NotesWoodcuts. Shares typesetting with Vérard's Grandes Heures Royales of Paris and of Poitiers except in Hours of the Virgin, where adjustments are made for local use (BMC VIII)
FranceParis, Musée de Cluny, Musée national du Moyen Âge (Inv. Cl. 1248)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IB.41119) (Imperfect, wanting the first two leaves, leaf 151 (F3) and the last five leaves)
United States of AmericaNew York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Prints
Number of holding institutions3
Last Edit2024-12-17 17:27:00
Copies in MEI
Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI)
is an external database which provides copy-specific information on some of the copies listed in ISTC.
NotesWoodcuts. Shares typesetting with Vérard's Grandes Heures Royales of Paris and of Poitiers except in Hours of the Virgin, where adjustments are made for local use (BMC VIII)
FranceParis, Musée de Cluny, Musée national du Moyen Âge (Inv. Cl. 1248)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IB.41119) (Imperfect, wanting the first two leaves, leaf 151 (F3) and the last five leaves)
United States of AmericaNew York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Prints
Number of holding institutions3
Last Edit2024-12-17 17:27:00
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