univ., Fogg Art Museum'
    - copy_note:
        - I) (-
      country_code: US
      holding_institution_id: NewL
      holding_institution_name: The Newberry Library
    - country_code: DK
      holding_institution_id: CopenhRL
      holding_institution_name: Copenhagen RL
    - copy_note:
        - 2 leaves
      country_code: RU
      holding_institution_id: MoscowSL
      holding_institution_name: Moscow SL
    - country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: BerlinSB
      holding_institution_name: Berlin SB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: GoettingenSUB
      holding_institution_name: Göttingen SUB
    - copy_note:
        - '3, imperfect'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: HildesheimDomB
      holding_institution_name: Hildesheim DomB
    - copy_note:
        - '2 leaves only, GM-Ink.859a+b'
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: MainzGM
      holding_institution_name: Mainz GM/StB
    - copy_note:
        - imperfect
      country_code: DE
      holding_institution_id: WolfenbuettelHAB
      holding_institution_name: Wolfenbüttel HAB
  id_assigned_by: Uk-IS
    - geo_info:
        - geonames_id: 2874545
          imprint_country_code: DE
          lat: 52.13
          lon: 11.64
      imprint_date: 7 Mar. 1487
      imprint_name: 'Simon Koch]'
      imprint_place: '[Magdeburg'
    - imprint_date: 'about 1485]'
      imprint_name: Matthaeus Brandis
      imprint_place: '[Lübeck'
  language_of_item: ger
    - Assigned to Lübeck in Goff (from Reichling's description of an incomplete copy)
    - reference_location_in_source: J172
      reference_name: Goff
    - reference_location_in_source: 9989
      reference_name: H
    - reference_location_in_source: 1110
      reference_name: R
    - reference_location_in_source: 118
      reference_name: Borchling & Claussen
    - reference_location_in_source: 4322
      reference_name: Schr
    - reference_location_in_source: 2202
      reference_name: Madsen
    - reference_location_in_source: 'I,I 430, I,II 143, II,II 271'
      reference_name: Ernst(Hildesheim)
    - reference_location_in_source: '1467 = 1494,3'
      reference_name: Voull(B)
    - reference_location_in_source: 1479
      reference_name: Borm
    - reference_location_in_source: 1041
      reference_name: Kind(Göttingen)
    - reference_location_in_source: 977
      reference_name: Walsh
    - reference_location_in_source: 1226
      reference_name: Oates
    - reference_location_in_source: M11513
      reference_name: GW
    - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin'
      resource_type: digital
  title: 'Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Low German] Dat duytsche Passionael'
  date_of_cataloguing: 800611
    - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-06-30T09:17:22
    - timestamp: 2022-06-30T09:24:01
    - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z